CPL @1108 (86.1%) on 06-jun-2018 [ "river trip down _" "tributary to _" "first bridge across _" "Trails along _" "perennial waters of _" "right bank of _" "river courses of _" "_ 's south bank" "_ is the chief river" "Dam built across _" "White water rafting down _" "main tributary of _" "southern bank of _" "viewing deck overlooking _" "Falls area of _" "boat trip down _" "major tributaries of _" "main crossing point of _" "riverboat cruise on _" "road bridge across _" "River , joins _" "barge down _" "main river is _" "float down _" "region drained by _" "rapids of _" "rivers including _" "rafting trip down _" "main channel of _" "Bridge spanning _" "boat moored on _" "beautiful site along _" "water rafting on _" "wild rapids of _" "western bank of _" "river basin of _" "river bank of _" "lower reaches of _" "new bridges over _" "north bank of _" "river systems include _" "canoe trip along _" "rail bridge across _" "new bridge spanning _" "upper stretches of _" "important rivers , including _" "confluence with _" "district west of _" "green banks of _" "_ was dammed in" "_ watershed of" "eastern bank of _" "riverboat on _" "upper course of _" "canoes down _" "river frontage on _" "river rafting on _" "rafting experience on _" "river cruise along _" "area drained by _" "steamer up _" "South banks of _" "large rivers such as _" "whitewater on _" "you canoe down _" "boat rides along _" "middle course of _" "water rafting trips on _" "raft down _" "boating down _" "sunrise cruise on _" "rivers like _" "river landscape of _" "riparian forest along _" "sunset cruise down _" "_ is a major river" "canoeing trip down _" "confluences with _" "hippos along _" "white water rafting down _" "canoeing down _" "railway bridge across _" "other bank of _" "boat cruises up _" "new bridge over _" "sweeping bend of _" "lands lying between _" "dramatic bend in _" "cruise boats on _" "affluents of _" "Dam is located on _" "plain east of _" "dam built on _" "boat cruise down _" "evening boat cruise on _" "boat ride on _" "tributary of _" "bridge was built across _" "boat ride up _" "large rivers , including _" "free navigation of _" "big rivers like _" "canoe safari on _" "iron bridge over _" "flow regime of _" "swampy banks of _" "white water rafting trips on _" "barges down _" "River joins _" "many rivers including _" "mainstem of _" "dugout canoe down _" "east bank of _" "steamer along _" "morning boat cruise on _" "cruises down _" "Water rafting on _" "major rivers such as _" "areas west of _" "floods along _" "monitoring stations along _" "flooding along _" "_ has been dammed at" "Dam was built on _" "_ flows eastwards" "river crossing over _" "swift waters of _" "_ forms the border" "dams along _" "famous bridge across _" "hydro-electric dam on _" "major tributaries to _" "main rivers are _" "hydroelectric projects on _" "key tributary of _" "head-waters of _" "_ is the major river" "dams on _" "we went rafting on _" "expedition up _" "damming of _" "other dams on _" "banks of _" "suspension bridge spanning _" "small tributary of _" "bridge crossing _" "sunset boat cruise on _" "river trips down _" "major rivers are _" "floodplains of _" "railway bridge over _" "bridge being built across _" "major tributary of _" "left bank of _" "river basins such as _" "side channel of _" "boat trips up _" "River confluence with _" "sacred waters of _" "sandy banks of _" "bridge over _" "canoe trips along _" "big dam on _" "cruise along _" "shady banks of _" "opposite bank of _" "rivers , including _" "Dam built on _" "_ are the main rivers" "rafting trip on _" "paddling on _" "rivers such as _" "rafting on _" "White water rafting on _" "far bank of _" "annual flooding of _" "road bridge over _" "river basins like _" "settlement north of _" "population north of _" "reservoirs along _" "rafting down _" "dam along _" "lower stretches of _" "Water levels on _" "large dam on _" "sundowner cruises on _" "cruise up _" "White Water rafting on _" "southern tributary of _" "_ is the main river" "braided channel of _" "we rafted down _" "whitewater rafting on _" "White-water rafting on _" "wide bend of _" "whitewater raft down _" "headwaters of _" "canoe trip down _" "_ watershed upstream of" "ancient course of _" "sweeping bend in _" "railroad bridge spanning _" "sunset cruise up _" "boat ride down _" "Zambian side of _" "floodplain of _" "such waterways as _" "high bridge over _" "great rivers such as _" "river boat down _" "west bank of _" "bridgehead across _" "southern banks of _" "south bank of _" "lower gorge of _" "lush banks of _" "important river is _" "flood plains of _" "incursions across _" "bridge is being built over _" "original bridge over _" "Whitewater rafting trips on _" "seasonal flooding of _" "whitewater adventures on _" "water rafting down _" "rafting along _" "Major rivers are _" "leisurely boat ride on _" "riverbank of _" "alluvial plains of _" "water rafting along _" "northern banks of _" "tributaries of _" "cruise down _" "boat cruises on _" "river systems , such as _" "relaxing cruise down _" "North bank of _" "Whitewater rafting on _" "riverine forest along _" "expedition down _" "turn joins _" "relaxing cruise along _" "principal river is _" "Major rivers include _" "boat cruise along _" "canoe trips on _" "territory south of _" "several rivers , including _" "white water rafting along _" "whitewater rapids of _" "white water rafting on _" "boating excursion on _" "river cruise up _" "bridge being built over _" "canoe safaris on _" "tigerfish on _" "rafting is on _" "jet boating on _" "northern bank of _" "sunset river cruise on _" "second bridge over _" "sunset cruises on _" "sub-catchment of _" "steamboat on _" "river cruises on _" "we canoe _" "trade route along _" "important rivers are _" "last major town on _" "main bridge over _" "canoe ride down _" "canoe journey down _" "white-water rafting on _" "main tributaries of _" "canoe down _" "shaded banks of _" "sundowner cruise on _" "tributaries join _" "wide floodplain of _" "white-water rafting down _" "last bridge on _" "riverbanks of _" "rafting trips on _" "river cruise on _" "rivers , such as _" "broad valley of _" "boat trip along _" "River totally explained _" "drums along _" "paddle down _" "houseboat on _" "Tiger fishing on _" "canoe trips down _" "former channels of _" "mighty rapids of _" "river trip on _" "many rivers like _" "major rivers including _" "territory north of _" "power north of _" "leisurely boat ride down _" "dinner cruises on _" "deep gorge of _" "new dam on _" "hydroelectric dam on _" "former courses of _" "afternoon cruise along _" ] using zambezi
LE @1057 (79.3%) on 13-may-2017
SEAL @20 (76.5%) on 17-jan-2010 [ 1234 ] using zambezi
MBL @1103 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ Promotion of city:victoria_falls cityliesonriver river:zambezi ]
CPL @1095 (96.9%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 River in the North and arg2" "arg1 River to the North and arg2" "arg1 River to the north and arg2" "arg1 River on the north and arg2" "arg1 River in the north and arg2" ] using (zambezi, limpopo_river)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 River just upstream of arg1" "arg2 river at arg1" "arg2 River and close to arg1" "arg2 gorge to arg1" "arg2 River to arg1" "arg2 River at arg1" "arg2 River downstream of arg1" "arg2 Valley around arg1" "arg2 River just west of arg1" "arg2 River just above arg1" "arg2 river as well as arg1" "arg2 River below arg1" "arg2 river above arg1" "arg2 River close to arg1" "arg2 river between arg1" "arg2 River around arg1" "arg2 river as far as arg1" "arg2 River above arg1" "arg2 river near arg1" "arg2 River overlooking arg1" "arg2 Valley towards arg1" "arg2 River and the mighty arg1" "arg2 River and overlooks arg1" "arg2 Valley in the vicinity of arg1" "arg2 River next to arg1" "arg2 River from arg1" "arg2 River downstream from arg1" "arg2 River just below arg1" "arg2 River near arg1" "arg2 rapids below arg1" "arg2 River upstream from arg1" "arg2 river below arg1" "arg2 Valley above arg1" "arg2 River and the spectacular arg1" "arg2 river just above arg1" "arg2 River in the vicinity of arg1" "arg2 River west of arg1" "arg2 river to arg1" ] using (victoria_falls, zambezi)
CPL @1095 (98.4%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 Sun hotel arg1" "arg2 River has made arg1" "arg2 River and the town of arg1" "arg2 River from arg1" "arg2 River near arg1" "arg2 River to arg1" ] using (livingstone, zambezi)
CPL @1095 (96.9%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 River to arg1" "arg2 river at arg1" "arg2 River to the town of arg1" "arg2 River near arg1" "arg2 River such as arg1" ] using (caia, zambezi)
CPL @1097 (96.9%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg2 River upstream from arg1" "arg2 Gorge below arg1" "arg2 river all the way to arg1" "arg2 River below arg1" "arg2 river below arg1" ] using (victoria, zambezi)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey