CMC @189 (100.0%) on 15-jan-2011 [ LAST_WORD=river 4.85476 PREFIX=rive 4.45223 PREFIX=riv 4.33610 SUFFIX=iver 4.08443 LASTSUFFIX=iver 3.99200 LASTPREFIX=riv 3.45710 LASTPREFIX=rive 3.37450 POS=NNS -1.28198 WORDS -6.38949 CHARS -7.48310 ] using charles_river
SEAL @214 (75.0%) on 22-feb-2011 [ 12 ] using charles_river
CPL @1108 (84.3%) on 06-jun-2018 [ "sanitary waste into _" "scenic banks of _" "first bridge across _" "new bridge over _" "old railroad bridge over _" "tidal portion of _" "private bridge over _" "Avenue bridge over _" "boat trip down _" "control project on _" "U.S. It lies along _" "parklands along _" "D.D-mile-long piece of _" "Bridge spanned _" "_ is a magnificent whitewater spot" "cruise up _" "trails running along _" "paddling on _" "drawbridge over _" "water diverted from _" "water was diverted from _" "wharves along _" "outdoors activities are available near _" "_ wetland system" "parkland along _" "southern bank of _" "excursion down _" "Bridge crossing _" "water paddling on _" "good whitewater of _" "_ has a great whitewater paddling spot" "Boat tours on _" "Street bridge over _" "recent flooding of _" "pedestrian bridge across _" "western bank of _" "DDD-acre site along _" "Greenway follows _" "office space overlooking _" "paddling section along _" "DD-acre park along _" "sunny banks of _" "northern bank of _" "many bridges over _" "I-DD bridge across _" "paddling is glorious on _" "first dam on _" "footbridge crossing _" "We are located along _" "good whitewater spots on _" "tributary of _" "library overlooks _" "bridge constructed over _" "DDD-acre campus along _" "whitewater section on _" "upper stretch of _" "south banks of _" "truss bridge over _" "rivers such as _" "pedestrian bridge over _" "train crosses _" "aqueduct over _" "Submission Guidelines Current weather conditions at _" "historic bridge over _" "Guidelines Current weather conditions at _" "reservation along _" "canoe down _" "skyline along _" "rains swelled _" "steel truss bridge over _" "scenic cruise down _" "troops had crossed _" "first bridge built across _" "new parks along _" "sunset cruises on _" "pedestrian walkway over _" "highway bridge over _" "headwaters of _" "boats operating on _" "_ watershed near" "cruise down _" "bridge was constructed across _" "Bridge portion of _" "bridge , crossing _" "bridge crossing _" "nice whitewater of _" "_ is a main tributary" "_ offers some fine whitewater" "Bridge spanning _" "lower reaches of _" "green space along _" "railroad bridge over _" "_ is almost certainly not for" "river named _" "river basins such as _" "fireworks display above _" "Boathouse is located on _" "campus along _" "beautiful banks of _" "North bank of _" "whitewater stretch on _" "paddling down _" "Other important rivers include _" "new pedestrian bridge across _" "cover whitewater paddling on _" "tributaries of _" "bridge over _" "Park , located along _" "whitewater paddling is _" "spectacular setting along _" "land is located along _" "whitewater paddling on _" "Bridge crosses _" "opposite bank of _" "toll bridge across _" "tributary to _" "_ offers some wonderful whitewater" "cable-stayed bridge over _" "paddling is great on _" "canoe trips on _" "_ watershed above" "canoe landing on _" "southern banks of _" "south bank of _" "traffic bridge over _" "_ 's south bank" "bike trail along _" "boat rides along _" "activities are available near _" "dams along _" "Vikings sailed up _" "grassy banks of _" "sunset cruise down _" "Bridge , crossing _" "only paddling section along _" "whitewater paddling is glorious on _" "Bridge spans _" "bulrushes of _" "upper valley of _" "level land along _" "snowy banks of _" "DD-acre site along _" "Bridge , spans _" "boat ride on _" "toll bridge over _" "drawbridge across _" "cruise along _" "middle stretches of _" "canoeing down _" "damming of _" "bridges crossing _" "other bank of _" "boat cruise down _" "boathouse along _" "recreation area along _" "downtown along _" "stone bridge across _" "whitewater on _" "canal connected to _" "whitewater paddling is great on _" "estuary of _" "lunch we cross _" "great whitewater of _" "flood plane of _" "American shad to _" "Current weather conditions at _" "_ was dammed in" "_ has a fine whitewater paddling spot" "We are just across _" "_ has a nice whitewater paddling spot" "_ offers some good whitewater" "rapids of _" "whitewater spots on _" "Paddler input for _" "railroad bridge across _" "wooded land along _" "_ 's west bank" "canoe trip down _" "water power of _" "_ is the main river" "paddle down _" "water quality along _" "bikeway along _" "_ drains an area" "new bridge across _" "whitewater bit on _" "mill along _" "flood control project on _" "it sails down _" "northern banks of _" "cable-stayed bridge across _" "confluence with _" "numerous bridges over _" "rivers , including _" "north bank of _" "banks of _" "picturesque banks of _" "upstream reaches of _" "whitewater segment on _" "lower basin of _" "bridge built across _" "west bank of _" "dam across _" "stone bridge crossing _" "second bridge across _" "beautiful park along _" "bridges spanning _" "canoe race on _" "Avenue , crossing _" "important rivers include _" "new tunnel under _" "plant along _" "recreational trails along _" "footbridge across _" "forces cross _" "flood plain along _" "kayak trip down _" "first dam across _" "tremendous whitewater spots on _" "_ meets the St" "_ is a great whitewater spot" "waterpower of _" ] using charles_river
CPL @1104 (99.6%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 crossing north of arg1" "arg2 Esplanade in arg1" "arg2 Bike Path in arg1" "arg2 estuary in arg1" "arg2 across from downtown arg1" "arg2 crossing west of arg1" "arg2 basin between arg1" "arg2 on the Cambridge side of arg1" ] using (boston, charles_river)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
Sempasre @1095 (75.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "For those who prefer rowing , Community Rowing , located at the Daly Rink on the Charles River in Brighton , offers instruction to the public ." ] using (brighton, charles_river)
CPL @1104 (87.5%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Bridge across arg2" "arg1 on the north bank of arg2" "arg1 on the northern bank of arg2" ] using (cambridge, charles_river)