CMC @1111 (100.0%) on 25-jun-2018 [ PREFIX=secti 2.71231 PREFIX=sec 2.46227 SUFFIX=tion 2.26633 POS=CD 2.10991 FIRST_WORD=section 1.78645 PREFIX=sect 1.68568 SUFFIX=ion 1.33682 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a -0.43395 CHARS -0.60934 WORDS -2.20886 ] using section_13_2
CPL @1109 (87.7%) on 12-jun-2018 [ "provisions of _" "public hearing pursuant to _" "procedures set forth in _" "insurance required under _" "period set forth in _" "assets pursuant to _" "foregoing provisions of _" "resolution pursuant to _" "consent required by _" "Landlord pursuant to _" "obligation under _" "Company pursuant to _" "Property pursuant to _" "Servicer pursuant to _" "Agreement are defined in _" "obligations set forth in _" "termination under _" "manner provided in _" "Directors pursuant to _" "indemnification pursuant to _" "other provisions of _" "Agreement pursuant to _" "Notes pursuant to _" "Other interfaces listed in _" "hearing pursuant to _" "indemnification under _" "pursuant to _" "limitations set forth in _" "Committee pursuant to _" ] using section_13_2