CPL @1104 (88.1%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "unincorporated community on _" "campus along _" "nearby tributary of _" "_ joins the Ohio River" "tributaries of _" "western bank of _" "unincorporated town on _" "span crossing _" "paddle down _" "navigation channel of _" "I-DD bridge across _" "headwaters of _" "hydroelectric plant on _" "bridge was built across _" "banks of _" "flood along _" "dams on _" "navigable length of _" "great falls of _" "dam along _" "boat cruising down _" "cruise down _" "farmlands along _" "major tributary of _" "tributary of _" "major tributary to _" "barge along _" "mansion beside _" "chemical plants along _" "counties bordering _" "flood control along _" "southern banks of _" "south bank of _" "main tributaries of _" "floodplain of _" "flatboat on _" "flatboats on _" "east bank of _" "I-DD , cross _" "bottom land along _" "west bank of _" "tributary to _" "navigable portion of _" "farm land along _" "Dam is located on _" "bridge crossing _" "bottom land of _" "settlers west of _" "confluence with _" "left bank of _" "interstate bridge over _" "steamboat on _" "village sites along _" "bridge over _" "area drained by _" "lower course of _" "riverbanks of _" "bridge was erected across _" "important tributary of _" "West bank of _" "riverbank of _" "Bridge crossing _" "north bank of _" "minor tributary of _" ] using kanawha_river
SEAL @214 (75.0%) on 22-feb-2011 [ 12 ] using kanawha_river
CPL @1104 (87.5%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 Valley near arg1" "arg2 Valley around arg1" "arg2 from the Ohio River to arg1" ] using (charleston, kanawha_river)