CMC @895 (99.9%) on 10-jan-2015 [ SUFFIX=tion 1.58881 SUFFIX=ion 1.26267 SUFFIX=ution 1.25660 LASTSUFFIX=ution 1.17834 LAST_WORD=constitution 1.13906 LASTPREFIX=const 1.07060 PREFIX=const 0.93511 POS=NN -0.52082 CHARS -0.87571 WORDS -1.36572 ] using u_s__constitution
SEAL @827 (100.0%) on 30-mar-2014 [ 1 ] using u_s__constitution
CPL @1113 (84.6%) on 02-aug-2018 [ "eighth amendment to _" "government has violated _" "human rights enshrined in _" "powers granted in _" "freedoms granted by _" "fundamental rights guaranteed in _" "free speech guarantees of _" "Supreme Court interpretations of _" "CLAUSE of _" "fundamental rights guaranteed under _" "fourteenth amendment to _" "rights established under _" "_ provides a right" "double jeopardy under _" "free speech provisions of _" "_ prevents the government" "expression guaranteed by _" "protections afforded under _" "privacy provisions of _" "Court interpretation of _" "Supreme Court has interpreted _" "civil liberties enshrined in _" "constitutional rights under _" "decision violates _" "full rights under _" "_ prohibits torture" "protections offered under _" "privacy protected by _" "rights stated in _" "human life amendment to _" "immunities provided for in _" "_ limits the president" "expression protected under _" "freedoms guaranteed in _" "sentence violated _" "recent amendment to _" "right , guaranteed by _" "rights under _" "action pursuant to _" "due process protections of _" "guarantee contained in _" "religious freedom guaranteed by _" "punishment prohibited by _" "_ prohibits government" "_ banning gay marriages" "_ does not allow the government" "racial discrimination under _" "powers enumerated in _" "religion clauses of _" "fundamental right guaranteed by _" "expression under _" "rights provided for in _" "sixteenth amendment to _" "sovereign immunity under _" "speech was protected by _" "religion is guaranteed by _" "state law violated _" "use clause of _" "Due Process clause of _" "Certain provisions of _" "law violated _" "_ gives federal courts" "clause of _" "schools violates _" "liberties guaranteed in _" "defendant violated _" "expression guaranteed in _" "pursuant to _" "Supreme Court’s interpretation of _" "Sixth Amendments to _" "speech protections of _" "unconstitutional violation of _" "extent permitted under _" "inherent authority under _" "facie violation of _" "first amendment to _" "tax violated _" "values enshrined in _" "case violated _" "equality clause of _" "obligation under _" "public schools violates _" "substantive due process under _" "rights granted in _" "procedural requirements under _" "policy violates _" "process clause of _" "rights defined in _" "principle enshrined in _" "program violates _" "rights described in _" "_ prohibits the federal government" "_ prohibits the state" "_ trumps state law" "bank violated _" "terms set forth in _" "they ratified _" "interstate commerce under _" "guarantees enshrined in _" "freedom is guaranteed by _" "due process clause of _" "greater protection under _" "_ 's framers" "bill amends _" "Amendments to _" "freedoms enshrined in _" "_ guarantees religious freedom" "_ gives every American" "copyright clause of _" "multiple violations of _" "Key provisions of _" "Proper Clause of _" "life guaranteed by _" "_ prohibits the making" "activities protected under _" "Clauses of _" "City violated _" "interest protected by _" "fundamental rights protected by _" "_ defines the powers" "_ does not guarantee a right" "_ gives the federal government" "school board violated _" "confrontation clause of _" "statutes violated _" "liberties guaranteed by _" "following provisions of _" "full protection under _" "commerce clause of _" "_ prohibits the imposition" "convictions under _" "state law violates _" "_ has specific provisions" "_ enshrines the right" "matters pursuant to _" "issues arising under _" "law guaranteed by _" "_ banning same-sex marriage" "trial guaranteed by _" "fundamental right protected by _" "implications under _" "judgment under _" "validity under _" "state law is preempted by _" "_ prohibits payment" "serious questions under _" "seizure under _" "_ is the Supreme Law" "_ is not violated by" "corresponding provisions of _" "claim under _" "case law interpreting _" "conclusion under _" "_ guarantees citizens" "_ does not provide a right" "fair trial under _" "statute did not violate _" "_ provides an individual right" "system violated _" "Tenth Amendments to _" "rights protected under _" "rights provided in _" "rights mentioned in _" "party pursuant to _" "protections found in _" "protection provision of _" "similar provision in _" "opinions interpreting _" "_ banning gay marriage" "general welfare clause of _" "jurisdiction under _" "law called _" "right is guaranteed by _" "procedures established in _" "establishment clause of _" "Process Clauses of _" "Due Process Clauses of _" "Supreme Court violated _" "patentability under _" "principles enshrined in _" "treatment contrary to _" "speech protected by _" "search violated _" "rights granted under _" "prima facie violation of _" "regulations violate _" "legal challenges under _" "liberty interest under _" "Fourteenth Amendments of _" "rights recognized in _" "powers clause of _" "right granted in _" "protection rights under _" "protection guarantee of _" "protections afforded by _" "_ forbids the government" "Proposed Amendments to _" "balanced budget amendment to _" "_ requires the president" "first sentence of _" "_ prevents Congress" "_ prohibiting slavery" "bill violates _" "program violated _" "_ 's Commerce Clause" "_ authorizes the President" "fifteenth amendment to _" "equal protection provision of _" "second amendment to _" "procedural protections of _" "_ banning marriage" "equality under _" "due process required by _" "protected activity under _" "procedure prescribed in _" "protected rights under _" "same rights under _" "case arises under _" "jeopardy clause of _" "fathers wrote _" "prosecution under _" "procedures required under _" "provision was included in _" "rights conferred under _" "protections guaranteed in _" "_ prohibits a person" "Fifteenth Amendments to _" "Congress violated _" "Board violated _" "_ 's Establishment Clause" "_ 's Framers" "_ does not require the State" "human rights protected by _" "liberties contained in _" "_ protects speech" "justification under _" "jury under _" "speech guaranteed under _" "religion guaranteed by _" "order violated _" "review under _" "certain protections under _" "other amendments to _" "welfare clause of _" "privacy rights under _" "Amendment violates _" "legal protection under _" "other clause of _" "_ guarantees every citizen" "_ expressly provides for" "free speech clause of _" "Act did not violate _" "life enshrined in _" "’ rights under _" "_ empowers the president" "basic rights guaranteed by _" "_ granting women" "civil liberties guaranteed by _" "rights guaranteed under _" "equal-protection clause of _" "contract clause of _" "free speech rights under _" "_ does not authorize Congress" "_ guarantees freedom" "_ is not a suicide pact" "_ permits a state" "federal statutes , including _" "_ defining marriage" "activity protected by _" "analogous provisions of _" "ban violates _" "new amendment to _" "judicial interpretation of _" "marriage amendment to _" "activities protected by _" "speech clause of _" "_ requiring a balanced federal budget" "Proposed amendment to _" "supremacy clause of _" "Commission violated _" "courts under _" "_ protects an individual right" "_ protects an individual" "provisions ofthe _" "use provision of _" "willful violation of _" "It is illegal under _" "_ guarantees a criminal defendant" "liberties embodied in _" "limitations set forth in _" "mandate violates _" "equal protection clause of _" "federal laws , including _" "initiative violates _" "_ requiring a balanced budget" "law pursuant to _" "_ prohibits the government" "defendants violated _" "civil rights guaranteed by _" "rules violated _" "State under _" "Fourteenth amendments to _" "_ confers a right" "free-speech rights under _" "freedoms guaranteed by _" "immunities secured by _" "rights are guaranteed by _" "process guaranteed by _" "rights guaranteed by _" "_ 's equal protection guarantee" "amendment violates _" "commerce clause in _" "crime defined in _" "double jeopardy clause of _" "_ 's establishment clause" "cases interpreting _" "Rights guaranteed by _" "rights expressed in _" "religion clause in _" "association guaranteed by _" "Act violated _" "_ prohibits the states" "_ protects the right" "obscure provision in _" "speech rights under _" "state violated _" "state ratified _" "_ does not prohibit states" "_ forbids states" "credit clause of _" "_ guarantees an individual right" "_ authorized Congress" "provisions violate _" "challenge under _" "enumerated powers in _" "process protections of _" "unusual punishment under _" "Act does not violate _" "Clause of _" "County violated _" "rights provided by _" "Act violates _" "matters not covered by _" "jury trial under _" "little-known provision in _" "values protected by _" "laws violate _" "obligations under _" "limitations contained in _" "discrimination under _" "controversies arising under _" "guarantees under _" "freedom enshrined in _" "freedoms guaranteed under _" "action violates _" "critical provisions of _" "legality under _" "speech guarantees of _" "rights , guaranteed by _" "due process guarantees of _" "_ protects a right" "other framers of _" "protection clause of _" "process clause in _" "plan violated _" "other provisions of _" "property interest under _" "fundamental rights enshrined in _" "_ authorizes the government" "Court has interpreted _" "expression guaranteed under _" "powers granted under _" "fundamental rights under _" "_ guarantees the right" "individual rights under _" "fourteenth amendment of _" "equal protection guarantee of _" "equal protection rights under _" "immunities clause of _" "reasonableness under _" "right enumerated in _" "statute does not violate _" "treason under _" "legislation violated _" "little known provision of _" "protections guaranteed by _" "further violations of _" "individual rights guaranteed by _" "ri" ] using u_s__constitution
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey