CMC @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ SUFFIX=ct 3.08269 PREFIX=ac 2.49003 LAST_WORD=act 2.44227 LASTSUFFIX=ct 1.53518 LASTPREFIX=ac 1.13658 WORDSHAPE=AxAx 0.58121 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=AxAx 0.55997 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=Aa -0.45803 WORDS -0.48311 CHARS -0.57597 ] using u_s__copyright_act
LE @1085 (100.0%) on 08-dec-2017
CPL @1100 (93.1%) on 30-jan-2018 [ "Clause of _" "Congress amended _" "alleged violation of _" "subject matter under _" "alleged violations of _" "_ generally gives the owner" "_ imposes liability" "Use doctrine of _" "notice provisions of _" "provisions of _" "legislative history of _" "damages under _" "use exemption of _" "site is protected under _" "termination under _" "they were preempted by _" "Use provisions of _" "rights under _" "infringement under _" "federal law , including _" "term is defined under _" "Fair Use provisions of _" "potential liability under _" "Use clause of _" "fair use provisions of _" "criminal offense under _" "clause of _" "extent permitted under _" "pursuant to _" "copyright infringement under _" "copyright protection under _" "licensing provisions of _" "provisions ofthe _" "exceptions provided in _" "CLAUSE of _" "Fair Use doctrine of _" "fair use under _" "damages provision of _" "federal laws , including _" "rights granted under _" "rights listed in _" "(violation of _" "remedies available under _" "fair use exemption of _" "Use provision of _" "seizure under _" "other relevant provisions of _" "fees under _" "Act amends _" "copyright owners under _" "clear violation of _" "fair use doctrine of _" "use doctrine of _" "Fair Use provision of _" "provi- sions of _" "rights provided under _" "extent permissible under _" "work protected under _" "likely violates _" "statutory damages under _" "provider pursuant to _" "rights arising under _" "absolute right under _" "other provisions of _" "use provision of _" "extraterritorial application of _" "use provisions of _" "protections under _" "fair use provision of _" "fair use section of _" "Fair Use clause of _" ] using u_s__copyright_act