CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 popped the question to arg1" "arg2 is now engaged to arg1" "arg2 is currently married to arg1" "arg2 and his new wife arg1" "arg2 Your Relationship with arg1" "arg2 and his actress wife arg1" "arg2 first proposed to arg1" "arg2 is getting married to arg1" "arg2 and girlfriend arg1" "arg2 with new girlfriend arg1" "arg2 had a baby with arg1" "arg2 says he and his wife arg1" "arg2 and his new bride arg1" "arg2 and his fiancee arg1" "arg2 and wifey arg1" "arg2 and fiancee arg1" ] using (tom_cruise, katie_holmes)
OE @820 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2014 [ ] using (tom_cruise, katie_holmes)
SEAL @370 (100.0%) on 31-jul-2011 [ 12345678910111213 ] using (tom_cruise, katie_holmes)
SEAL @370 (100.0%) on 31-jul-2011 [ 12345678910111213 ] using (katie_holmes, tom_cruise)
OE @820 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2014 [ ] using (katie_holmes, tom_cruise)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 popped the question to arg1" "arg2 is now engaged to arg1" "arg2 is currently married to arg1" "arg2 and his new wife arg1" "arg2 Your Relationship with arg1" "arg2 and his actress wife arg1" "arg2 first proposed to arg1" "arg2 is getting married to arg1" "arg2 and girlfriend arg1" "arg2 with new girlfriend arg1" "arg2 had a baby with arg1" "arg2 says he and his wife arg1" "arg2 and his new bride arg1" "arg2 and his fiancee arg1" "arg2 and wifey arg1" "arg2 and fiancee arg1" ] using (katie_holmes, tom_cruise)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and hubby arg2" "arg1 Couric and arg2" "arg1 Holmes and husband arg2" "arg1 and her hubby arg2" "arg1 Holmes and arg2" "arg1 is engaged to arg2" "arg1 Holmes wants arg2" "arg1 became engaged to arg2" "arg1 and fiance arg2" "arg1 Holmes married arg2" "arg1 Holmes was arg2" "arg1 is set to marry arg2" "arg1 who is married to arg2" "arg1 Katie Holmes and arg2" "arg1 and husband arg2" ] using (tom_cruise, katie)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and hubby arg2" "arg1 Couric and arg2" "arg1 Holmes and husband arg2" "arg1 and her hubby arg2" "arg1 Holmes and arg2" "arg1 is engaged to arg2" "arg1 Holmes wants arg2" "arg1 became engaged to arg2" "arg1 and fiance arg2" "arg1 Holmes married arg2" "arg1 Holmes was arg2" "arg1 is set to marry arg2" "arg1 who is married to arg2" "arg1 Katie Holmes and arg2" "arg1 and husband arg2" ] using (katie, tom_cruise)
SEAL @550 (87.5%) on 09-apr-2012 [ 123 ] using (nicole_kidman, tom_cruise)
SEAL @550 (87.5%) on 09-apr-2012 [ 123 ] using (tom_cruise, nicole_kidman)
CPL @1103 (99.6%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 and his then wife arg2" "arg1 was once married to arg2" "arg1 was married to actress arg2" "arg1 was still married to arg2" "arg1 was dating arg2" "arg1 is married to actress arg2" "arg1 filed for divorce from arg2" "arg1 and then wife arg2" ] using (nicole_kidman, tom_cruise)
CPL @1103 (99.6%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 and his then wife arg2" "arg1 was once married to arg2" "arg1 was married to actress arg2" "arg1 was still married to arg2" "arg1 was dating arg2" "arg1 is married to actress arg2" "arg1 filed for divorce from arg2" "arg1 and then wife arg2" ] using (tom_cruise, nicole_kidman)
OE @803 (95.5%) on 13-jan-2014 [ ] using (nicole_kidman, tom_cruise)
OE @803 (95.5%) on 13-jan-2014 [ ] using (tom_cruise, nicole_kidman)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 popped the question to arg1" "arg2 is currently married to arg1" "arg2 and his new wife arg1" "arg2 Your Relationship with arg1" "arg2 and his actress wife arg1" "arg2 impregnated arg1" "arg2 and his wife arg1" "arg2 says he and arg1" "arg2 first proposed to arg1" "arg2 and wife arg1" "arg2 is marrying arg1" "arg2 proposes to arg1" "arg2 and girlfriend arg1" "arg2 with new girlfriend arg1" "arg2 is married to arg1" "arg2 wooed arg1" "arg2 says he and his wife arg1" "arg2 for marrying arg1" "arg2 and his lovely wife arg1" "arg2 and his fiancee arg1" "arg2 and wifey arg1" "arg2 and fiancee arg1" ] using (katie_holmes, tom_cruise)
CPL @1103 (96.9%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Garner and arg2" "arg1 Lopez or arg2" "arg1 Aniston or arg2" "arg1 Lopez and arg2" "arg1 Aniston and arg2" ] using (jennifer, tom_cruise)
CPL @1103 (96.9%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Garner and arg2" "arg1 Lopez or arg2" "arg1 Aniston or arg2" "arg1 Lopez and arg2" "arg1 Aniston and arg2" ] using (tom_cruise, jennifer)
CPL @1103 (93.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and Senator Hillary arg1" "arg2 and President Bill arg1" "arg2 and Bill arg1" "arg2 and even Hillary arg1" ] using (clinton, tom_cruise)