CMC @535 (100.0%) on 20-mar-2012 [ PREFIX=rive 6.05860 PREFIX=riv 5.96041 LAST_WORD=river 5.69015 SUFFIX=iver 5.52794 PREFIX=ri 4.84737 LASTPREFIX=rive 4.54371 LASTSUFFIX=iver 4.43223 LASTSUFFIX=er -2.55494 WORDS -4.78995 CHARS -11.85439 ] using mississippi_river
CPL @1105 (89.8%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "Base west of _" "American settlement west of _" "Creek joins _" "south channel of _" "steamboat on _" "Riverboats on _" "Tennessee portion of _" "DD-foot waterfall on _" "Western banks of _" "cathedral west of _" "_ is an important waterway" "_ is the only river" "border defined by _" "_ watershed encompasses" "_ is a good whitewater spot" "pioneers crossed _" "dam is located on _" "catfish fishing on _" "center east of _" "destination west of _" "continuous operation west of _" "major bridge across _" "floodwaters along _" "first bridge over _" "house boat on _" "levies along _" "large rivers like _" "college west of _" "bridge crosses _" "bridge east of _" "industrial corridor along _" "insecurity along _" "horseshoe bend of _" "flatboat on _" "lower tributaries of _" "_ provides excellent boating" "Palisades along _" "_ bordering Kentucky" "Church west of _" "Cross bridge over _" "_ 's steamboats" "Headwaters of _" "Dam is located on _" "floodwaters down _" "huge delta of _" "former channels of _" "navigable point on _" "jurisdiction was extended to _" "new bridge was built over _" "loading facility on _" "major distributary of _" "_ is dammed for" "lower stretch of _" "draw bridge over _" "sugar plantation on _" "thevalley of _" "beautiful ride along _" "silt deposits from _" "steamboat up _" "state east of _" "south banks of _" "sites are found along _" "east fork of _" "great valley of _" "great bend in _" "highway bridges over _" "flood control project along _" "_ offers some good whitewater" "_ is a navigable waterway" "Refuge west of _" "river channel of _" "species found east of _" "they recrossed _" "stone bridge over _" "vineyards along _" "Indian tribes along _" "We travelled down _" "Land west of _" "Union control of _" "Dinner cruises on _" "Railway crosses _" "common west of _" "high bridge over _" "first major city on _" "important tributaries to _" "few bridges across _" "float trips on _" "bridgeheads across _" "cruise tours along _" "eastern border along _" "boat trip up _" "agricultural areas along _" "alluvial valley of _" "railroad crossing of _" "plantation along _" "riverbank of _" "natural waterfall on _" "low ground along _" "I had never been west of _" "Louis Joliet explored _" "Union shipping on _" "Creek emptied into _" "Project located on _" "counties along _" "concession along _" "bluffs along _" "dwellers along _" "flatboat down _" "freshwater mussels from _" "wooded gorge of _" "flood conditions on _" "first rail line to _" "floodwall along _" "freeway crosses _" "eagles wintering along _" "former bed of _" "neighborhood , across _" "middle reaches of _" "long tributary of _" "boat sailing down _" "beautiful area along _" "camp west of _" "bridgehead over _" "La Salle explored _" "Indian villages along _" "small tributaries of _" "steam boats on _" "swampland along _" "sites west of _" "spectacular setting along _" "sloughs along _" "railroad crossed _" "overlooks above _" "river basin of _" "tributary to _" "treacherous rapids of _" "toll bridge across _" "river basins of _" "size west of _" "navigation channel of _" "park east of _" "scenic bluffs overlooking _" "steamboats along _" "spring flood on _" "railroad east of _" "program west of _" "regional park on _" "rafting trips on _" "riverbanks of _" "record flooding on _" "first school west of _" "alley west of _" "bridge being built across _" "only bridge over _" "military post west of _" "town west of _" "small tributary to _" "sympathizers across _" "riverboat cruises on _" "short tributary of _" "_ ordinarily gets a large amount" "dealer west of _" "commercial navigation on _" "_ forming the eastern border" "county west of _" "estuary of _" "drinking water taken from _" "bridge crossing of _" "oxbow lakes along _" "periodic flooding of _" "north , up _" "swarms along _" "steamboat landing on _" "re-crossing of _" "regular flooding of _" "steamboat captain on _" "schools west of _" "state is drained by _" "army down _" "available west of _" "very banks of _" "steamboat trip up _" "high school west of _" "farm land along _" "houseboat down _" "land holdings along _" "firm west of _" "annual flooding of _" "memorable cruise on _" "market west of _" "silt-laden waters of _" "excursion down _" "Bridge , spans _" "Recreation Area is located on _" "bar west of _" "airport west of _" "important tributary of _" "first incorporated city west of _" "first college west of _" "large tributaries of _" "delta formed by _" "exciting trip down _" "dam was built across _" "diving ducks on _" "canoe journey down _" "right bank of _" "river boat on _" "provinces west of _" "riverboat up _" "navigable section of _" "navigable point of _" "delta plain of _" "current location along _" "eastern tributary of _" "It lies just west of _" "They are common along _" "Road parallels _" "Street bridge over _" "River Walk along _" "house boat rentals on _" "flood protection along _" "lands east of _" "major tributaries to _" "I-DDD bridge over _" "truss bridge across _" "system east of _" "nice whitewater of _" "only bridge across _" "major tributaries of _" "ancient channel of _" "_ watershed through" "bicyclists across _" "bridge built across _" "_ is a tributary" "Low water levels on _" "Historic Site is located on _" "popular west of _" "first university west of _" "hydroelectric dam on _" "four-lane bridge over _" "floodplain of _" "leisurely boat ride on _" "limestone bluffs along _" "new building along _" "pedestrian crossing over _" "riverboat cruise down _" "portage , to _" "cleanups along _" "dike along _" "recent flooding of _" "post east of _" "construction west of _" "boat cruises on _" "cruise down _" "common east of _" "bridge west of _" "chapter west of _" "Regiment crossed _" "Authority is located on _" "DDD-mile portion of _" "_ is a major transportation route" "settlers west of _" "scenic boat ride on _" "permanent bridge across _" "riverboats on _" "lower course of _" "flow conditions on _" "government west of _" "flood plain along _" "irrigation projects along _" "first dam on _" "freeway bridge over _" "he traveled down _" "_ Watershed with" "plant along _" "parishes along _" "navigation maps of _" "motorboat down _" "navigable portion of _" "picturesque banks of _" "control projects along _" "bottomlands of _" "beautiful community on _" "back channel of _" "Wisconsin shore of _" "incorporated city west of _" "highway paralleling _" "first lock on _" "homes west of _" "I-DD bridge over _" "Water levels on _" "Whitewater paddling is good on _" "Buffalo is located on _" "Center is located along _" "major waterfall on _" "optional dinner cruise on _" "main line along _" "traffic bridge over _" "south bank of _" "southern banks of _" "suspension bridge over _" "main bridge over _" "large meander of _" "minor tributary of _" "surface water bodies such as _" "they floated down _" "steamboat ride on _" "river transportation on _" "campground west of _" "bluffs next to _" "mill west of _" "northern banks of _" "it floated down _" "major flooding along _" "East bank of _" "Lands west of _" "corridor west of _" "drawbridge across _" "cruise along _" "main tributaries of _" "man west of _" "control project along _" "barge cruise on _" "bluffs of _" "boat trips along _" "anyone west of _" "afternoon cruise on _" "mean annual flow of _" "_ watershed of" "big bend of _" "_ 's flow regime" "We are just across _" "French settlements along _" "power east of _" "radio station west of _" "railroad bridge crossing _" "riverboat pilot on _" "trees east of _" "fluvial deposits of _" "important tributary to _" "floats down _" "former channel of _" "he paddled down _" "gambling boats on _" "coulees of _" "recreational opportunities along _" "riparian habitats of _" "float trip on _" "free bridge across _" "_ drains parts" "river boat down _" "riverfront along _" "settlements west of _" "river boat cruise on _" "downstream along _" "county southeast of _" "bridge over _" "delta region of _" "_ dredging spoils" "_ forms the eastern border" "plantation was on _" "pedestrian bridge crossing _" "rich bottom lands of _" "headwater tributary of _" "first railroad west of _" "adventure down _" "epic journey down _" "canoe trips along _" "rivers including _" "route paralleling _" "rapids of _" "Illinois side of _" "Wisconsin side of _" "Bluffs overlooking _" "Line crossed _" "alluvial plains of _" "afternoon , cross _" "arduous journey up _" "archaeological site along _" "_ meets the Missouri River" "sweeping bend in _" "tributary rivers to _" "building west of _" "banks of _" "freshwater lake west of _" "flood damage along _" "flood swollen _" "conservation easements along _" "churches west of _" "courthouse west of _" "alluvium deposited by _" "silver dollar across _" "slow boat up _" "seminary west of _" "Yazoo to _" "upper valley of _" "water is diverted from _" "rafts down _" "removal west of _" "river banks of _" "temple west of _" "_ forms the boundary" "old oxbow of _" "Landing area of _" "Railroad bridge over _" "Minnesota waters of _" "Iowa is bordered by _" "Bluff , overlooking _" "District west of _" "live west of _" "Jolliet explored _" "Cherokee lands west of _" "Falls section of _" "I-DD bridges over _" "roadhouse near _" "river boats on _" "plantation home on _" "bottom lands of _" "border is defined by _" "bottom land near _" "they traveled up _" "toll bridge over _" "site is located along _" "wagons crossed _" "steel arch bridge over _" "steamboat down _" "_ is the natural border" "_ makes a great bend" "riverboats along _" "power stations along _" "river town along _" "principal tributary of _" "paved trail along _" "wildlife refuge along _" "new bridge spanning _" "long ride along _" "sandbags along _" "sales west of _" "production west of _" "power plant along _" "romantic cruise along _" "County side of _" "He traveled down _" "Wisc" ] using mississippi_river
MBL @1103 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ Promotion of city:baton_rouge cityliesonriver aquarium:mississippi_river ]
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
SEAL @680 (66.7%) on 07-jan-2013 [ 1234567891011 ] using (arkansas_river, mississippi_river)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~X0~concept:locatedat,concept:atlocation,concept:riveremptiesintoriver" "Y~X0~concept:inverseofriveremptiesintoriver,concept:riveremptiesintoriver,concept:riveremptiesintoriver" "Y~X0~concept:inverseofriveremptiesintoriver,concept:atlocation,concept:riveremptiesintoriver" "Y~X0~concept:locatedat,concept:cityliesonriver,concept:riveremptiesintoriver" "Y~X0~concept:riverflowsthroughcity,concept:atlocation,concept:riveremptiesintoriver" ] using (arkansas_river, mississippi_river)
SEAL @682 (50.0%) on 11-jan-2013 [ 12345678910 ] using (illinois_river, mississippi_river)
CPL @1095 (99.2%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 between its confluence with arg2" "arg1 upstream of its confluence with arg2" "arg1 converges with arg2" "arg1 and its confluence with arg2" "arg1 from where it meets arg2" "arg1 is a principal tributary of arg2" "arg1 confluence with arg2" ] using (illinois_river, mississippi_river)
CPL @1094 (99.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 near its confluence with arg2" "arg1 then empties into arg2" "arg1 is a tributary to arg2" "arg1 A tributary of arg2" "arg1 at its confluence with arg2" "arg1 which empties into arg2" "arg1 is a tributary of arg2" "arg1 finally flows into arg2" "arg1 where it flows into arg2" ] using (missouri_river, mississippi_river)
CPL @1104 (87.5%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 where it meets with arg1" "arg2 above the confluence with arg1" "arg2 from its confluence with arg1" ] using (wisconsin_river, mississippi_river)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~X0~concept:locatedat,concept:atlocation,concept:riveremptiesintoriver" "Y~X0~concept:locatedat,concept:atlocation,concept:atlocation" "Y~X0~concept:inverseofriveremptiesintoriver,concept:riveremptiesintoriver,concept:riveremptiesintoriver" "Y~X0~concept:inverseofriveremptiesintoriver,concept:atlocation,concept:riveremptiesintoriver" "Y~X0~concept:locatedat,concept:riveremptiesintoriver,concept:riveremptiesintoriver" ] using (wisconsin_river, mississippi_river)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 above the mouth of arg1" "arg2 from the confluence with arg1" "arg2 from its confluence with arg1" "arg2 just south of where arg1" "arg2 from the confluence of arg1" "arg2 just below the mouth of arg1" "arg2 and its tributaries including arg1" "arg2 from where it meets arg1" "arg2 downstream from the confluence of arg1" "arg2 below mouth of arg1" "arg2 below its confluence with arg1" "arg2 below the confluence of arg1" "arg2 below the mouth of arg1" "arg2 in three places and arg1" ] using (ohio_river, mississippi_river)
CPL @1094 (99.2%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 is a major tributary of arg2" "arg1 between its confluence with arg2" "arg1 from its confluence with arg2" "arg1 upstream from the confluence with arg2" "arg1 is a tributary of arg2" "arg1 above its confluence with arg2" "arg1 a tributary of arg2" ] using (minnesota_river, mississippi_river)
SEAL @575 (50.0%) on 22-may-2012 [ 1 ] using (mississippi_river, missouri_river)
CPL @1094 (99.2%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 near its confluence with arg1" "arg2 is a tributary to arg1" "arg2 A tributary of arg1" "arg2 at its confluence with arg1" "arg2 is a tributary of arg1" "arg2 finally flows into arg1" "arg2 where it flows into arg1" ] using (mississippi_river, missouri_river)
CPL @1094 (98.4%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 is a major tributary of arg1" "arg2 between its confluence with arg1" "arg2 from its confluence with arg1" "arg2 is a tributary of arg1" "arg2 above its confluence with arg1" "arg2 a tributary of arg1" ] using (mississippi_river, minnesota_river)
SEAL @551 (50.0%) on 10-apr-2012 [ 1 ] using (mississippi_river, wisconsin_river)
CPL @1097 (87.5%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg1 where it meets with arg2" "arg1 above the confluence with arg2" "arg1 from its confluence with arg2" ] using (mississippi_river, wisconsin_river)
CPL @1104 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 opposite the city of arg1" "arg2 between Baton Rouge and arg1" "arg2 Valley from arg1" "arg2 from Natchez to arg1" "arg2 from Minneapolis to arg1" "arg2 as it curves around arg1" "arg2 Valley and on to arg1" "arg2 between Natchez and arg1" "arg2 across from downtown arg1" "arg2 from northern Minnesota to arg1" "arg2 Valley north of arg1" "arg2 Delta south of arg1" "arg2 delta in arg1" "arg2 Delta near arg1" "arg2 in the Vicinity of arg1" "arg2 with easy access to everything arg1" "arg2 levee in arg1" "arg2 delta south of arg1" "arg2 Bridge in downtown arg1" "arg2 and the port city of arg1" ] using (new_orleans, mississippi_river)
Sempasre @974 (75.0%) on 27-jan-2016 [ "German and Italian colonists began to settle in Louisiana before and after the Louisiana Purchase , particularly on the German Coast along the Mississippi River north of New Orleans ." ] using (new_orleans, mississippi_river)
CPL @1104 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 and along the lower arg2" "arg1 sits on the banks of arg2" "arg1 on the east bank of arg2" "arg1 and sailed down arg2" "arg1 coast at the mouth of arg2" "arg1 on the West Bank of arg2" "arg1 and traveled up arg2" "arg1 along the west bank of arg2" "arg1 Territory west of arg2" "arg1 on the left bank of arg2" "arg1 on the west bank of arg2" ] using (louisiana, mississippi_river)
CPL @1096 (99.2%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and New Orleans on arg2" "arg1 Located on the banks of arg2" "arg1 is a beautiful city on arg2" "arg1 and the mouth of arg2" "arg1 suspension bridge over arg2" "arg1 on the west bank of arg2" "arg1 on the east bank of arg2" ] using (baton_rouge, mississippi_river)
CPL @1104 (96.9%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 to a point south of arg1" "arg2 between Natchez and arg1" "arg2 as it flows past arg1" "arg2 from Natchez to arg1" "arg2 a few miles above arg1" ] using (vicksburg, mississippi_river)
Sempasre @962 (75.0%) on 06-dec-2015 [ "Union flotilla ascends the Mississippi River to Vicksburg 2.9" ] using (vicksburg, mississippi_river)
CPL @1099 (93.8%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg2 Valley town of arg1" "arg2 Valley near arg1" "arg2 levee in arg1" "arg2 valley near arg1" ] using (new_madrid, mississippi_river)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1107 (75.0%) on 24-may-2018 [ "arg1 below the confluence with arg2" "arg1 near its confluence with arg2" ] using (mississippi_river, chippewa_river)
CPL @1107 (87.5%) on 24-may-2018 [ "arg2 between its confluence with arg1" "arg2 and its confluence with arg1" "arg2 from where it meets arg1" ] using (mississippi_river, illinois_river)
CPL @1104 (87.5%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 above the mouth of arg2" "arg1 from its confluence with arg2" "arg1 from where it meets arg2" ] using (mississippi_river, ohio_river)
SEAL @547 (50.0%) on 04-apr-2012 [ 1 ] using (mississippi_river, ohio_river)
CPL @1104 (87.5%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 Valley near the town of arg1" "arg2 valley near arg1" "arg2 Bridge in downtown arg1" ] using (la_crosse, mississippi_river)
CPL @1099 (93.8%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and Southern United arg1" "arg2 and the United arg1" "arg2 region of the United arg1" "arg2 was purchased by the United arg1" ] using (states, mississippi_river)
CPL @1105 (87.5%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg2 to its confluence with arg1" "arg2 to its junction with arg1" "arg2 to the confluence with arg1" ] using (mississippi_river, montana)
CPL @1105 (87.5%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg2 River flows into arg1" "arg2 River joins arg1" "arg2 River is a tributary of arg1" ] using (mississippi_river, crow)
CPL @1105 (87.5%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg2 River flows into arg1" "arg2 River joins arg1" "arg2 River is a tributary of arg1" ] using (mississippi_river, crow)
CPL @1098 (98.4%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 watershed to arg2" "arg1 which empties into arg2" "arg1 Basin from arg2" "arg1 flows south into arg2" "arg1 where it flows into arg2" "arg1 at its confluence with arg2" ] using (mississippi_river, gulf)
CPL @1098 (98.4%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 watershed to arg2" "arg1 which empties into arg2" "arg1 Basin from arg2" "arg1 flows south into arg2" "arg1 where it flows into arg2" "arg1 at its confluence with arg2" ] using (mississippi_river, gulf)
CPL @1098 (98.4%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 watershed to arg2" "arg1 which empties into arg2" "arg1 Basin from arg2" "arg1 flows south into arg2" "arg1 where it flows into arg2" "arg1 at its confluence with arg2" ] using (mississippi_river, gulf)
CPL @1098 (98.4%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 watershed to arg2" "arg1 which empties into arg2" "arg1 Basin from arg2" "arg1 flows south into arg2" "arg1 where it flows into arg2" "arg1 at its confluence with arg2" ] using (mississippi_river, gulf)
CPL @1105 (87.5%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg2 River flows into arg1" "arg2 River joins arg1" "arg2 River is a tributary of arg1" ] using (mississippi_river, crow)
CPL @1107 (75.0%) on 24-may-2018 [ "arg1 below the confluence with arg2" "arg1 near its confluence with arg2" ] using (mississippi_river, chippewa_river)
SEAL @575 (50.0%) on 22-may-2012 [ 1 ] using (mississippi_river, missouri_river)
CPL @1094 (99.2%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 near its confluence with arg1" "arg2 is a tributary to arg1" "arg2 A tributary of arg1" "arg2 at its confluence with arg1" "arg2 is a tributary of arg1" "arg2 finally flows into arg1" "arg2 where it flows into arg1" ] using (mississippi_river, missouri_river)
CPL @1098 (98.4%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 watershed to arg2" "arg1 which empties into arg2" "arg1 Basin from arg2" "arg1 flows south into arg2" "arg1 where it flows into arg2" "arg1 at its confluence with arg2" ] using (mississippi_river, gulf)
CPL @1105 (87.5%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg2 River flows into arg1" "arg2 River joins arg1" "arg2 River is a tributary of arg1" ] using (mississippi_river, crow)
CPL @1105 (87.5%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg2 to its confluence with arg1" "arg2 to its junction with arg1" "arg2 to the confluence with arg1" ] using (mississippi_river, montana)
CPL @1105 (87.5%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg2 to its confluence with arg1" "arg2 to its junction with arg1" "arg2 to the confluence with arg1" ] using (mississippi_river, montana)
CPL @1105 (87.5%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg2 to its confluence with arg1" "arg2 to its junction with arg1" "arg2 to the confluence with arg1" ] using (mississippi_river, montana)