rock_creek (skiarea)
literal strings:   rock creek , Rock Creek , Rock creek , ROCK CREEK
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river (100.0%)CPL @1104 (96.2%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "wagon bridge over _" "bridge over _" "north bank of _" "tributary of _" "confluence with _" "_ is a tributary" "_ rises east of" "Trail crossed _" "_ is the principal stream" "high bank of _" "romantic banks of _" "banks of _" "roads west of _" "West forks of _" "small tributary of _" "grist mill on _" "Oregon Trail crossed _" ] using rock_creek MBL @1103 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ Promotion of river:potomac riveremptiesintoriver attraction:rock_creek ] SEAL @215 (99.2%) on 26-feb-2011 [ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ] using rock_creek CMC @355 (100.0%) on 20-jul-2011 [ LASTSUFFIX=reek 7.48908 LAST_WORD=creek 7.03650 SUFFIX=reek 6.24204 LASTPREFIX=cree 5.61054 PREFIX=cree 5.54294 LASTSUFFIX=eek 4.92634 LASTSUFFIX=ek 4.61742 POS=NN -1.04054 WORDS -5.38870 CHARS -8.71647 ] using rock_creek Seed
attraction (100.0%)CMC @682 (100.0%) on 11-jan-2013 [ SUFFIX=reek 3.40095 LASTSUFFIX=reek 3.38494 SUFFIX=eek 3.24388 LAST_WORD=creek 3.06141 LASTSUFFIX=eek 3.03503 PREFIX=cree 2.92698 LASTPREFIX=cree 2.76630 SUFFIX=ck -0.79956 FULL_POS=NN_NN -1.24087 WORDS -3.43713 ] using rock_creek SEAL @569 (50.0%) on 15-may-2012 [ 1 ] using rock_creek
skiarea (100.0%)SEAL @236 (99.2%) on 16-apr-2011 [ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ] using rock_creek CMC @542 (100.0%) on 29-mar-2012 [ LAST_WORD=creek 7.91288 LASTSUFFIX=reek 7.15644 LASTPREFIX=cree 6.99933 LASTSUFFIX=eek 4.95214 SUFFIX=reek 4.68413 PREFIX=cree 4.59508 LASTSUFFIX=ek 4.20001 FULL_WORDSHAPE=Aa_a -1.20371 FULL_POS=NN_NN -1.45379 WORDS -17.61227 ] using rock_creek
inverseofriveremptiesintoriver potomac (100.0%)OE @808 (100.0%) on 29-jan-2014 [ ] using (potomac, rock_creek) CPL @1095 (75.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 River at the mouth of arg2" "arg1 River from the mouth of arg2" ] using (potomac, rock_creek)
riveremptiesintoriver potomac_river (river) (100.0%)Seed OE @805 (100.0%) on 20-jan-2014 [ ] using (rock_creek, potomac_river)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey riveremptiesintoriver potomac CPL @1112 (50.0%) on 20-jul-2018 [ "arg1 is a tributary of arg2" ] using (rock_creek, potomac)
riverflowsthroughcity washington_d_c_ CPL @1116 (50.0%) on 06-sep-2018 [ "arg1 Bridge spanning arg2" ] using (washington, rock_creek)
cityalsoknownas columbia CPL @1107 (50.0%) on 24-may-2018 [ "arg2 and British arg1" ] using (columbia, rock_creek) CPL @1107 (50.0%) on 24-may-2018 [ "arg2 and British arg1" ] using (rock_creek, columbia)
citycapitalofstate montana CPL @1107 (50.0%) on 24-may-2018 [ "arg1 Sapphire from arg2" ] using (montana, rock_creek)
riveremptiesintoriver devils_lake (city)CPL @1107 (50.0%) on 24-may-2018 [ "arg1 is a tributary to arg2" ] using (rock_creek, devils_lake)
north_branch (geopoliticalorganization)CPL @1108 (50.0%) on 07-jun-2018 [ "arg1 to the confluence of arg2" ] using (rock_creek, north_branch)
devils_lake (lake)CPL @1107 (50.0%) on 24-may-2018 [ "arg1 is a tributary to arg2" ] using (rock_creek, devils_lake)
potomac_river (monument)Seed OE @805 (100.0%) on 20-jan-2014 [ ] using (rock_creek, potomac_river)
devils_lake (river)CPL @1107 (50.0%) on 24-may-2018 [ "arg1 is a tributary to arg2" ] using (rock_creek, devils_lake)
north_branch (skiarea)CPL @1108 (50.0%) on 07-jun-2018 [ "arg1 to the confluence of arg2" ] using (rock_creek, north_branch)
cityalsoknownas dc CPL @1113 (50.0%) on 03-aug-2018 [ "arg1 Park in the middle of arg2" ] using (dc, rock_creek) CPL @1113 (50.0%) on 03-aug-2018 [ "arg1 Park in the middle of arg2" ] using (rock_creek, dc)