CPL @1107 (79.7%) on 24-may-2018 [ "political humor at _" "_ is a hate site" "_ also wrote a story" "conservative blogs like _" "commenter over at _" "hate sites like _" "_ wrote a post yesterday" "_ also has the video" "_ 's Ed Morrissey" ] using hot_air
CMC @1103 (100.0%) on 08-mar-2018 [ LAST_WORD=air 7.13246 FIRST_WORD=hot 6.48174 SUFFIX=ot 6.13074 LASTPREFIX=ai 5.96177 LASTSUFFIX=ir 5.37278 PREFIX=ai 4.97057 SUFFIX=ir 4.44879 CHARS -1.62829 POS=JJ -1.65503 WORDS -4.48209 ] using hot_air
CPL @1096 (71.1%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "_ has the transcript" "_ is a hate site" "reaction over at _" "exchange over at _" "subject over at _" "commenters over at _" "_ has a roundup" "full story over at _" "_ has a great roundup" "blogpost at _" "_ also wrote a story" "_ has the full transcript" "_ has more analysis" "_ has a good roundup" "commenter over at _" "details over at _" "great post at _" "videos over at _" "_ has the video" "video over at _" "analysis over at _" "_ did a write-up" "_ has additional commentary" "_ has the breakdown" "more details over at _" ] using hot_air
SEAL @622 (71.7%) on 07-aug-2012 [ 123456789 ] using hot_air