CPL @1095 (72.6%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "multiple acts of _" "possibility of cultural _" "rule since _" "symbol of political _" "Israeli war of _" "policy of total _" "bitter war of _" "beacon of _" "consequence of economic _" "turbulent period of _" "victories during _" "war , global _" "declaration of _" "aristocracy before _" "legal principle of _" "spoils of _" "system of military _" "solution to global _" "struggle for global _" "proletariat toward _" "process of global _" "policy of permanent _" "ongoing war of _" "miscarriage of _" "_ being waged against" "peoples seeking _" "first decade of _" "victims of Islamic _" "colonial war of _" "brutal act of _" "countries fighting for _" "acts of violent _" "_ waged at" "mass action for _" "movement seeking _" "nations gained _" "moral justification for _" "war of _" "economic motives for _" "successful war of _" "bloody war of _" "final campaign of _" "homelands after _" "human desire for _" "era of Islamic _" "drive for total _" "new war of _" "it declared _" "vicious war of _" "violent struggle for _" "long war for _" "inevitable march of _" "fierce war of _" "onward march to _" "policy of economic _" "verge of total _" "peaceful struggle for _" "years of brutal _" "ideology of Islamic _" "golden jubilee of _" "human drive for _" "long war of _" "war of national _" "wave of Islamic _" "_ unleashed against" "stage of American _" "urge towards _" "blatant act of _" "_ was won not by" "protracted struggle for _" "pretexts for _" "practices of political _" "world of Islamic _" "dictatorship after _" "form of ideological _" "old dreams of _" "oppression , of _" "_ was waged over" "diplomatic solution to _" "wars of _" "full-scale war of _" "_ was waged by" "victims of political _" "symbol of German _" "vision of Islamic _" "subjective conditions for _" "notion of religious _" "threat of global _" "threat of violent _" "desire for total _" "era of military _" "war for total _" "_ waged on" "doctrine of religious _" "strivings for _" "state of perpetual _" "_ waged in" "brink of total _" "agenda for global _" "fight for _" "western ideals of _" "essential ally in _" "universal struggle for _" "policy of cultural _" "wars , political _" "sake of religious _" "_ waged between" "America is not about _" "years of bloody _" "agitation for _" "battle for political _" "decades of bloody _" "outright act of _" "he returned after _" "cost of political _" "agenda of global _" "global struggles for _" "example of peaceful _" "idea of total _" "uprising for _" "objective conditions for _" "Mexico achieved _" "Israel war of _" "support for violent _" "own war of _" "liberty against _" "_ had been made since" "initial years after _" "devastating war of _" "result of technological _" "revolutionary struggle for _" "religion of global _" "goal of complete _" "road to global _" "institutions of global _" "commit acts of _" "cause of global _" "historical struggle for _" "act of economic _" "cherished notions of _" "idea of revolutionary _" "idea of religious _" "global struggle for _" "symbol of British _" "goal of political _" "_ was finally achieved in" "course of global _" "military phase of _" "U.S. drive for _" "larger struggle for _" "long fought _" "name of economic _" "key battles of _" "last battle of _" "guerrilla war for _" "brutal war of _" "direct struggle for _" "attempt at economic _" "ideology of global _" "first battles of _" "goal is global _" "path of Islamic _" "_ waged with" "form of capitalist _" "human costs of _" "final struggle for _" "peace based on _" "U.S. war of _" "growth of political _" "ongoing struggle for _" "direction of political _" "old soldier of _" "new struggle for _" "people thirsting for _" "major battles of _" "principles of British _" "strategy of total _" "first war of _" "face of political _" "fight for personal _" "country was founded upon _" "_ Following independence" "American ideology of _" "plans for global _" "periods of military _" "_ is being waged in" "field of global _" "_ waged by" "desire for economic _" "_ waged for" "immediate struggle for _" "American war of _" "_ being waged by" "party fighting for _" "face of impending _" "American legacy of _" "culture of sexual _" "second war of _" "struggles for _" "hand with political _" "favor of economic _" "insidious form of _" "nothing short of total _" "nasty war of _" "never-ending struggle for _" "armed struggle for _" "_ brought little change" "peace without _" "Wars of _" "tool of economic _" "right of religious _" "they had done during _" "aim of political _" "act of violent _" "_ waged against" "period of military _" "political aspirations for _" "American wars of _" "mass struggle for _" "US led _" "protracted war of _" "great step toward _" "dream of total _" "peace , economic _" "struggle for _" "dreams of political _" "_ is being waged on" "_ has been made over" "idea of economic _" "state founded on _" "they inherited at _" "US war of _" "overt act of _" ] using conquest
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey