SEAL @697 (58.3%) on 12-feb-2013 [ 1 ] using michael_cunningham
CPL @1111 (94.1%) on 25-jun-2018 [ "Pulitzer Prize-winning novel by _" "_ 's acclaimed novel" "acclaimed novel by _" "such well-known authors as _" "such writers as _" "Prize-winning novel by _" "novel by _" "_ 's novel" "such authors as _" "screenplay was written by _" "_ is the author" "people like _" "_ 's books" "View quotes by _" "writers such as _" "_ 's Piano Quintet" "authors such as _" ] using michael_cunningham
CMC @730 (100.0%) on 02-may-2013 [ PREFIX=micha 1.40250 PREFIX=mich 1.29325 PREFIX=mic 1.22974 SUFFIX=ael 1.21028 SUFFIX=chael 1.12676 SUFFIX=hael 1.12556 FIRST_WORD=michael 1.00047 WORDSHAPE=aaaaaaaaaa -0.86434 CHARS -2.53520 WORDS -2.54618 ] using michael_cunningham
CPL @1107 (95.0%) on 24-may-2018 [ "bestselling authors as _" "_ 's original novel" "writers , such as _" "Pulitzer Prize-winning novel by _" "_ 's Pulitzer Prize-winning book" "Hours by _" "York Times review by _" "_ 's source novel" "_ 's Pulitzer-Prize" "_ 's award-winning novel" "_ 's novels" "_ 's excellent novel" "established writers like _" "_ 's acclaimed novel" "acclaimed novel by _" "contemporary writers such as _" "such well-known authors as _" "_ wrote the novel" "acclaimed adaptation of _" "_ 's Pulitzer Prize" "eponymous novel by _" "such writers as _" "Prize-winning novel by _" "_ 's Pulitzer Prize-winning novel" "novel by _" "_ 's fine novel" "World , written by _" "Prize-winning book by _" "film , adapted from _" "_ 's Pulitzer-prize" "_ 's Pulitzer prize-winning novel" "_ 's novel" "award-winning book by _" "such authors as _" "_ 's extraordinary novel" "_ 's fourth novel" "fiction workshop with _" "_ 's brilliant novel" "reader » _" "modernists like _" "screenplay adapted by _" "screenplay by _" "Pulitzer Prize-winning book by _" "New York Times review by _" "award-winning authors such as _" "Award-winning novel by _" "award-winning novel by _" "_ 's eponymous novel" "View quotes by _" "same title by _" "realists such as _" "writers such as _" "_ is the acclaimed author" "_ 's forthcoming novel" "authors such as _" "_ is an acclaimed novelist" "same name by _" "_ 's new novel" "writers including _" "such bestselling authors as _" "well-known authors as _" "_ 's Pulitzer Prize-winning" "Times review by _" "novel written by _" "writers like _" ] using michael_cunningham
SEAL @211 (93.8%) on 17-feb-2011 [ 1234 ] using michael_cunningham
CPL @1109 (91.6%) on 12-jun-2018 [ "_ 's original novel" "Pulitzer Prize-winning novel by _" "_ 's Pulitzer Prize-winning book" "York Times review by _" "_ 's source novel" "_ 's Pulitzer-Prize" "_ 's award-winning novel" "_ 's excellent novel" "_ 's acclaimed novel" "acclaimed novel by _" "contemporary writers such as _" "such well-known authors as _" "eponymous novel by _" "such writers as _" "Prize-winning novel by _" "_ 's Pulitzer Prize-winning novel" "_ 's fine novel" "Prize-winning book by _" "film , adapted from _" "_ 's Pulitzer-prize" "award-winning book by _" "such authors as _" "_ 's extraordinary novel" "_ 's brilliant novel" "reader » _" "Pulitzer Prize-winning book by _" "award-winning authors such as _" "Award-winning novel by _" "award-winning novel by _" "_ 's eponymous novel" "View quotes by _" "writers such as _" "_ is the acclaimed author" "authors such as _" "same name by _" "_ 's new novel" "well-known authors as _" "_ 's Pulitzer Prize-winning" "Times review by _" ] using michael_cunningham
CMC @1111 (100.0%) on 25-jun-2018 [ SUFFIX=am 2.89856 PREFIX=mich 2.70187 SUFFIX=ael 2.36907 PREFIX=micha 2.20273 PREFIX=mi 2.05799 FIRST_WORD=michael 2.02096 SUFFIX=hael 1.77006 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a -0.94318 CHARS -3.43910 WORDS -7.64309 ] using michael_cunningham
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1107 (61.1%) on 24-may-2018 [ "Pulitzer Prize-winning novel by _" "_ 's award-winning novel" "acclaimed novel by _" "Prize-winning novel by _" "award-winning authors such as _" "award-winning novel by _" "_ is an acclaimed novelist" ] using michael_cunningham
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~X0~concept:createdbyagent,concept:agentcontributedtocreativework,concept:bookwriter" "Y~X0~concept:createdbyagent,concept:relatedto,concept:bookwriter" "Y~X0~concept:createdbyagent,concept:agentcreated,concept:bookwriter" "Y~X0~concept:createdbyagent,concept:writerwrotebook,concept:createdbyagent" "Y~X0~concept:createdbyagent,concept:relatedto,concept:creativeworkcontributedtobyagent" ] using (a_home_at_the_end_of_the_world, michael_cunningham)
SEAL @244 (99.2%) on 25-apr-2011 [ 1234567 ] using (a_home_at_the_end_of_the_world, michael_cunningham)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~X0~concept:createdbyagent,concept:agentcontributedtocreativework,concept:bookwriter" "Y~X0~concept:createdbyagent,concept:relatedto,concept:bookwriter" "Y~X0~concept:createdbyagent,concept:agentcreated,concept:bookwriter" "Y~X0~concept:createdbyagent,concept:writerwrotebook,concept:createdbyagent" "Y~X0~concept:createdbyagent,concept:relatedto,concept:creativeworkcontributedtobyagent" ] using (the_hours, michael_cunningham)
SEAL @180 (98.4%) on 16-dec-2010 [ 123456 ] using (the_hours, michael_cunningham)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey