CMC @182 (100.0%) on 04-jan-2011 [ PREFIX=ac 3.78423 SUFFIX=ct 3.66992 LAST_WORD=act 3.31525 LASTSUFFIX=ct 3.22354 LASTPREFIX=ac 2.71546 SUFFIX=de 0.96004 WORDSHAPE=Aaa 0.51037 WORDS -1.27736 POS=NN -1.45653 FULL_POS=NN_NN -1.54937 ] using trade_act
SEAL @192 (51.3%) on 24-jan-2011 [ 1 ] using trade_act
CPL @1108 (90.4%) on 06-jun-2018 [ "proposed amendment to _" "authority granted under _" "Congress mandated by _" "Congress passed _" "clause of _" "period provided under _" "provisions of _" "reauthorization of _" "George W. Bush signed _" "Act amends _" "onerous provisions of _" "_ gives Congress" "Department violated _" "Bush signed _" "benefit provisions of _" "recent passage of _" "program established under _" "President George W. Bush signed _" "legislative history of _" "system established under _" "section DDD of _" "notice requirements under _" "U.S. Congress passed _" "exceptions set forth in _" "authority under _" "legislation amends _" "other provisions of _" "British government passed _" "assistance pursuant to _" "rights under _" "Act amended _" "agreement required under _" "procedures specified in _" "obligations under _" "waiver authority under _" "relief under _" "states pursuant to _" "programs authorized under _" "pursuant to _" "bill amends _" "permit pursuant to _" "provisions under _" "Orders under _" "_ also requires agencies" "tax credit under _" "agreement entered into under _" "W. Bush signed _" "criteria set forth in _" "Section DDD of _" "requirements set forth in _" ] using trade_act