CPL @1105 (87.5%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg1 who specializes in securities arg2" "arg1 who specializes in consumer arg2" "arg1 with experience in securities arg2" ] using (attorney, fraud)
CPL @1094 (96.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 was found guilty of arg2" "arg1 was later convicted of arg2" "arg1 was convicted of arg2" "arg1 was tried for arg2" "arg1 was even convicted of arg2" ] using (haeckel, fraud)
Human feedback from bkisiel @720 on 01-apr-2013 [ "haeckel personchargedwithcrime fraud", Action=(+personchargedwithcrime) (from NELL.08m.720.SSFeedback.csv) ] using (haeckel, fraud)
OE @823 (100.0%) on 17-mar-2014 [ ] using (haeckel, fraud)
CPL @1103 (96.9%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 who commit such arg2" "arg1 charged with all types of arg2" "arg1 suspected of serious arg2" "arg1 accused of all types of arg2" "arg1 from government and banking arg2" ] using (people, fraud)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 that is now the United arg1" "arg2 than in the United arg1" "arg2 and in the United arg1" "arg2 and the United arg1" ] using (states, fraud)
CPL @1096 (93.8%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Obama as arg2" "arg1 Hussein Obama as arg2" "arg1 Obama for arg2" "arg1 Hussein Obama is arg2" ] using (barack, fraud)
CPL @1094 (96.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Obama as arg2" "arg1 Obama is arg2" "arg1 Hussein Obama as arg2" "arg1 Obama for arg2" "arg1 Hussein Obama is arg2" ] using (barack, fraud)
CPL @1096 (93.8%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 is now on trial for arg2" "arg1 was indicted on charges of arg2" "arg1 was convicted of arg2" "arg1 was indicted for arg2" ] using (hwang, fraud)
OE @806 (100.0%) on 23-jan-2014 [ ] using (charles_wang, fraud)
Human feedback from bkisiel @720 on 01-apr-2013 [ "charles_wang personchargedwithcrime fraud", Action=(+personchargedwithcrime) (from NELL.08m.720.SSFeedback.csv) ] using (charles_wang, fraud)
CPL @1105 (93.8%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Hampshire is arg2" "arg1 York City financial arg2" "arg1 York is arg2" "arg1 York state of arg2" ] using (new, fraud)