CMC @1111 (100.0%) on 25-jun-2018 [ PREFIX=cod 3.97049 SUFFIX=ode 3.57382 LAST_WORD=code 2.59469 LASTPREFIX=cod 2.48870 LASTSUFFIX=ode 1.81633 WORDSHAPE=AxAx 1.21150 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=AxAx 1.17981 PREFIX=ba -0.86933 CHARS -1.01556 WORDS -2.65063 ] using u_s__bankruptcy_code
CPL @1109 (88.0%) on 12-jun-2018 [ "other provisions of _" "_ also prohibits discrimination" "_ prevents the government" "creditor under _" "claims under _" "protections afforded by _" "_ governs the process" "Congress enacted _" "proceeding under _" "claim under _" "automatic stay provisions of _" "remedies available under _" "you are entitled to under _" "Act also amends _" "recent amendments to _" "requirements mandated under _" "remedy under _" "proceedings under _" "time frame specified in _" "stay provisions of _" "legal protection under _" "bankruptcy relief under _" "action under _" "disclosures required under _" "secured creditor under _" "pursuant to _" "practices violate _" "federal protection under _" "provisions of _" "requirements set forth in _" "protections enshrined in _" "_ prohibits discriminatory practices" "rights under _" "automatic stay under _" "automatic stay provision of _" "filing under _" "relief under _" "creditors under _" "stay provision of _" ] using u_s__bankruptcy_code