CPL @1104 (99.1%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "report required under _" "law pursuant to _" "reports required under _" "payments required under _" "effect specified in _" "Partner pursuant to _" "notice given under _" "pursuant to _" "covenants contained in _" "indemnification under _" "manner provided in _" "covenants set forth in _" "obligations set forth in _" "provisions of _" "restrictions set forth in _" "Account pursuant to _" ] using section_8_10
CMC @1105 (100.0%) on 25-mar-2018 [ PREFIX=secti 2.70346 PREFIX=sec 2.57879 POS=CD 2.54961 PREFIX=sect 1.82888 SUFFIX=tion 1.55014 FIRST_WORD=section 1.49148 SUFFIX=ction 1.44226 WORDS -0.64781 WORDSHAPE=Aaaaaaa -0.82263 CHARS -1.05283 ] using section_8_10