CMC @988 (100.0%) on 02-apr-2016 [ SUFFIX=ne 2.06596 SUFFIX=oline 1.55409 PREFIX=ga 1.51004 PREFIX=gasol 1.50916 PREFIX=gaso 1.50916 SUFFIX=line 1.50702 LASTSUFFIX=ne 1.48510 FULL_POS=NN -1.67635 CHARS -2.76650 WORDS -2.86978 ] using gasoline
CPL @1095 (88.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "house , poured _" "greenhouse gases than conventional _" "ignition delay of _" "_ powered pallet trucks" "engines burning _" "gas stations sell _" "engines operating with _" "hydrogen compared to _" "petrol / _" "refinery producing _" "oil made into _" "price of retail _" "premium unleaded _" "liquid fuels , including _" "nationwide average price for _" "low carbon alternative to _" "light products , such as _" "combustion engines using _" "car tank with _" "demand for cleaner-burning _" "alternative fuels , including _" "energy products , such as _" "fewer harmful emissions than _" "feedstocks as _" "engines fueled by _" "wintertime oxygenated _" "volatile chemicals such as _" "Retail prices of _" "DD-gallon drums of _" "fuel taxes on _" "ethanol is used as _" "higher octane than _" "fuel called _" "gallon price for _" "kerosene , to _" "credit purchase of _" "energy density of _" "_ powered lawnmower" "_ powered forklifts" "_ powered vans" "_ powered internal combustion engines" "_ is the dominant fuel" "Federal excise tax on _" "carbon-based fuels such as _" "average tax on _" "autoignition temperature of _" "heavy crude into _" "flammable liquid such as _" "gallon of regular _" "end products including _" "emissions than current _" "fossil fuels including _" "few tanks of _" "vehicles using leaded _" "warming emissions than _" "vehicle fleet from _" "less pollutants than _" "more gallons of _" "introduction of unleaded _" "hybrid runs on _" "vehicle operates on _" "vehicle is operating on _" "generators run on _" "harmful emissions than _" "flammable items such as _" "fuel alternative to _" "he was doused with _" "_ boiling range" "fuels including _" "gas tanks so _" "gallon can of _" "fuel tax on _" "empty tank of _" "attendant pumped _" "additive helps _" "price with regular _" "renewable content in _" "Cars using _" "DD-gallon tank of _" "state tax on _" "sulfur is removed from _" "smuggling of cheap _" "combustion characteristics of _" "combustion engines including _" "cars fueled by _" "carbon dioxide emissions compared to _" "oil into useable _" "oil used as _" "kids sniffing _" "_ powered vehicle" "_ powered saws" "_ is a common fuel" "trucks are powered by _" "vegetable oil as _" "average pump price for _" "more energy dense than _" "oil is made into _" "transportation fuels like _" "smoke smells like _" "viscosity such as _" "combustible liquids such as _" "energy content compared to _" "explosive combustion of _" "better fuel than _" "isooctane in _" "crude into _" "energy density than _" "diesel fuel than _" "combustion engine fueled by _" "several gallons of _" "lubricants , including _" "lubricating properties of _" "generator fueled by _" "emissions compared with conventional _" "fuel includes _" "trucks run on _" "transportation fuels , such as _" "transportation fuels such as _" "_ powered mowers" "fuel content in _" "gallon of _" "fossil fuels , including _" "car on regular _" "corn based _" "carbon dioxide than normal _" "cars burned _" "same stuff they make _" "refined products such as _" "propane vs _" "biodiesel blended with _" "average retail price of _" "diesel engine than _" "chemical added to _" "automobiles powered by _" "diesel , green _" "catalytic cracking of _" "full tanks of _" "engines , fueled by _" "_ powered trucks" "He had poured _" "MTBE is added to _" "winter blend of _" "vaporization than _" "valuable products such as _" "it guzzled _" "national average for regular _" "gallon equivalent of _" "you guys are paying for _" "_ powered tugs" "cleaner burning than _" "corn is converted into _" "corn , into _" "underground storage tanks containing _" "tank for regular _" "stations sell _" "trucks powered by _" "cars burning _" "douse with _" "car fueled by _" "carbon atoms than _" "dioxide than normal _" "engine oil with _" "cleaner burn of _" "diesel over _" "burning fuel than _" "oil is mixed with _" "you are unnoticed to _" "viscosity fluids such as _" "solvents including _" "state tax rate on _" "vehicle leaking _" "_ operated engines" "pipeline leaked _" "regular petroleum based _" "_ powered portable generator" "_ powered bus" "_ powered cars available" "_ powered counterparts" "pre-tax price of _" "plant biomass into _" "price subsidies on _" "petroleum-based products such as _" "record-high price of _" "oil is processed into _" "vehicle runs on _" "replacement for petroleum-based _" "refined products like _" "petroleum products , such as _" "petroleum hydrocarbons , including _" "_ fueled automobile" "_ burning motor" "gallon equivalents of _" "extra tank of _" "inhalants such as _" "excise tax rate on _" "condensate , natural _" "_ powered ones" "_ injected motor" "wholesale price of _" "wood scraps into _" "_ fired turbines" "_ contains less energy" "_ has higher energy content" "_ fueled equipment" "more ethanol than _" "alternative fuel , such as _" "aromatic content in _" "few extra gallons of _" "fuel injector cleaner in _" "gallons of _" "biofuels including _" "alternative fuel to _" "bombs made with _" "black marketing of _" "advantages over petroleum-based _" "autoignition of _" "volatile fractions of _" "volatile liquids such as _" "SUV tank with _" "higher energy density of _" "fire was started with _" "_ were spilled into" "available grades of _" "boiling range of _" "_ reduces tailpipe emissions" "algae based _" "renewable substitute for _" "refined products , such as _" "less polluting than _" "_ fueled automobiles" "_ Refined from" "cocaine dissolved in _" "jerry cans with _" "oil is transformed into _" "volatile organic compounds such as _" "Guard delivered _" "_ powered motorcycles" "additional gallons of _" "pollution than regular _" "oxygenate for _" "road burning _" "sulfur contained in _" "_ dropped cents" "_ containing ethanol" "_ is directly injected into" "Corn based _" "_ powered blender" "_ is the octane rating" "organic liquids such as _" "past use of leaded _" "transport fuels such as _" "use with unleaded _" "corn crop into _" "diesel versus _" "comprehensive Glossary , including _" "crude oil into _" "chemical additive in _" "_ is a hydrocarbon" "_ powered candles" "carbon alternative to _" "average national price of _" "buses burn _" "_ burning automobiles" "_ decreases emissions" "Fill tank with _" "heavy ends of _" "gallon for unleaded _" "fuel source , such as _" "gallon than _" "gallon than regular _" "distillate into _" "engine was running on _" "efficient burn of _" "_ powered model airplane" "engine has warmed _" "coal reserves into _" "cleaner burning fuel than _" "petroleum products such as _" "_ operated cars" "_ is the right fuel" "liquid hydrocarbons such as _" "jerrycan of _" "petroleum such as _" "liquid fuels like _" "octane number for _" "lion barrels of _" "other fuels , including _" "_ fueled car" "regular unleaded _" "petroleum refined _" "combustion engine running on _" "clean fuels such as _" "beer bottles filled with _" "fuel , burn _" "gases than traditional _" "combustion efficiency of _" "allowable price for _" "combustion quality of _" "_ discounted people" "storage tanks used for _" "higher energy density than _" "gas stations run out of _" "fewer gallons of _" "hydrocarbon , such as _" "next tank of _" "lower carbon content than _" "more greenhouse gas emissions than conventional _" "octane rated _" "generators running on _" "transition to unleaded _" "truck leaking _" "petroleum hydrocarbons as _" "hydrogen used as _" "hybrids run on _" "fleet runs on _" "toxic emissions than _" "vehicle fueled by _" "_ fueled internal combustion engine" "station is selling _" "we started smelling _" "jerry can of _" "hydrocarbons , like _" "_ is sprayed directly into" "_ powered RV" "_ powered tractors" "BTU value of _" "He then poured _" "engines running on _" "dioxide emissions compared to _" "car does n't run on _" "carbon such as _" "ethanol is added to _" "_ turbocharging technology" "other fuels including _" "oil into usable _" "truck run on _" "vehicles currently using _" "tractors run on _" "phasing out of leaded _" "syngas to _" "truck running on _" "trucks distribute _" "_ powered motorhomes" "_ powered lawn mowers" "_ reduces carbon monoxide" "product mix toward _" "man , poured _" "litre of regular _" "_ reformulated with" "_ is the preferred fuel" "_ soaked straw" "_ powered hybrid" "biomass into cellulosic _" "oil companies sell _" "octane than _" "renewable alternative to _" "pump prices for _" "refineries producing _" "traditional energy sources like _" "_ injected cars" "_ is typically blended with" "_ powered outboard" "_ powered mower" "_ powered internal combustion engine" "Hydrogen burns with _" "She then poured _" "powered vehicles with _" "retail selling prices of _" "tanker loaded with _" "solvent similar to _" "stations selling _" "sulfur levels in _" "sulfur content than _" "oxygenates in _" "other fuels , such as _" "bio-oil to _" "blend of regular _" "_ had been leaking from" "_ burn efficiency" "Btu content of _" "Ethanol blended _" "_ is the alternative fuel" "_ replaced steam" "_ is government subsidy" "_ is the renters responsibility" "price for regular _" "_ fueled vehicles" "_ fueled units" "_ does n't burn at" "_ fired engine" "_ contains other compounds" "_ powered RC cars" "_ powered fleet" "_ injected engine" "liquid fuels including _" "octane rating for _" "national average retail price of _" "man had poured _" "vaporization of liquid _" "untold gallons of _" "countless gallons of _" "_ boiling components" "vehicles burning _" "vehicles do not use _" "tank with fresh _" "_ offset higher prices" "_ powered blowers" "gas stations carry _" "generator running on _" "fuels blended with _" "fuel pump draws _" "gallon container of _" "ethanol into _" "fuel dock with _" "thousands gallons of _" "vehicle run on _" "veh" ] using gasoline
CPL @1108 (97.9%) on 06-jun-2018 [ "fuel economy standards for _" "dependence on foreign _" "cellulose into _" "volumes of natural _" "global supply of _" "huge can of _" "big glass of _" "gallon of regular _" "upper surface of _" "more gallons of _" "_ fired stove" "one-half cup of _" "lots of fresh _" "economy standards for _" "fine spray of _" "car ran out of _" "_ fired heater" "supply of cheap _" "many barrels of _" "large reserves of _" "_ powered scooters" "end of cheap _" "whole can of _" "amount of refined _" "whole cup of _" "_ spills in" "pints of _" "I spilled _" "_ pumped from" "We stopped for _" "commodities like _" "time drinking _" "reliance on foreign _" "natural resources like _" "purchase of natural _" "_ is distilled from" "extraction of natural _" "cost of natural _" "oil , add _" "It got to _" "plenty of fresh _" "imports of foreign _" "_ saving devices" "half-gallon of _" "he spilled _" "refreshing glass of _" "full tank of _" "hands you lemons , make _" "spoonfuls of _" "net exporter of _" "lemons , make _" "international price of _" "use of green _" "natural resources such as _" "oil based _" "_ producing communities" "propane , natural _" "moisture content of _" "skewers in _" "_ based ink" "_ based fuels" "prices for natural _" "D-D tablespoons of _" "nice glass of _" "more fuel efficient _" "brush dipped in _" "_ is a finite resource" "use of natural _" "fossil fuels such as _" "other can of _" "first tank of _" "fuels such as _" "price of natural _" "_ spilled in" "many gallons of _" "pint of warm _" "_ powered scooter" "recipe calls for _" "spray bottle of _" "day drinking _" "sale of bottled _" "petroleum , natural _" "large can of _" "tub full of _" "organic materials such as _" "tablespoon of _" "thin film of _" "oxygen dissolved in _" "contaminants such as _" "I do not drink _" "supply of clean _" "_ fired furnace" "few cans of _" "jugs filled with _" "single barrel of _" "gallons per _" "_ is a fossil fuel" "drinks lots of _" "fuels , such as _" "domestic supplies of _" "you lemons , make _" "fuels like _" "flasks of _" "It is soluble in _" "autos for _" "_ spilled from" "strong stream of _" "pint of _" "production of conventional _" "respect to such _" "world prices for _" "flow of hot _" "he poured _" "world price of _" "_ leaking from" "fossil fuels like _" "_ producing countries" "fossil fuels , such as _" "bit of fresh _" "commodities including _" "_ based lubricants" "era of cheap _" "single tank of _" "domestic supply of _" "half-cup of _" "gallons of fresh _" "_ driven cars" "dependency on foreign _" "large container of _" "fuel such as _" "food items like _" "small drop of _" "production of natural _" "commodities , including _" "energy sources such as _" "billet of _" "_ becomes harder" "smell of stale _" "more barrels of _" "oil , natural _" "last sip of _" "_ sending unit" "net importer of _" "gas , natural _" "price for natural _" "shallow pool of _" "quantities of natural _" "sales of natural _" "future price of _" "drizzle of _" "pan with _" "car runs out of _" "age of cheap _" "big can of _" "consumption of green _" "availability of natural _" "_ producing states" "shallow pan of _" "prices of natural _" "_ is a non-renewable resource" "supplier of natural _" "_ has a silver lining" "new can of _" "demand for natural _" "tablespoons of _" "few drops of _" "I do n't drink _" "other properties in _" "access to natural _" "few gallons of _" "blend of green _" "bathtub full of _" ] using gasoline
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 monoxide and unburned arg2" "arg1 dioxide emissions and other greenhouse arg2" "arg1 dioxide from burning arg2" "arg1 dioxide from the burning of arg2" ] using (carbon, gasoline)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 engine will arg1" "arg2 engine for more arg1" "arg2 engines to arg1" "arg2 engine to arg1" ] using (gasoline, power)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 engine will arg1" "arg2 engine for more arg1" "arg2 engines to arg1" "arg2 engine to arg1" ] using (power, gasoline)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 dioxide instead of arg2" "arg1 monoxide and unburned arg2" "arg1 dioxide than conventional arg2" "arg1 dioxide released from burning arg2" "arg1 dioxide arg2" "arg1 monoxide than arg2" "arg1 dioxide from arg2" "arg1 dioxide emissions and other greenhouse arg2" "arg1 monoxide with arg2" "arg1 emissions from burning arg2" "arg1 dioxide from burning arg2" "arg1 emissions than conventional arg2" "arg1 dioxide produced by burning arg2" "arg1 dioxide emissions than arg2" "arg1 dioxide emissions from burning arg2" "arg1 dioxide and water into arg2" "arg1 tax on fossil arg2" "arg1 dioxide from the burning of arg2" ] using (carbon, gasoline)
OE @805 (95.3%) on 20-jan-2014 [ ] using (carbon, gasoline)
CPL @1098 (99.2%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and other fossil arg1" "arg2 or liquid petroleum arg1" "arg2 or other fossil arg1" "arg2 as an alternative vehicle arg1" "arg2 stations ran out of arg1" "arg2 stations running out of arg1" "arg2 or another fossil arg1" ] using (fuel, gasoline)
CPL @1097 (96.9%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and carbon dioxide into arg2" "arg1 produced by incomplete combustion of arg2" "arg1 stations are out of arg2" "arg1 consisting of hydrogen and arg2" "arg1 and ethanol blended arg2" ] using (gas, gasoline)
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 or liquid petroleum arg1" "arg2 or reformulated arg1" "arg2 stations ran out of arg1" "arg2 stations running out of arg1" ] using (gasoline, gasoline)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and produce carbon arg1" "arg2 produce carbon arg1" "arg2 emits less carbon arg1" "arg2 into hydrogen and carbon arg1" "arg2 and carbon arg1" "arg2 releases carbon arg1" "arg2 gives off carbon arg1" "arg2 generates carbon arg1" "arg2 produces carbon arg1" "arg2 produce less carbon arg1" "arg2 like carbon arg1" "arg2 including carbon arg1" "arg2 and give off carbon arg1" ] using (monoxide, gasoline)
CPL @1104 (96.9%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and a loaf of arg1" "arg2 and two loaves of arg1" "arg2 and loaves of arg1" "arg2 to a loaf of arg1" "arg2 or a loaf of arg1" ] using (bread, gasoline)
CPL @1105 (87.5%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg2 in the aftermath of Hurricane arg1" "arg2 after Hurricane arg1" "arg2 following Hurricane arg1" ] using (katrina, gasoline)
CPL @1105 (87.5%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg2 in the aftermath of Hurricane arg1" "arg2 after Hurricane arg1" "arg2 following Hurricane arg1" ] using (katrina, gasoline)