CPL @1094 (96.4%) on 31-dec-2017 [ "terms of civil _" "passage of civil _" "development , civil _" "labor , civil _" "changes in public _" "interests include public _" "issues such as universal _" "process , civil _" "debate on civil _" "justice , civil _" "governance , civil _" "immigration , public _" "emphasis on civil _" "model of civil _" "cause of civil _" "reform , universal _" "side of civil _" "favor of civil _" "issues of civil _" "outcomes of public _" "philosophy of public _" "reforms , civil _" "future of civil _" "progress of civil _" "record of civil _" "experience in human _" "arena of public _" "states , civil _" "resistance to civil _" "economy , civil _" "implementation of public _" "countries , civil _" "struggle for civil _" "advocate of civil _" "support for universal _" "interest in universal _" "program of clinical _" "aim of public _" "sectors , civil _" "role of civil _" "institutions , civil _" "decades of civil _" "expansion of civil _" "issues , civil _" "name of civil _" "issue of civil _" "impact of civil _" "prevention , public _" "sector in public _" "issues like civil _" "dedication to civil _" "area of foreign _" "forms of civil _" "human rights , civil _" "fight for civil _" "behalf of civil _" "focus on civil _" "approach to civil _" "plan for universal _" "nature of civil _" "elections , civil _" "security , civil _" "rights , civil _" "state of civil _" "work in civil _" "role in civil _" "system , civil _" "champion of civil _" "importance of civil _" "sector , civil _" "affairs , public _" "management , public _" "idea of civil _" "concept of civil _" "issues of public _" "supporter of civil _" "field of civil _" "promotion of civil _" "principles of public _" "progress in civil _" "practice of public _" "history of civil _" "importance of universal _" "work on civil _" "opposition to civil _" "support for civil _" "views on civil _" "policy , civil _" "women , civil _" "views of civil _" "workers , civil _" "involvement with civil _" "leader in civil _" "movements , civil _" "relations , civil _" "subject of civil _" "action , public _" "attacks against civil _" "understanding of civil _" "interest in civil _" "extension of civil _" "environment for civil _" "implementation of universal _" "principles of civil _" "it comes to civil _" "officials , civil _" "approaches to public _" "leaders , civil _" "reform , civil _" "level , civil _" "implications for civil _" "government , civil _" "degree of civil _" "challenges of public _" "education , civil _" "relations , public _" "issues such as civil _" "area of civil _" "need for civil _" "advocate for civil _" "aspects of civil _" "inclusion of civil _" "laws , civil _" "corruption , civil _" "areas of civil _" "commitment to civil _" ] using service_reform
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1108 (62.7%) on 06-jun-2018 [ "theory of civil _" "labor , civil _" "calls for civil _" "Years of civil _" "result of civil _" "cause of civil _" "reform , social _" "century , civil _" "start of civil _" "struggle for civil _" "call for civil _" "decades of civil _" "name of civil _" "issue of civil _" "impact of civil _" "problem of civil _" "human rights , civil _" "experience of civil _" "methods of civil _" "measures of civil _" "attempt at civil _" "rights , civil _" "state of civil _" "work in civil _" "idea of civil _" "history of civil _" "enemies of civil _" "principle of civil _" "extension of civil _" "principles of civil _" "study of civil _" "long period of civil _" "policy of civil _" "degree of civil _" "education , civil _" "period of civil _" "aspects of civil _" "kind of civil _" "question of civil _" "commitment to civil _" "time of civil _" ] using service_reform
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey