CPL @1103 (96.9%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Jobs introduced arg2" "arg1 Jobs said arg2" "arg1 Ballmer on arg2" "arg1 Jobs made arg2" "arg1 Jobs and his arg2" ] using (steve, phone)
CPL @1103 (96.9%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Jobs introduced arg2" "arg1 Jobs said arg2" "arg1 Ballmer on arg2" "arg1 Jobs made arg2" "arg1 Jobs and his arg2" ] using (steve, phone)
CPL @1103 (96.9%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Jobs introduced arg2" "arg1 Jobs said arg2" "arg1 Ballmer on arg2" "arg1 Jobs made arg2" "arg1 Jobs and his arg2" ] using (steve, phone)
CPL @1094 (99.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 the Customer Support arg1" "arg2 the Member Service arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" "arg2 the Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our Call arg1" "arg2 our Service arg1" "arg2 our Customer Services arg1" "arg2 our Member Service arg1" "arg2 the Customer Care arg1" ] using (centre, phone)
OE @803 (91.6%) on 13-jan-2014 [ ] using (details, phone)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 our sales team for more arg1" "arg2 the school for further arg1" "arg2 Michelle for more arg1" "arg2 the library for more arg1" "arg2 number and map arg1" "arg2 us for pricing arg1" "arg2 or fax for more arg1" "arg2 our office for further arg1" "arg2 our sales team for further arg1" "arg2 us with the relevant arg1" "arg2 us for more arg1" "arg2 us for prices and more arg1" "arg2 the centre for more arg1" "arg2 our office for more arg1" "arg2 the centre for further arg1" "arg2 the office for more arg1" "arg2 the gallery for more arg1" "arg2 Sarah for more arg1" "arg2 us using the contact arg1" "arg2 us for futher arg1" "arg2 us for further arg1" "arg2 calls from us with arg1" "arg2 the store for more arg1" "arg2 them for more arg1" "arg2 us direct for more arg1" "arg2 the hotel for further arg1" "arg2 the office for further arg1" ] using (details, phone)
CPL @1094 (99.6%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 our customer service arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" "arg2 your local police arg1" "arg2 the Public Works arg1" "arg2 our order arg1" "arg2 our sales arg1" "arg2 our Reservation arg1" "arg2 the Technical Support arg1" ] using (department, phone)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 us by email or by arg2" "arg1 the seller by arg2" "arg1 the Help Desk by arg2" "arg1 the firm by arg2" "arg1 the office by arg2" "arg1 us first by arg2" "arg1 this office by arg2" "arg1 us online or via arg2" "arg1 our sales team by arg2" "arg1 our sales team via arg2" "arg1 our offices by arg2" "arg1 us today by arg2" "arg1 us for more information via arg2" "arg1 Us To contact us by arg2" "arg1 our customer service department by arg2" "arg1 the store by arg2" "arg1 us today through arg2" "arg1 the Webmaster by arg2" "arg1 our staff by arg2" "arg1 us either by arg2" "arg1 us direct by arg2" "arg1 Us Contact us by arg2" "arg1 our customer service by arg2" "arg1 us anytime by arg2" "arg1 our office by email or arg2" "arg1 us via email or by arg2" "arg1 my office by arg2" "arg1 our firm by arg2" "arg1 us for more information by arg2" "arg1 the Library by arg2" "arg1 us directly via arg2" "arg1 Information Contact us by arg2" "arg1 us online or by arg2" "arg1 us by email or arg2" "arg1 our office via arg2" "arg1 Us page for complete arg2" "arg1 us by Email or arg2" "arg1 us by fax or arg2" "arg1 us anytime via arg2" "arg1 our office by arg2" "arg1 us directly by arg2" "arg1 us today online or by arg2" "arg1 our law firm by arg2" "arg1 us in person or by arg2" "arg1 us via Email or arg2" "arg1 us directly by email or arg2" "arg1 the law firm by arg2" "arg1 Us Please contact us by arg2" "arg1 our sales department by arg2" "arg1 us at any time by arg2" "arg1 the instructor via arg2" "arg1 us either via arg2" "arg1 us by mail or arg2" "arg1 us Please arg2" "arg1 the gallery by arg2" "arg1 our Customer Service Department by arg2" ] using (contact, phone)
OE @826 (100.0%) on 28-mar-2014 [ ] using (contact, phone)
CPL @1104 (99.2%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 releases Windows arg2" "arg1 Office and Windows arg2" "arg1 introduced Windows arg2" "arg1 has released Windows arg2" "arg1 announced that Windows arg2" "arg1 released Windows arg2" "arg1 launched Windows arg2" ] using (microsoft, phone)
CPL @1099 (50.0%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg2 operating system from arg1" ] using (microsoft_corp_, phone)
CPL @1094 (99.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 app and an Android arg2" "arg1 or other mobile arg2" "arg1 or HTC arg2" "arg1 and Windows mobile arg2" "arg1 or Windows mobile arg2" "arg1 or Windows Mobile arg2" "arg1 and BlackBerry arg2" "arg1 and Windows Mobile arg2" "arg1 or Symbian arg2" ] using (android, phone)
CPL @1103 (99.6%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Storm is the first arg2" "arg1 or Windows mobile arg2" "arg1 or other mobile arg2" "arg1 Browser on arg2" "arg1 Storm is a great arg2" "arg1 or Windows Mobile arg2" "arg1 or Symbian arg2" "arg1 or Android arg2" ] using (blackberry, phone)
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 or Android arg2" "arg1 or other mobile arg2" "arg1 or HTC arg2" "arg1 or similar mobile arg2" ] using (ipad, phone)
CPL @1104 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 or HTC arg2" "arg1 is the only mobile arg2" "arg1 or other mobile arg2" "arg1 and Windows Mobile arg2" "arg1 or other music arg2" "arg1 app or Android arg2" "arg1 or any other music arg2" "arg1 and Google Android arg2" "arg1 or other PDA arg2" "arg1 or another mobile arg2" "arg1 or Android arg2" "arg1 or Windows Mobile arg2" ] using (iphone, phone)
CPL @1109 (96.9%) on 12-jun-2018 [ "arg2 Jobs introduced arg1" "arg2 Jobs said arg1" "arg2 Ballmer on arg1" "arg2 Jobs made arg1" "arg2 Jobs and his arg1" ] using (phone, steve)
CPL @1109 (96.9%) on 12-jun-2018 [ "arg2 Jobs introduced arg1" "arg2 Jobs said arg1" "arg2 Ballmer on arg1" "arg2 Jobs made arg1" "arg2 Jobs and his arg1" ] using (steve, phone)
CPL @1109 (96.9%) on 12-jun-2018 [ "arg2 Jobs introduced arg1" "arg2 Jobs said arg1" "arg2 Ballmer on arg1" "arg2 Jobs made arg1" "arg2 Jobs and his arg1" ] using (phone, steve)
CPL @1109 (96.9%) on 12-jun-2018 [ "arg2 Jobs introduced arg1" "arg2 Jobs said arg1" "arg2 Ballmer on arg1" "arg2 Jobs made arg1" "arg2 Jobs and his arg1" ] using (steve, phone)
CPL @1109 (96.9%) on 12-jun-2018 [ "arg2 Jobs introduced arg1" "arg2 Jobs said arg1" "arg2 Ballmer on arg1" "arg2 Jobs made arg1" "arg2 Jobs and his arg1" ] using (phone, steve)
CPL @1109 (96.9%) on 12-jun-2018 [ "arg2 Jobs introduced arg1" "arg2 Jobs said arg1" "arg2 Ballmer on arg1" "arg2 Jobs made arg1" "arg2 Jobs and his arg1" ] using (steve, phone)
CPL @1109 (96.9%) on 12-jun-2018 [ "arg2 Jobs introduced arg1" "arg2 Jobs said arg1" "arg2 Ballmer on arg1" "arg2 Jobs made arg1" "arg2 Jobs and his arg1" ] using (phone, steve)
CPL @1109 (96.9%) on 12-jun-2018 [ "arg2 Jobs introduced arg1" "arg2 Jobs said arg1" "arg2 Ballmer on arg1" "arg2 Jobs made arg1" "arg2 Jobs and his arg1" ] using (steve, phone)
CPL @1097 (87.5%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg2 manufacturers like arg1" "arg2 joint venture between arg1" "arg2 manufacturers such as arg1" ] using (sony, phone)
CPL @1094 (99.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 company like arg1" "arg2 manufacturers such as arg1" "arg2 networks such as arg1" "arg2 plans offered by arg1" "arg2 companies like arg1" "arg2 company is arg1" "arg2 services giant arg1" "arg2 company such as arg1" "arg2 companies such as arg1" ] using (verizon, phone)
Sempasre @947 (75.0%) on 05-sep-2015 [ "On the phone with Gavin , Scottie learns that Carlotta was 26 when she killed herself , Madeleine 's current age ." ] using (gavin, phone)
Sempasre @947 (75.0%) on 05-sep-2015 [ "On the phone with Gavin , Scottie learns that Carlotta was 26 when she killed herself , Madeleine 's current age ." ] using (phone, gavin)
CPL @1104 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Higgins on arg2" "arg1 Morrison on arg2" "arg1 Amato on arg2" "arg1 Gavin on arg2" "arg1 Carpenter on arg2" "arg1 Lennon on arg2" "arg1 Marshall on arg2" "arg1 Taylor on arg2" "arg1 Williams on arg2" "arg1 McEntire on arg2" "arg1 Gray on arg2" ] using (john, phone)
CPL @1112 (93.8%) on 20-jul-2018 [ "arg1 Jobs introduced arg2" "arg1 Jobs said arg2" "arg1 Jobs made arg2" "arg1 Jobs and his arg2" ] using (steve, phone)
CPL @1112 (93.8%) on 20-jul-2018 [ "arg1 Jobs introduced arg2" "arg1 Jobs said arg2" "arg1 Jobs made arg2" "arg1 Jobs and his arg2" ] using (steve, phone)
CPL @1112 (93.8%) on 20-jul-2018 [ "arg1 Jobs introduced arg2" "arg1 Jobs said arg2" "arg1 Jobs made arg2" "arg1 Jobs and his arg2" ] using (steve, phone)
CPL @1103 (96.9%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Jobs introduced arg2" "arg1 Jobs said arg2" "arg1 Ballmer on arg2" "arg1 Jobs made arg2" "arg1 Jobs and his arg2" ] using (steve, phone)
CPL @1103 (96.9%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Jobs introduced arg2" "arg1 Jobs said arg2" "arg1 Ballmer on arg2" "arg1 Jobs made arg2" "arg1 Jobs and his arg2" ] using (steve, phone)
CPL @1103 (93.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 us by email or arg2" "arg1 us directly by arg2" "arg1 us either by arg2" "arg1 the office by arg2" ] using (contacts, phone)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 us by email or by arg2" "arg1 the seller by arg2" "arg1 the Help Desk by arg2" "arg1 the firm by arg2" "arg1 the office by arg2" "arg1 us first by arg2" "arg1 this office by arg2" "arg1 us online or via arg2" "arg1 our sales team by arg2" "arg1 our sales team via arg2" "arg1 our offices by arg2" "arg1 us today by arg2" "arg1 us for more information via arg2" "arg1 Us To contact us by arg2" "arg1 our customer service department by arg2" "arg1 the store by arg2" "arg1 us today through arg2" "arg1 the Webmaster by arg2" "arg1 our staff by arg2" "arg1 us either by arg2" "arg1 us direct by arg2" "arg1 Us Contact us by arg2" "arg1 our customer service by arg2" "arg1 us anytime by arg2" "arg1 our office by email or arg2" "arg1 us via email or by arg2" "arg1 my office by arg2" "arg1 our firm by arg2" "arg1 us for more information by arg2" "arg1 the Library by arg2" "arg1 us directly via arg2" "arg1 Information Contact us by arg2" "arg1 us online or by arg2" "arg1 us by email or arg2" "arg1 our office via arg2" "arg1 Us page for complete arg2" "arg1 us by Email or arg2" "arg1 us by fax or arg2" "arg1 us anytime via arg2" "arg1 our office by arg2" "arg1 us directly by arg2" "arg1 us today online or by arg2" "arg1 our law firm by arg2" "arg1 us in person or by arg2" "arg1 us via Email or arg2" "arg1 us directly by email or arg2" "arg1 the law firm by arg2" "arg1 Us Please contact us by arg2" "arg1 our sales department by arg2" "arg1 us at any time by arg2" "arg1 the instructor via arg2" "arg1 us either via arg2" "arg1 us by mail or arg2" "arg1 us Please arg2" "arg1 the gallery by arg2" "arg1 our Customer Service Department by arg2" ] using (contact, phone)
OE @826 (100.0%) on 28-mar-2014 [ ] using (contact, phone)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 us by email or by arg2" "arg1 the seller by arg2" "arg1 the Help Desk by arg2" "arg1 the firm by arg2" "arg1 the office by arg2" "arg1 us first by arg2" "arg1 this office by arg2" "arg1 us online or via arg2" "arg1 our sales team by arg2" "arg1 our sales team via arg2" "arg1 our offices by arg2" "arg1 us today by arg2" "arg1 us for more information via arg2" "arg1 Us To contact us by arg2" "arg1 our customer service department by arg2" "arg1 the store by arg2" "arg1 us today through arg2" "arg1 the Webmaster by arg2" "arg1 our staff by arg2" "arg1 us either by arg2" "arg1 us direct by arg2" "arg1 Us Contact us by arg2" "arg1 our customer service by arg2" "arg1 us anytime by arg2" "arg1 our office by email or arg2" "arg1 us via email or by arg2" "arg1 my office by arg2" "arg1 our firm by arg2" "arg1 us for more information by arg2" "arg1 the Library by arg2" "arg1 us directly via arg2" "arg1 Information Contact us by arg2" "arg1 us online or by arg2" "arg1 us by email or arg2" "arg1 our office via arg2" "arg1 Us page for complete arg2" "arg1 us by Email or arg2" "arg1 us by fax or arg2" "arg1 us anytime via arg2" "arg1 our office by arg2" "arg1 us directly by arg2" "arg1 us today online or by arg2" "arg1 our law firm by arg2" "arg1 us in person or by arg2" "arg1 us via Email or arg2" "arg1 us directly by email or arg2" "arg1 the law firm by arg2" "arg1 Us Please contact us by arg2" "arg1 our sales department by arg2" "arg1 us at any time by arg2" "arg1 the instructor via arg2" "arg1 us either via arg2" "arg1 us by mail or arg2" "arg1 us Please arg2" "arg1 the gallery by arg2" "arg1 our Customer Service Department by arg2" ] using (contact, phone)
OE @826 (100.0%) on 28-mar-2014 [ ] using (contact, phone)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 the box office for more arg1" "arg2 calls from us with arg1" "arg2 us to obtain further arg1" "arg2 us directly for more arg1" "arg2 us to request additional arg1" "arg2 the studio for more arg1" "arg2 the gallery for more arg1" "arg2 us if you require more arg1" "arg2 us to find out more arg1" "arg2 us for detailed arg1" "arg2 company contact arg1" "arg2 the venue for more arg1" "arg2 the hotel for further arg1" "arg2 the office for further arg1" "arg2 the office for more arg1" "arg2 the centre for further arg1" "arg2 them for more arg1" "arg2 us if you want further arg1" "arg2 the owner for more arg1" "arg2 us to get more arg1" "arg2 the club for more arg1" "arg2 us for ordering arg1" "arg2 or fax for more arg1" "arg2 the center for more arg1" "arg2 us if you require further arg1" "arg2 us now for further arg1" "arg2 contact from us with arg1" "arg2 number and map arg1" "arg2 the library for more arg1" "arg2 the Chamber for more arg1" "arg2 number and other appropriate arg1" "arg2 our office for more arg1" "arg2 us today for more arg1" "arg2 us for pricing arg1" "arg2 sales for more arg1" "arg2 our office for further arg1" "arg2 the shop for more arg1" "arg2 the hotel directly for more arg1" "arg2 us for any further arg1" "arg2 us using the contact arg1" "arg2 us for further arg1" "arg2 us for more detailed arg1" "arg2 our sales office for more arg1" "arg2 us now for more arg1" "arg2 us if you need more arg1" "arg2 us for more arg1" "arg2 the church office for more arg1" "arg2 or email today for more arg1" "arg2 us for additional arg1" "arg2 the centre for more arg1" ] using (information, phone)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 the Student Success arg1" "arg2 the Solution arg1" "arg2 the Poison Control arg1" "arg2 our Customer Support arg1" "arg2 our Support arg1" "arg2 the IT Help arg1" "arg2 our Customer Care arg1" "arg2 the Federal Student Aid Information arg1" "arg2 the Support arg1" "arg2 the Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our Call arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" ] using (center, phone)
OE @803 (91.6%) on 13-jan-2014 [ ] using (details, phone)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 our sales team for more arg1" "arg2 the school for further arg1" "arg2 Michelle for more arg1" "arg2 the library for more arg1" "arg2 number and map arg1" "arg2 us for pricing arg1" "arg2 or fax for more arg1" "arg2 our office for further arg1" "arg2 our sales team for further arg1" "arg2 us with the relevant arg1" "arg2 us for more arg1" "arg2 us for prices and more arg1" "arg2 the centre for more arg1" "arg2 our office for more arg1" "arg2 the centre for further arg1" "arg2 the office for more arg1" "arg2 the gallery for more arg1" "arg2 Sarah for more arg1" "arg2 us using the contact arg1" "arg2 us for futher arg1" "arg2 us for further arg1" "arg2 calls from us with arg1" "arg2 the store for more arg1" "arg2 them for more arg1" "arg2 us direct for more arg1" "arg2 the hotel for further arg1" "arg2 the office for further arg1" ] using (details, phone)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 the Student Success arg1" "arg2 the Solution arg1" "arg2 the Poison Control arg1" "arg2 our Customer Support arg1" "arg2 our Support arg1" "arg2 the IT Help arg1" "arg2 our Customer Care arg1" "arg2 the Federal Student Aid Information arg1" "arg2 the Support arg1" "arg2 the Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our Call arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" ] using (center, phone)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 us by email or by arg2" "arg1 the seller by arg2" "arg1 the Help Desk by arg2" "arg1 the firm by arg2" "arg1 the office by arg2" "arg1 us first by arg2" "arg1 this office by arg2" "arg1 us online or via arg2" "arg1 our sales team by arg2" "arg1 our sales team via arg2" "arg1 our offices by arg2" "arg1 us today by arg2" "arg1 us for more information via arg2" "arg1 Us To contact us by arg2" "arg1 our customer service department by arg2" "arg1 the store by arg2" "arg1 us today through arg2" "arg1 the Webmaster by arg2" "arg1 our staff by arg2" "arg1 us either by arg2" "arg1 us direct by arg2" "arg1 Us Contact us by arg2" "arg1 our customer service by arg2" "arg1 us anytime by arg2" "arg1 our office by email or arg2" "arg1 us via email or by arg2" "arg1 my office by arg2" "arg1 our firm by arg2" "arg1 us for more information by arg2" "arg1 the Library by arg2" "arg1 us directly via arg2" "arg1 Information Contact us by arg2" "arg1 us online or by arg2" "arg1 us by email or arg2" "arg1 our office via arg2" "arg1 Us page for complete arg2" "arg1 us by Email or arg2" "arg1 us by fax or arg2" "arg1 us anytime via arg2" "arg1 our office by arg2" "arg1 us directly by arg2" "arg1 us today online or by arg2" "arg1 our law firm by arg2" "arg1 us in person or by arg2" "arg1 us via Email or arg2" "arg1 us directly by email or arg2" "arg1 the law firm by arg2" "arg1 Us Please contact us by arg2" "arg1 our sales department by arg2" "arg1 us at any time by arg2" "arg1 the instructor via arg2" "arg1 us either via arg2" "arg1 us by mail or arg2" "arg1 us Please arg2" "arg1 the gallery by arg2" "arg1 our Customer Service Department by arg2" ] using (contact, phone)
OE @826 (100.0%) on 28-mar-2014 [ ] using (contact, phone)
CPL @1094 (99.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 the Customer Support arg1" "arg2 the Member Service arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" "arg2 the Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our Call arg1" "arg2 our Service arg1" "arg2 our Customer Services arg1" "arg2 our Member Service arg1" "arg2 the Customer Care arg1" ] using (centre, phone)
CPL @1104 (99.2%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 releases Windows arg2" "arg1 Office and Windows arg2" "arg1 introduced Windows arg2" "arg1 has released Windows arg2" "arg1 announced that Windows arg2" "arg1 released Windows arg2" "arg1 launched Windows arg2" ] using (microsoft, phone)
CPL @1109 (96.9%) on 12-jun-2018 [ "arg2 Jobs introduced arg1" "arg2 Jobs said arg1" "arg2 Ballmer on arg1" "arg2 Jobs made arg1" "arg2 Jobs and his arg1" ] using (phone, steve)
CPL @1109 (96.9%) on 12-jun-2018 [ "arg2 Jobs introduced arg1" "arg2 Jobs said arg1" "arg2 Ballmer on arg1" "arg2 Jobs made arg1" "arg2 Jobs and his arg1" ] using (steve, phone)
CPL @1109 (96.9%) on 12-jun-2018 [ "arg2 Jobs introduced arg1" "arg2 Jobs said arg1" "arg2 Ballmer on arg1" "arg2 Jobs made arg1" "arg2 Jobs and his arg1" ] using (phone, steve)
CPL @1109 (96.9%) on 12-jun-2018 [ "arg2 Jobs introduced arg1" "arg2 Jobs said arg1" "arg2 Ballmer on arg1" "arg2 Jobs made arg1" "arg2 Jobs and his arg1" ] using (steve, phone)
CPL @1109 (96.9%) on 12-jun-2018 [ "arg2 Jobs introduced arg1" "arg2 Jobs said arg1" "arg2 Ballmer on arg1" "arg2 Jobs made arg1" "arg2 Jobs and his arg1" ] using (phone, steve)
CPL @1109 (96.9%) on 12-jun-2018 [ "arg2 Jobs introduced arg1" "arg2 Jobs said arg1" "arg2 Ballmer on arg1" "arg2 Jobs made arg1" "arg2 Jobs and his arg1" ] using (steve, phone)
CPL @1095 (98.4%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 companies like arg1" "arg2 companies including arg1" "arg2 coverage by arg1" "arg2 networks such as arg1" "arg2 networks including arg1" "arg2 makers such as arg1" ] using (orange, phone)
CPL @1097 (87.5%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg2 manufacturers like arg1" "arg2 joint venture between arg1" "arg2 manufacturers such as arg1" ] using (sony, phone)
CPL @1112 (93.8%) on 20-jul-2018 [ "arg1 Jobs introduced arg2" "arg1 Jobs said arg2" "arg1 Jobs made arg2" "arg1 Jobs and his arg2" ] using (steve, phone)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 with PA Chairman Mahmoud arg1" "arg2 with Palestinian President Mahmoud arg1" "arg2 with Mahmoud arg1" "arg2 with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud arg1" ] using (abbas, phone)