CPL @1098 (98.9%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "Court interpreted _" "bill amends _" "order pursuant to _" "payable pursuant to _" "pursuant to _" "obligations set forth in _" "prosecution under _" "meaning set forth in _" "_ d )( i" "disclosure under _" "proviso to _" "period provided in _" "warranty set forth in _" "contravention of _" "session pursuant to _" "exemption under _" "se violation of _" "registration pursuant to _" "termination pursuant to _" "provisions of _" "independent violation of _" "Company pursuant to _" "violative of _" "proceedings under _" "practice pursuant to _" "decision pursuant to _" "_ d )(" "action under _" "labor practice under _" "committed numerous violations of _" "alleged violation of _" "rights under _" "scrutiny under _" "regulations implementing _" "practice violates _" "enforcement action pursuant to _" "Commission pursuant to _" "legend set forth in _" "assistance pursuant to _" "employment pursuant to _" "Fund pursuant to _" "limitations set forth in _" "statements violate _" "employer violates _" "Orders under _" "action pursuant to _" "statutory language of _" "last sentence of _" "consent pursuant to _" "indemnified pursuant to _" "_ d )( ii" "Amendments to _" "dispute under _" "(violation of _" "manner set forth in _" "rights set forth in _" "numerous violations of _" "_ d )( iii" "conditions as set forth in _" "request under _" "unfair labor practice under _" ] using section_8_