MBL @1102 (100.0%) on 22-feb-2018 [ Promotion of person:yolanda_king personhasreligion religion:baptist ]
MBL @1116 (100.0%) on 12-sep-2018 [ Promotion of person:steve_schalchlin personhasreligion religion:baptist ] using concept:person:steve_schalchlin
CPL @1105 (57.5%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "_ marrying a Jew" "faiths including _" "many denominations , including _" "religion he was _" "religious belief he is _" "congregation was not _" "She was raised as _" "Baptists are not _" "Protestant denominations are _" "You were raised _" "Churches , including _" "Protestant churches , including _" "_ is a monotheistic religion" "_ turned Roman Catholic" "Other religions include _" "religious traditions , including _" "denominations other than _" "_ lay woman" "religions , such as _" "religions include _" "religious upbringing as _" "I converted to _" "Christian denominations like _" "Baptist College has _" "He was raised as _" "We are First _" "I had been raised as _" "church , Second _" "myself was raised _" "mission boards of _" "I am raised _" "He was baptized _" "different churches , including _" "Catholic marries _" "I was not born _" "own tradition as _" "mom was raised _" "church plant of _" "denominations being _" "denominations such as _" "other denomination of _" "tradition other than _" "denominations were _" "denominations except _" "he was reared as _" "he was baptized _" "theology , whether _" "religious faith she is _" "Christian denominations include _" "kids were raised _" "_ affiliated college" "different denominations , including _" "different denominations including _" "different religions including _" "denomination such as _" "likely die _" "she had been raised _" "early life he became _" "other religions , such as _" "He grew up _" "I believed as _" "Other Christian denominations include _" "faith he was _" "own background is _" "denominations including _" "child was raised _" "religions – _" "she was reared _" "parents were raised _" "several denominations , including _" "_ lay minister" "_ thought as well as" "denominations , including _" "churches ranging from _" "saint john _" "people convert from _" "Other denominations include _" "He was reared as _" "children were raised _" "pastor of Second _" "Protestant churches such as _" "many faiths including _" "main reasons I am _" "religious faith he is _" "family was mostly _" "religious background was _" "religious affiliation was _" "population is predominantly _" "Christian sects , such as _" "_ singles clubs" "converts were from _" "faith she is _" "I were raised _" "I was raised as _" "I was baptized _" "He was reared _" "_ is a faith" "denomination , such as _" "I 've been raised _" "I was not raised _" "She was raised _" "he converted from _" "other faiths , such as _" "population adhered to _" "religious traditions within _" "religious backgrounds including _" "family were devout _" "different religions like _" "denomination including _" "minority religions such as _" "mother converted to _" "backgrounds other than _" "_ is a religion" "Christian traditions , including _" "I grew up _" "religion called _" "us were raised _" "we were raised _" "He was nominally _" "She had been raised _" "he was raised _" "minority being _" "religion such as _" "other religions , including _" "faiths such as _" "Muslim become _" "someone raised as _" "she converts to _" "many religions , including _" "I was baptized as _" "I was taught as _" "Other faiths include _" "spiritual traditions including _" "_ lay pastor" "people are mainly _" "Christian , let alone _" "other denominations , including _" "he had been raised _" "husband was raised _" "I had grown up _" "faith traditions , including _" "sects of _" "Bible carrying _" "They were raised _" "religious preference is _" "religions such as _" "church , whether _" "churches , whether _" "central doctrines of _" "someone was raised _" "family converted to _" "religion was listed as _" "Christian denominations such as _" "time I was still _" "traditions other than _" "wife grew up _" "various denominations , including _" "wife was raised _" "traditions such as _" "_ lay men" "_ is the religion" "you never were _" "you were raised _" "you are raised _" "you were raised as _" "mother had been raised _" "I am unapologetically _" "You were raised as _" "Christian denominations , such as _" "Protestant denominations include _" "mother was raised _" "religious denominations are _" "religious faith he was _" "_ lay people" "religious views he is _" "parents are devout _" "one partner is _" "traditions , including _" "faiths include _" "Baptist Theological Seminary has _" "I was raised _" "Dad was raised _" "family was devoutly _" "faiths , such as _" "religion here is _" "religious background is _" "fundamental doctrines of _" "church is First _" "Buddhism is different from _" "Catholic becomes _" "He converted to _" "Catholic , became _" "Faith We are _" "sect of _" "religious belief was _" "family converted from _" "he was raised as _" "religious views he was _" "other denominations such as _" "he had not become _" "dad was raised _" "_ turned Atheist" "religion he is _" "religion , including _" "_ was the denomination" "she converted from _" "_ lay evangelist" "_ is a sect" "main religion was _" "_ singles looking for" "many converts from _" "faith tradition is _" "other religion other than _" "predominant religion is _" "He was baptized as _" "denominations , such as _" "certain sects of _" "Christian churches , including _" "I was reared _" "major religions are _" "Bible College has _" "religion other than _" "Christian denominations including _" "I myself was raised _" "She was baptized _" "faiths , including _" "He later converted to _" "I had been raised _" "I was baptised as _" "strict form of _" "I had been taught as _" "mother grew up _" "Catholic married to _" "He was raised _" "I am unashamedly _" "_ lay persons" "different religions , from _" "father was raised _" "We were raised _" "faiths — _" "man raised as _" "I was also raised _" "Christian denominations are _" "denomination except _" "_ lay preacher" "I too was raised _" "He attends First _" "_ affiliated church" "I was reared as _" "She attends First _" "Baptist University has _" "James was raised _" "I did not grow up _" "I had been reared _" "religions like _" "ideas strongly influenced _" "mother was raised as _" "hold membership in _" "_ marrying a Catholic" "grandmother was raised _" "she united with _" "several religions including _" "other denominations , such as _" "religious backgrounds , including _" "majority population is _" "personal faith as _" "Christianity known as _" "different religions such as _" "husband grew up _" "She is ordained in _" "kind of Reformed _" "Religion I was raised _" "I attend First _" "beliefs , whether _" "former pastor in _" "she was raised _" "they were raised _" "religions , including _" "Christian denominations , including _" "He had been raised _" "family hold membership in _" "denominations include _" "denomination , whether _" "denominations , whether _" "_ lay person" "family was originally _" "I have been raised _" "religions including _" "religious affiliation is _" "she was raised as _" "father was raised as _" ] using baptist
CMC @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ SUFFIX=ist 3.49638 LASTPREFIX=bapti 2.58571 LASTPREFIX=bapt 2.58571 LASTPREFIX=bap 2.58540 LASTSUFFIX=tist 2.28791 PREFIX=bap 1.67314 PREFIX=bapti 1.59398 FULL_WORDSHAPE=A -0.52229 PREFIX=ba -0.75756 WORDS -2.33046 ] using baptist
MBL @1116 (100.0%) on 12-sep-2018 [ Promotion of placeofworship:east_ham_baptist_church placeofworshippracticesreligion religion:baptist ] using concept:placeofworship:east_ham_baptist_church
MBL @1116 (100.0%) on 12-sep-2018 [ Promotion of person:barry_knight personhasreligion religion:baptist ] using concept:person:barry_knight
MBL @1116 (100.0%) on 12-sep-2018 [ Promotion of actor:yolanda_king personhasreligion religion:baptist ] using concept:actor:yolanda_king
SEAL @154 (94.1%) on 28-sep-2010 [ 12345678 ] using baptist