CMC @1104 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ PREFIX=secti 2.78525 SUFFIX=tion 2.40948 POS=CD 2.04044 PREFIX=sec 2.01331 PREFIX=sect 1.81148 FIRST_WORD=section 1.73688 SUFFIX=ion 1.69965 WORDS -0.58583 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a -0.60820 FULL_WORDSHAPE=a_0 -0.63392 ] using section_15
CPL @1103 (94.4%) on 08-mar-2018 [ "declaration under _" "statement under _" "offences under _" "other amendments to _" "obligations as set forth in _" "notice provisions set forth in _" "rights under _" "limited license in _" "obligation under _" "limitations contained in _" "obligations under _" "southwest quarter of _" "terms set forth in _" "termination pursuant to _" "Agreement pursuant to _" "Amendments to _" "third sentence of _" "proceedings are governed by _" "provisions of _" "rejection under _" "warranties set forth in _" "Website pursuant to _" "adjustment pursuant to _" "assignee under _" "application filed under _" "decision under _" "provisions set forth in _" "appropriate pursuant to _" "_ enables the Secretary" "claim covered by _" "rights set forth in _" "courts under _" "arbitration under _" "arbitration pursuant to _" "Act violates _" "discrimination under _" "requirements set forth in _" "covenants contained in _" "powers under _" "_ prohibits the State" "grounds listed in _" "case pursuant to _" "manner specified in _" "actions pursuant to _" "challenge under _" "third paragraph of _" "Information in _" "proceeding under _" "Plan pursuant to _" "proposal amends _" "action under _" "notification under _" "pursuant to _" "other provision of _" "credit pursuant to _" "fourth paragraphs of _" "arbitration provisions of _" "Service pursuant to _" "system violated _" "procedures set forth in _" "qualifications set forth in _" "period described in _" "second sentence of _" "reporting requirements under _" "restriction set forth in _" "exceptions provided in _" "manner provided for in _" "petitions under _" "payable pursuant to _" "proceedings under _" "cases arising under _" "Nothing contained in _" "recoverable under _" "amounts payable pursuant to _" "sixth paragraph of _" "claim under _" "permit under _" "address set forth in _" "regulations made under _" "provisions are contained in _" "penalties set forth in _" "jurisdiction under _" "northeast quarter of _" "limitations set forth in _" "Act violated _" "second paragraph of _" "tax under _" "insurance required under _" "Site pursuant to _" "offence under _" "Participant pursuant to _" "access provisions of _" "terms defined in _" "indemnification under _" "proviso to _" "criteria set forth in _" "limited license set forth in _" "first sentence of _" "proceedings pursuant to _" "property pursuant to _" "license set forth in _" "circumstances referred to in _" "manner provided in _" "southeast quarter of _" ] using section_15