prior_act (politicsbill)
literal strings: prior Act , prior act
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politicsbill (100.0%)LE @1057 (100.0%) on 13-may-2017 CMC @1055 (99.9%) on 03-may-2017 [ SUFFIX=ct 3.55227 LAST_WORD=act 3.14354 PREFIX=ac 3.06164 LASTSUFFIX=ct 2.57152 LASTPREFIX=ac 2.01372 PREFIX=pr 0.56944 WORDSHAPE=aaa 0.44847 FULL_WORDSHAPE=a_a -0.78144 WORDSHAPE=aaaaa -1.39815 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a -1.74856 ] using prior_act CPL @1100 (94.4%) on 30-jan-2018 [ "_ does not affect any rights" "provisions of _" "liens under _" "registration issued under _" "bill amends _" ] using prior_act