CPL @1094 (99.6%) on 31-dec-2017 [ "_ DDD( a )(" "Security pursuant to _" "_ DDD(d )(" "duty under _" "actions brought under _" "provisions of _" "_ DDD( d )(" "action pursuant to _" "pursuant to _" "court pursuant to _" "district court pursuant to _" "action brought under _" "decision pursuant to _" "judicial review pursuant to _" "rights under _" "Court pursuant to _" "County violated _" "review pursuant to _" ] using n42_u_s_c___
CMC @1108 (100.0%) on 06-jun-2018 [ POS=CD 1.96064 WORDSHAPE=AxAxAx 1.88860 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=AxAxAx 1.88606 SUFFIX=.c. 1.37769 SUFFIX=c. 1.35207 LAST_WORD=§ 1.27687 WORDSHAPE=00 0.71789 CHARS -0.80657 WORDS -1.28133 ] using n42_u_s_c___