SEAL @3 (85.1%) on 12-jan-2010 [ 12 ] using tigris
CPL @1104 (93.2%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "_ is a big river" "ancient bridge over _" "new bridge across _" "fertile banks of _" "right banks of _" "ancient channel of _" "dam constructed on _" "steamer up _" "further bank of _" "estuary of _" "rivers such as _" "major tributary of _" "tributary of _" "countries west of _" "dams on _" "Province west of _" "many bridges crossing _" "lands watered by _" "fertile valleys between _" "hydroelectric project on _" "chief tributaries of _" "east banks of _" "tributary joins _" "pleasant city on _" "plain east of _" "left-bank tributary of _" "key tributary of _" "banks of _" "irrigation canal from _" "_ was dammed at" "delicious fish from _" "possessions west of _" "_ forms the eastern boundary" "filthy waters of _" "head-waters of _" "river basin of _" "head waters of _" "lower valley of _" "_ joins the Euphrates" "_ 's flood plain" "major river systems of _" "it first crossed _" "fertile delta of _" "_ flows southeast through" "lower reaches of _" "Several tributaries of _" "army down _" "upper waters of _" "major rivers such as _" "far bank of _" "bridges cross _" "Major tributaries of _" "middle course of _" "big river like _" "him floating down _" "flood control on _" "northern bank of _" "alluvium deposited by _" "dam was built on _" "third river is _" "river plain of _" "he travelled down _" "system west of _" "middle courses of _" "rivers , including _" "fourth river is _" "sandy banks of _" "nearby tributary of _" "people from east of _" "pontoon bridge across _" "hydroelectric dam on _" "frontier along _" "captivity beyond _" "boat ride down _" "old course of _" "old bridge across _" "re-crossing of _" "alluvial valley of _" "boat trip up _" "rivers , such as _" "opposite banks of _" "countryside east of _" "wide bridge over _" "navigable point of _" "River joins _" "upper valley of _" "expedition up _" "damming of _" "pontoon bridge over _" "flood-plain of _" "_ cuts the city" "_ drain the region" "_ forms the eastern edge" "Baghd d _" "lands west of _" "key bridge over _" "distributaries of _" "main channel of _" "other bank of _" "agricultural valley of _" "plain crossed by _" "fertile valley between _" "West bank of _" "east bank of _" "broad bend in _" "right bank of _" "hydroelectric power plants on _" "eastern bank of _" "navigation rights on _" "major rivers , such as _" "middle reaches of _" "flood plain of _" "Alexander crossed _" "Major rivers like _" "main tributaries of _" "tributaries flow into _" "_ are the main rivers" "He sailed down _" "Eastern bank of _" "left bank of _" "lower course of _" "affluents of _" "southern bank of _" "craft used on _" "Western bank of _" "Dam , located on _" "bridge leading over _" "_ splits the city" "rivers called _" "rivers named _" "chief rivers are _" "west banks of _" "riuer of _" "East bank of _" "vital bridge over _" "bank ofthe _" "bridge crossing _" "Important tributaries of _" "river named _" "dam along _" "alluvial plain of _" "bridge over _" "family farm along _" "dams built on _" "fertile valley of _" "flooding along _" "headwaters of _" "rivers like _" "present channel of _" "river , named _" "tributaries of _" "fording of _" "carp caught in _" "_ 's eastern bank" "confluence with _" "_ flows south for" "dam built on _" "south bank of _" "western bank of _" "opposite bank of _" "river bank of _" "river basins of _" "tributary to _" "great valleys of _" "steam navigation on _" "voyage up _" "water mills on _" "west channel of _" "they sail down _" "new dam on _" "old bed of _" "swollen waters of _" "important crossing of _" "territory east of _" "wide valley of _" "boat trip down _" "brown waters of _" "ancient course of _" "raft down _" "principal rivers are _" "_ flows east of" "civilization along _" "new bridges over _" "bridge crosses _" "border areas along _" "upper basin of _" "westbank of _" "great rivers , such as _" "eastern tributary of _" "great rivers like _" "left banks of _" "navigable point on _" "fish freshly caught from _" "land west of _" "_ is an important river" "several dams on _" "major tributaries of _" "lower basins of _" "wharves along _" "eastern banks of _" "main bridges over _" "numerous tributaries of _" "forces had crossed _" "he floated down _" "bodies float down _" "west bank of _" "tribes along _" "upper stretches of _" "army crossed _" "lower valleys of _" "dam across _" "north bank of _" "bridges crossing _" "alluvial plain between _" "upper course of _" "western banks of _" "bridges spanning _" ] using tigris
CMC @1114 (99.3%) on 18-aug-2018 [ SUFFIX=igris 1.14148 SUFFIX=gris 1.14140 LASTSUFFIX=igris 1.13971 LASTSUFFIX=gris 1.13964 LASTPREFIX=tigri 1.13903 LASTPREFIX=tigr 1.13868 PREFIX=tigri 1.13845 FULL_POS=NN -1.68246 WORDS -2.52828 CHARS -3.38503 ] using tigris
MBL @1103 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ Promotion of city:tikrit cityliesonriver river:tigris ]
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 River in the north and arg2" "arg1 River on the east and arg2" "arg1 River is a tributary of arg2" "arg1 River meets arg2" ] using (tigris, euphrates_river)
Sempasre @979 (75.0%) on 18-feb-2016 [ "I shall see Baghdad , the Tigris , Mossul , Babylon ." ] using (baghdad, tigris)
CPL @1095 (99.9%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 is located on the river arg2" "arg1 at the bank of river arg2" "arg1 along the left bank of arg2" "arg1 on the west bank of arg2" "arg1 on the western bank of arg2" "arg1 and sailed down arg2" "arg1 east of the river arg2" "arg1 is situated on the River arg2" "arg1 is situated on the river arg2" "arg1 is located along the river arg2" ] using (baghdad, tigris)
SEAL @176 (50.0%) on 10-dec-2010 [ 1 ] using (baghdad, tigris)
CPL @1096 (96.9%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 River at arg1" "arg2 River to arg1" "arg2 River northeast of arg1" "arg2 River to the north of arg1" "arg2 River northwest of arg1" ] using (babylon, tigris)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1105 (87.5%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg2 River near its confluence with arg1" "arg2 River flows into arg1" "arg2 river flows into arg1" ] using (tigris, diyala)