CPL @1095 (99.4%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "Batchelor of _" "Baccalaureate of _" "D-year Bachelor of _" "Bachelors of _" "honorary doctor of _" "three-year Bachelor of _" "bachelor of _" "full Bachelor of _" "honorary Doctor of _" "Bachelor of _" "first Bachelor of _" "second Master of _" "honourary Doctor of _" ] using laws_degree
CMC @1098 (100.0%) on 21-jan-2018 [ CHARS 2.28042 PREFIX=la 2.26094 PREFIX=degre 2.10223 PREFIX=degr 2.10175 PREFIX=deg 2.10128 FULL_POS=NNS_NN 1.59383 SUFFIX=egree 1.35379 POS=NN -1.21871 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=Aa -2.33569 WORDS -5.46545 ] using laws_degree
CPL @1094 (80.9%) on 31-dec-2017 [ "Doctor of _" "undergraduate Bachelor of _" "Batchelor of _" "D-year Bachelor of _" "post-professional Master of _" "Bachelors of _" "honorary doctor of _" "joint Master of _" "Master of _" "Master in _" "honorary Doctor of _" "first Doctor of _" ] using laws_degree
MBL @1094 (99.6%) on 02-jan-2018 [ Promotion of academicfield:laws_degree academicprogramatuniversity university:college ]
CPL @1081 (99.6%) on 03-dec-2017 [ "arg1 from Elizabethtown arg2" "arg1 from Skidmore arg2" "arg1 from Flagler arg2" "arg1 from Roberts Wesleyan arg2" "arg1 from Smith arg2" "arg1 from Hillsdale arg2" "arg1 from Muhlenberg arg2" "arg1 from the Massachusetts arg2" ] using (laws_degree, college)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1081 (99.6%) on 03-dec-2017 [ "arg1 from Elizabethtown arg2" "arg1 from Skidmore arg2" "arg1 from Flagler arg2" "arg1 from Roberts Wesleyan arg2" "arg1 from Smith arg2" "arg1 from Hillsdale arg2" "arg1 from Muhlenberg arg2" "arg1 from the Massachusetts arg2" ] using (laws_degree, college)
CPL @1081 (99.6%) on 03-dec-2017 [ "arg1 from Elizabethtown arg2" "arg1 from Skidmore arg2" "arg1 from Flagler arg2" "arg1 from Roberts Wesleyan arg2" "arg1 from Smith arg2" "arg1 from Hillsdale arg2" "arg1 from Muhlenberg arg2" "arg1 from the Massachusetts arg2" ] using (laws_degree, college)
CPL @1081 (99.6%) on 03-dec-2017 [ "arg1 from Elizabethtown arg2" "arg1 from Skidmore arg2" "arg1 from Flagler arg2" "arg1 from Roberts Wesleyan arg2" "arg1 from Smith arg2" "arg1 from Hillsdale arg2" "arg1 from Muhlenberg arg2" "arg1 from the Massachusetts arg2" ] using (laws_degree, college)
CPL @1081 (99.6%) on 03-dec-2017 [ "arg1 from Elizabethtown arg2" "arg1 from Skidmore arg2" "arg1 from Flagler arg2" "arg1 from Roberts Wesleyan arg2" "arg1 from Smith arg2" "arg1 from Hillsdale arg2" "arg1 from Muhlenberg arg2" "arg1 from the Massachusetts arg2" ] using (laws_degree, college)
CPL @1081 (99.6%) on 03-dec-2017 [ "arg1 from Elizabethtown arg2" "arg1 from Skidmore arg2" "arg1 from Flagler arg2" "arg1 from Roberts Wesleyan arg2" "arg1 from Smith arg2" "arg1 from Hillsdale arg2" "arg1 from Muhlenberg arg2" "arg1 from the Massachusetts arg2" ] using (laws_degree, college)
CPL @1081 (99.6%) on 03-dec-2017 [ "arg1 from Elizabethtown arg2" "arg1 from Skidmore arg2" "arg1 from Flagler arg2" "arg1 from Roberts Wesleyan arg2" "arg1 from Smith arg2" "arg1 from Hillsdale arg2" "arg1 from Muhlenberg arg2" "arg1 from the Massachusetts arg2" ] using (laws_degree, college)
CPL @1081 (99.6%) on 03-dec-2017 [ "arg1 from Elizabethtown arg2" "arg1 from Skidmore arg2" "arg1 from Flagler arg2" "arg1 from Roberts Wesleyan arg2" "arg1 from Smith arg2" "arg1 from Hillsdale arg2" "arg1 from Muhlenberg arg2" "arg1 from the Massachusetts arg2" ] using (laws_degree, college)
CPL @1081 (99.6%) on 03-dec-2017 [ "arg1 from Elizabethtown arg2" "arg1 from Skidmore arg2" "arg1 from Flagler arg2" "arg1 from Roberts Wesleyan arg2" "arg1 from Smith arg2" "arg1 from Hillsdale arg2" "arg1 from Muhlenberg arg2" "arg1 from the Massachusetts arg2" ] using (laws_degree, college)
CPL @1081 (99.6%) on 03-dec-2017 [ "arg1 from Elizabethtown arg2" "arg1 from Skidmore arg2" "arg1 from Flagler arg2" "arg1 from Roberts Wesleyan arg2" "arg1 from Smith arg2" "arg1 from Hillsdale arg2" "arg1 from Muhlenberg arg2" "arg1 from the Massachusetts arg2" ] using (laws_degree, college)
CPL @1081 (99.6%) on 03-dec-2017 [ "arg1 from Elizabethtown arg2" "arg1 from Skidmore arg2" "arg1 from Flagler arg2" "arg1 from Roberts Wesleyan arg2" "arg1 from Smith arg2" "arg1 from Hillsdale arg2" "arg1 from Muhlenberg arg2" "arg1 from the Massachusetts arg2" ] using (laws_degree, college)
CPL @1081 (99.6%) on 03-dec-2017 [ "arg1 from Elizabethtown arg2" "arg1 from Skidmore arg2" "arg1 from Flagler arg2" "arg1 from Roberts Wesleyan arg2" "arg1 from Smith arg2" "arg1 from Hillsdale arg2" "arg1 from Muhlenberg arg2" "arg1 from the Massachusetts arg2" ] using (laws_degree, college)