SEAL @736 (51.8%) on 30-may-2013 [ 1 ] using ashley_river
CMC @548 (99.9%) on 06-apr-2012 [ LAST_WORD=river 2.00672 PREFIX=rive 1.79981 PREFIX=riv 1.79467 SUFFIX=iver 1.67790 LASTPREFIX=rive 1.64419 LASTPREFIX=riv 1.63859 LASTSUFFIX=iver 1.63025 FULL_POS=NN_NN -0.53886 WORDS -3.22298 CHARS -6.06405 ] using ashley_river
CPL @1104 (83.9%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "_ is a tidal river" "bridges cross _" "South , cross _" "DD-acre parcel along _" "canoe access to _" "large area west of _" "Army crosses _" "west banks of _" "bluffs of _" "_ is the only river" "south bank of _" "bluffs along _" "cruise up _" "east bank of _" "city , crossed _" "estuary of _" "I-DDD bridge over _" "railroad bridge across _" "banks of _" "enemy crossed _" "neighborhoods west of _" "peaceful banks of _" "muddy banks of _" "houseboat on _" "settlement was along _" "plantation homes along _" "boat ride on _" "West bank of _" "_ 's headwaters" "Bridge crossing _" "scenic bank of _" "Creek flowed into _" "Several bridges cross _" "East bank of _" "homes west of _" "column crossed _" "first bridge over _" "troops crossed _" "water highway of _" "northern banks of _" "plantation along _" "river walk along _" "west bank of _" "left bank of _" "east branch of _" "place west of _" "_ ApartmentReviews .netSearching for" "_ enters the plains" "western bank of _" "rivers such as _" "bridge over _" "drawbridge across _" "low ground along _" "DDD-acre tract on _" "They lived along _" "cruise down _" "steamboat on _" "railroad bridge over _" "headwaters of _" ] using ashley_river
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey