CPL @1096 (98.5%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "hearing under _" "public disclosure under _" "regulations made under _" "recent amendments to _" "civil liability under _" "limitation under _" "litigation brought under _" "obligation under _" "applicable provisions of _" "willful violations of _" "Congress passed _" "absent registration under _" "liabilities arising under _" "case arising under _" "persons registered under _" "things , amend _" "broad powers under _" "notices required under _" "defendants violated _" "statements filed under _" "protections under _" "provisions under _" "anti-fraud provision of _" "disclosure requirements under _" "circumstances contemplated by _" "_ authorizes the Commission" "material violation of _" "registration requirements of _" "exemption provisions of _" "document pursuant to _" "filings required under _" "applicable pursuant to _" "exemption under _" "claims brought under _" "Company violated _" "contravention of _" "statement under _" "term is defined in _" "Congress enacted _" "offences under _" "motion under _" "purposes contemplated by _" "exemption contained in _" "registration statement filed under _" "guarantee under _" "documents pursuant to _" "S-D under _" "securities registered under _" "registration pursuant to _" "fiduciary responsibilities under _" "fraud provisions of _" "federal laws , including _" "Commission pursuant to _" "requirements mandated under _" "conviction under _" "action under _" "exemptions under _" "class action under _" "custodian under _" "exemptive authority under _" "federal claims under _" "Statement pursuant to _" "administrative proceedings under _" "additional violations of _" "alleged violations of _" "liabilities under _" "harbor provisions of _" "Date pursuant to _" "regulations issued under _" "fines under _" "body established under _" "party violated _" "such term is defined under _" "terms are defined under _" "it amended _" "U.S. Congress adopted _" "Proposed amendments to _" "cases arising under _" "criminal proceedings under _" "restrictions imposed under _" "equity securities registered under _" "statement required under _" "company registered under _" "matters arising under _" "remedial purposes of _" "relief under _" "Act also amends _" "period pursuant to _" "safe harbor provisions of _" "Shares have not been registered under _" "following provisions of _" "anti-fraud provisions of _" "registration provision of _" "applications made under _" "they are registered under _" "trading provisions of _" "safe harbor under _" "statutory duty under _" "reporting obligations under _" "other provisions of _" "exemptions provided under _" "Company pursuant to _" "term is defined under _" "case brought under _" "securities have not been registered under _" "such term is defined in _" "provisions of _" "Bill amends _" "statutes such as _" "rights under _" "registration statements filed under _" "effective pursuant to _" "disclosure obligations under _" "substantive rights under _" "sanction under _" "Shares pursuant to _" "registration provisions of _" "public pursuant to _" "decision under _" "status pursuant to _" "_ prohibits the making" "pursuant to _" "damages under _" "Congress has amended _" "remedies under _" "Exchange Commission pursuant to _" "claim under _" "Act amending _" "claims under _" "duty under _" "issuers under _" "antifraud provisions of _" "qualification under _" "statements filed pursuant to _" "other things , amend _" "investigation pursuant to _" "criminal violations of _" "issues arising under _" "civil penalties under _" "it violated _" "_ provides an exemption" "suspected breaches of _" "SEC pursuant to _" "liability arising under _" "Act amends _" "disclosure under _" "numerous violations of _" "independent body established under _" "fees under _" "filing under _" "express provisions of _" "a)D of _" "limitations under _" "agency violated _" "class actions under _" "conclusion under _" "reporting requirements under _" "regulations promulgated under _" "federal regulation under _" "procedural requirements of _" "registration requirements under _" "potential liability under _" "pertinent provisions of _" "rules made under _" "protections afforded by _" "rules adopted under _" "powers under _" "jurisdiction under _" "clear violation of _" "_ imposes liability" "Obligations under _" "vigorous enforcement of _" "drafters of _" "recent legislation , such as _" "powers conferred by _" "penalties provided in _" "certain other provisions of _" "mandatory provisions of _" "material compliance with _" "criminal charges under _" "exempt status under _" "prospectus delivery requirements of _" "consent is required under _" "mandate under _" "Respondents violated _" "offence under _" "rights afforded by _" "proceedings under _" "broker under _" "disclosure provisions of _" "Form S-D under _" "statement pursuant to _" "civil liability provisions of _" "criminal offense under _" "term is defined by _" "claim arising under _" "companies registered under _" "persons licensed under _" "_ prohibits a person" "equity securities under _" "further violations of _" "rules promulgated under _" "effective registration statement under _" "activities violated _" "such terms are defined in _" "Rights under _" "authority under _" "registration statement pursuant to _" "certain liabilities under _" "public companies under _" "proceeding under _" "requirements provided for in _" "policies underlying _" "regulations under _" "registration contained in _" "statutory damages under _" "guarantees under _" "exemptions contained in _" "future violations of _" "claims arising under _" "claims pursuant to _" "other requirements under _" "obligations under _" "legislative purpose of _" "registration under _" "prosecution under _" "legislative amendments to _" "fees paid under _" "litigation under _" "statement filed under _" "registration statement under _" "_ prohibits the states" "notes have not been registered under _" "liability provisions of _" "legislative history of _" "prohibitions under _" "action brought under _" "action arises under _" "_ requires the commission" "enforcement powers under _" "periodic reports under _" "bill amends _" "licensee under _" "filings under _" ] using securities_act
SEAL @505 (96.9%) on 08-feb-2012 [ 12345 ] using securities_act
CMC @533 (99.9%) on 17-mar-2012 [ PREFIX=ac 2.52282 SUFFIX=ct 2.44661 LAST_WORD=act 2.21017 LASTSUFFIX=ct 2.14903 LASTPREFIX=ac 1.81031 PREFIX=sec 0.89108 PREFIX=se 0.76268 WORDS -0.85157 FULL_WORDSHAPE=Aa_Aa -0.94478 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a -1.14112 ] using securities_act
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1094 (99.2%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 V of arg2" "arg1 XV of arg2" "arg1 VI of arg2" "arg1 XVIII of arg2" "arg1 VII of arg2" "arg1 XI of arg2" "arg1 II of arg2" ] using (part, securities_act)