CMC @1112 (100.0%) on 19-jul-2018 [ SUFFIX=tion 4.59064 FIRST_WORD=section 3.73222 PREFIX=secti 3.34118 PREFIX=sec 3.11049 FULL_POS=NN_CD 2.34335 POS=CD 2.16729 PREFIX=sect 1.72549 FULL_WORDSHAPE=a_0 -1.37679 CHARS -1.74797 WORDS -2.08668 ] using section_2
CPL @1111 (87.0%) on 25-jun-2018 [ "obligations set forth in _" "rights described in _" "circumstances specified in _" "assessment referred to in _" "meaning set forth in _" "text described in _" "notices pursuant to _" "statement described in _" "appeal under _" "limitations set forth in _" "rights granted under _" "criteria prescribed in _" "benefit described in _" "conduct violates _" "fee under _" "agreement described in _" "address set forth in _" "first clause of _" "third sentences of _" "Company contained in _" "prosecution under _" "payments due under _" "hearing under _" "period set forth in _" "payments set forth in _" "extent provided in _" "covenants contained in _" "indemnified party under _" "fund created in _" "eligibility requirements set forth in _" "Partner pursuant to _" "License granted in _" "message described in _" "Canada pursuant to _" "_ requires state agencies" "_ authorizes the President" "educational purposes under _" "reasons discussed in _" "restrictions set forth in _" "exemptions under _" "consent provisions of _" "grounds mentioned in _" "meanings set forth in _" "Software pursuant to _" "licenses granted under _" "rights granted in _" "prohibitions set forth in _" "payments pursuant to _" "term set forth in _" "amounts due pursuant to _" "service set forth in _" "Information in _" "second sentence of _" "notice required by _" "Notes pursuant to _" "conduct set forth in _" "period provided for in _" "actions as set forth in _" "impeachment under _" "notification pursuant to _" "election under _" "system violates _" "fee described in _" "benefits specified in _" "right pursuant to _" "_ enables the Secretary" "applicant under _" "punitive damages under _" "time period prescribed in _" "meaning specified in _" "authority pursuant to _" "use specified in _" "rights specified in _" "procedures set forth in _" "statutory language of _" "Shares pursuant to _" "privilege under _" "remedies provided in _" "purposes referred to in _" "congressional authority under _" "complaint pursuant to _" "powers under _" "manner prescribed in _" "action exists under _" "tax imposed by _" "speech is protected by _" "exercisable pursuant to _" "fee set forth in _" "Information pursuant to _" "Servicer pursuant to _" "committee provided for in _" "action taken under _" "obligations under _" "limitations contained in _" "claims under _" "terms are defined under _" "Court has interpreted _" "respective obligations under _" "proceedings under _" "requirement set forth in _" "information requested under _" "order made under _" "purposes identified in _" "rights set forth in _" "payment provided for in _" "organizations referred to in _" "_ sets forth the requirements" "_ sets forth the circumstances" "subparagraphs of _" "employer violated _" "Company pursuant to _" "trade practices under _" "Sub contained in _" "period established in _" "registration statement under _" "requirements set forth in _" "obligations as set forth in _" "other amendments to _" "Society pursuant to _" "third paragraph of _" "plan violated _" "other provisions of _" "cases arising under _" "manner specified in _" "such terms are defined in _" "legend specified in _" "duties described in _" "purposes specified in _" "petition filed under _" "manner provided for in _" "limited licenses set forth in _" "dispute under _" "duties prescribed in _" "restrictions described in _" "_ gives Congress" "cause pursuant to _" "license granted under _" "purposes outlined in _" "responsibilities specified in _" "Note pursuant to _" "southeast quarter of _" "_ authorizes states" "agreements contained in _" "usage set forth in _" "licenses described in _" "initiative violates _" "compensation set forth in _" "courts under _" "notice under _" "time period set forth in _" "hearing provided for in _" "protections under _" "Microsoft violated _" "limited license granted in _" "payments described in _" "periods specified in _" "period described in _" "provision set forth in _" "indemnification under _" "compensation pursuant to _" "Mortgage Loan pursuant to _" "action under _" "southwest quarter of _" "provisions of _" "_ directs the Board" "license grant in _" "license rights granted in _" "definitions contained in _" "_ guarantees freedom" "provisions set forth in _" "scheme violates _" "_ requires the Governor" "warranties contained in _" "recommendation under _" "amount described in _" "purposes provided in _" "notice required under _" "fees pursuant to _" "further defined in _" "other provision of _" "Loan pursuant to _" "Program pursuant to _" "Executive pursuant to _" "effective pursuant to _" "_ creates offences" "law violates _" "exceptions outlined in _" "jurisdiction under _" "_ prohibits states" "manner provided in _" "Plan pursuant to _" "Purchaser pursuant to _" "district pursuant to _" "Clause of _" "Price pursuant to _" "licenses set forth in _" "requirements established in _" "damages under _" "manner set forth in _" "permissible construction of _" "license rights granted under _" "offenses under _" "compensation described in _" "registration pursuant to _" "investigation pursuant to _" "legislation violated _" "duties set forth in _" "Customer pursuant to _" "confidentiality provisions of _" "Buyer pursuant to _" "warranties set forth in _" "pursuant to _" "_ prohibits the state" "_ is hereby amended by" "_ presents findings" "covenants set forth in _" "rights provided in _" "similar provision in _" "statement under _" "facility described in _" "action pursuant to _" "claim under _" "escrow pursuant to _" "amounts payable under _" "amendment under _" "release set forth in _" "proviso to _" "return pursuant to _" "scrutiny under _" "petition under _" "limitations provided in _" "other clauses of _" "penalty provided in _" "representation described in _" "obligations pursuant to _" "clause of _" "purpose stated in _" "information referred to in _" "freedoms guaranteed under _" "Nothing contained in _" "Agreement referred to in _" "terms defined in _" "due pursuant to _" "Account pursuant to _" "licenses granted in _" "_ authorizes the Secretary" "authority under _" "Court had interpreted _" "terms set forth in _" "public nuisance under _" "Materials pursuant to _" "power referred to in _" "last sentence of _" "manner provided under _" "Notwithstanding anything in _" "northeast quarter of _" "payments required under _" "pension under _" "purpose described in _" "indemnification pursuant to _" "subparagraph of _" "powers conferred by _" "responsible pursuant to _" "purposes described in _" "rights under _" "relevant provision in _" "indemnification provided by _" "_ does not require the State" "purposes set forth in _" "benefits set forth in _" "definitions set forth in _" "available pursuant to _" "dilution under _" "Board pursuant to _" "it is permitted under _" "restrictions stated in _" "second paragraph of _" "Agreement described in _" "representative pursuant to _" "persons described in _" "purpose set forth in _" "investigation referred to in _" "license granted in _" "period prescribed in _" "expansive interpretation of _" "licence granted under _" "Agreement pursuant to _" "Advance pursuant to _" "offering pursuant to _" "foregoing provisions of _" "first sentence of _" "notice procedures set forth in _" "criteria set forth in _" "obligation under _" "User pursuant to _" "Master Servicer pursuant to _" "offence under _" ] using section_2