CPL @1107 (61.4%) on 24-may-2018 [ "grassroots civil _" "workers , human _" "professionals , human _" "violence against human _" "women’s human _" "women human _" "rights activists , human _" "governance , human _" "grassroots human _" "work of human _" "civil rights , human _" "support of gay _" "reports of human _" "pressure from human _" "definition of civil _" "disability civil _" "women?s human _" "context of international human _" "roles of civil _" "career in human _" "intellectuals , human _" "defense of human _" "lawyers , human _" "persecution of human _" "addition , civil _" "arrest of human _" "student civil _" "coalition of human _" "students , human _" "legacy of civil _" "development , civil _" "office of human _" "supporters of human _" "repression against human _" "NGOs , human _" "activists , human _" "interviews with civil _" "charges against human _" "support for human _" "name of civil _" "society , civil _" "governments , human _" "role of civil _" "number of civil _" "media , human _" "leaders , human _" "attack on human _" "efforts of human _" "perspective of civil _" "lawyers , civil _" "group of civil _" ] using rights_activist
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1103 (75.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and Nobel Peace Prize recipient arg1" "arg2 and Nobel Peace Prize winner arg1" ] using (shirin_ebadi, rights_activist)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and Nobel Peace Prize winner arg1" "arg2 and Nobel Peace Prize recipient arg1" "arg2 and political dissident arg1" ] using (andrei_sakharov, rights_activist)