CPL @1096 (97.2%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "pursuant to _" "covenant contained in _" "coverage required under _" "assets pursuant to _" "Nothing contained in _" "infringement under _" "law pursuant to _" "authority under _" "report referred to in _" "fee specified in _" "manner provided in _" "first sentence of _" "last sentence of _" "Members pursuant to _" "rights under _" "provisions of _" "period set forth in _" "methods discussed in _" "obligations under _" "Parent pursuant to _" "registration pursuant to _" "meaning set forth in _" ] using section_12_2
CMC @1097 (100.0%) on 19-jan-2018 [ PREFIX=sec 1.94706 PREFIX=secti 1.86395 PREFIX=sect 1.84648 SUFFIX=tion 1.81068 POS=CD 1.59866 FULL_POS=NN_CD 1.37537 SUFFIX=ction 1.25898 POS=NN -0.52161 CHARS -0.73403 WORDS -0.75542 ] using section_12_2