CMC @1112 (100.0%) on 19-jul-2018 [ SUFFIX=ct 5.53160 PREFIX=ac 5.08175 LAST_WORD=act 4.61328 LASTSUFFIX=ct 3.28804 LASTPREFIX=ac 2.54002 SUFFIX=ent 1.09776 SUFFIX=nt 0.61096 CHARS -1.29479 FULL_WORDSHAPE=Aa_Aa -1.34558 WORDS -1.39112 ] using patent_act
CPL @1111 (86.3%) on 25-jun-2018 [ "statutes such as _" "registration under _" "Various provisions of _" "new amendment to _" "_ has specific provisions" "other statutes , such as _" "case arises under _" "rulemaking authority under _" "former provisions of _" "provisions of _" "body established under _" "obligation under _" "U.S. Congress adopted _" "Court’s interpretation of _" "new law amends _" "more provisions of _" "other provisions of _" "remedies provided under _" "scrutiny under _" "action under _" "other provision of _" "personal liability under _" "_ provides that failure" "contravention of _" "use exemption of _" "authority under _" "law amends _" "injunctions under _" "patentability under _" "recent amendments to _" "relevant provision of _" "related provisions of _" "_ permits a court" "permissible interpretation of _" "second amendment to _" "rights conferred under _" "requirements pursuant to _" "procedural provisions of _" "powers under _" "statutory right under _" "infringement under _" "Amendments to _" "federal statutes such as _" "subject matter under _" "rules violate _" "patent protection under _" "remedy under _" "patentable subject matter under _" "disputes arising under _" "drafters of _" "remedies available under _" "Act amends _" "claim under _" "lawsuits under _" "significance under _" "relief under _" "actions brought under _" "duty under _" "express language of _" "application made under _" "various provisions of _" "statutes , such as _" "litigation under _" "_ provides criminal penalties" "Amendments of _" "fees under _" "claims under _" "statutory obligation under _" "private actions under _" "_ imposes liability" "legislative history of _" "justification under _" "licensee under _" "_ provides penalties" "claims arising under _" "rules made under _" "rights guaranteed by _" "damages under _" "proceedings under _" "Supreme Court’s interpretation of _" "Congress enacted _" "proceedings pursuant to _" "_ authorizes the Board" "proceeding under _" "jurisdiction under _" "_ does not preempt state law" "criteria set forth in _" "interests arising under _" "jurisdiction conferred by _" "Recent amendments to _" "Congress amends _" "rights under _" "relevant provision in _" "protection granted under _" "injunctive relief under _" "other requirements under _" "Congress passed _" "remedies under _" "extent permitted by _" "_ does not provide a right" "available pursuant to _" "government amended _" "public disclosure under _" "pursuant to _" "disclosure under _" "jurisdiction pursuant to _" "suits brought under _" "limitations set forth in _" "validity under _" "Congress amended _" "additional protection under _" "federal government amended _" ] using patent_act