OE @808 (100.0%) on 29-jan-2014 [ ] using personal_information_protection_and_electronic_documents_act
CPL @1104 (94.2%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "regulations made under _" "legislation is known as _" "law , known as _" "Act amendments to _" "provisions of _" "disclosure provisions of _" "requirements set forth in _" "request pursuant to _" "powers under _" "privacy policy is compliant with _" "remedy under _" "technical compliance with _" "exemptions under _" "protections under _" "practices violate _" "federal government passed _" "Parliament passed _" "applicable provisions of _" "Principles under _" "Proposed amendments to _" "privacy laws including _" "federal government enacted _" "policy pursuant to _" "_ governs the collection" "privacy obligations under _" "certain exceptions under _" "We are compliant with _" "contravention of _" "various provisions of _" "federal law known as _" "privacy under _" "provisions set forth in _" "federal legislation called _" "certain protections under _" "authority under _" "legislation is called _" "privacy laws , including _" "obligations under _" "numerous violations of _" "policy is compliant with _" "privacy laws such as _" "pursuant to _" "Inc. adheres to _" "privacy laws , such as _" "rights under _" "discretion under _" "certain exemptions under _" "law pursuant to _" "Amendments to _" "extent provided for in _" "hearing pursuant to _" "decision under _" "provisions prescribed in _" "protection legislation , including _" "privacy rights under _" "law called _" "likely violates _" "privacy provisions of _" "information is protected under _" "policy violates _" "privacy rules under _" ] using personal_information_protection_and_electronic_documents_act