MBL @416 (100.0%) on 17-sep-2011 [ Promotion of hobby:judo sportschoolincountry country:u_s_ ]
MBL @1116 (100.0%) on 12-sep-2018 [ Promotion of hobby:judo sportschoolincountry country:u_s_ ] using concept:hobby:judo
CMC @1104 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ LASTPREFIX=ju 3.62029 LASTSUFFIX=do 3.08279 SUFFIX=do 3.06259 PREFIX=ju 2.05840 SUFFIX=udo 1.71596 LASTSUFFIX=udo 1.53897 LASTPREFIX=jud 1.17312 FULL_WORDSHAPE=Aa -0.39516 FULL_WORDSHAPE=a -0.48793 WORDS -2.81872 ] using judo
Human feedback from estevam @465 on 08-dec-2011 [ "judo sportschoolincountry uk", Action=(+sportschoolincountry) (from NELL.08m.465.SSFeedback.csv) ] using judo
CPL @1103 (83.2%) on 08-mar-2018 [ "_ is a hard sport" "_ is not a sport" "founder of Japanese _" "first black belt in _" "_ is now an Olympic sport" "two-time world champion in _" "he started training in _" "Dan rank in _" "Japanese sport of _" "parent art of _" "She began practicing _" "cross training with _" "contact sports like _" "wonderful sport of _" "black belt in _" "_ is an excellent martial art" "other martial arts such as _" "_ is a great physical activity" "_ is practiced worldwide" "_ is truly an international sport" "popular sports like _" "competitive sports like _" "national governing body for _" "sports like _" "_ is a grappling art" "_ is a modern martial art" "_ became an Olympic sport" "_ is an individual sport" "_ is an excellent art" "_ is a great sports" "world of competitive _" "_ became an Olympic Sport" "martial art such as _" "Baltimore Sportsvite makes playing _" "_ is an ancient sport" "combat sports like _" "use in competitive _" "_ is a defensive art" "_ becoming an Olympic sport" "_ is the only Olympic sport" "sports including _" "_ is a great sport" "_ is an Olympic Sport" "_ is an ideal sport" "modern martial art of _" "contact sports of _" "_ is also a martial art" "sports ranging from _" "purple belt in _" "sixth dan in _" "Beach Sportsvite makes playing _" "He has also trained in _" "Japanese martial arts of _" "Japanese arts such as _" "competitive sport like _" "Black belt in _" "traditional martial arts like _" "sport similar to _" "fourth degree black belt in _" "_ choking techniques" "Martial arts such as _" "_ is an official sport" "sport such as _" "favourite sports are _" "_ became the national sport" "other martial arts like _" "_ is a modern sport" "_ is practised around" "_ is a great cardiovascular workout" "competitive athlete in _" "martial arts other than _" "I 've been training in _" "sixth degree black belt in _" "_ has been an Olympic event" "martial art derived from _" "physical exertion such as _" "oriental art of _" "sports such as _" "_ is a Martial Art" "_ is the martial art" "_ is a Japanese martial art" "art known as _" "_ is a grappling martial art" "_ are great sports" "_ requires quickness" "beloved sport of _" "_ is a dynamic martial art" "martial art like _" "collegiate athlete in _" "set for american _" "he also practiced _" "combat sports including _" "Exercise Calories Burned by _" "_ is a combat sport" "_ is the only sport" "modern sport of _" "Japanese martial art of _" "_ is an intense sport" "_ is truly a sport" "_ is a safe sport" "Calories Burned by _" "Olympic medalist in _" "black belt level in _" "grappling art of _" "arts known as _" "Martial Arts including _" "positive , attacking _" "favorite sport was _" "athletic scholarship for _" "other sports including _" "_ is a traditional Japanese martial art" "_ is not just a sport" "belt holder in _" "sport , called _" "martial arts such as _" "_ is an excellent sport" "_ was not a sport" "sport , other than _" "Japanese martial arts such as _" "official governing body for _" "national sports are _" "_ is the ideal sport" "_ is a physical sport" "fourth-degree black belt in _" "Atlanta Sportsvite makes playing _" "Olympic sport of _" "favorite sports are _" "Arts such as _" "State champion in _" "Portland Sportsvite makes playing _" "physical activities such as _" "_ is an awesome workout" "_ is a unique martial art" "sports , like _" "Sportsvite makes playing _" "Martial Arts like _" "_ is a martial arts style" "_ become an Olympic sport" "favourite sport is _" "_ is not only a sport" "such sports as _" "_ is a great work-out" "_ is a Japanese art" "_ is not just a martial art" "black-belt in _" "_ became an Olympic event" "martial arts like _" "provincial colours in _" "Olympic sports like _" "_ is a budo" "_ is a Japanese Martial Art" "martial arts known as _" "medalists in _" "_ is a wonderful sport" "_ is an effective martial art" "martial art known as _" "self-defense aspect of _" "_ is also a competitive sport" "Martial Arts such as _" "many sports including _" "prospects in British _" "Sensei taught _" "Vegas Sportsvite makes playing _" "Denver Sportsvite makes playing _" "Calorie-Burning Calories Burned by _" "martial arts including _" "Las Vegas Sportsvite makes playing _" "Virginia Beach Sportsvite makes playing _" "_ is the primary sport" "Japanese terms used in _" "Sports , including _" "exertion such as _" "_ was the first martial art" "Team Trials for _" "Olympic medal in _" "martial art was _" "_ is a complete art" "sport besides _" "_ is an Olympic sport" "_ is a tough sport" "_ is a modern Japanese martial art" "formal martial arts training in _" "sports include _" "fat loss , by _" "gold-medalist in _" "sports , such as _" "self-defense aspects of _" "combative sports such as _" "traditional sports such as _" "Sports like _" "sport aspect of _" "_ was not just a sport" "martial arts include _" "Brown belt in _" "dynamic sport of _" "_ became an official Olympic sport" "_ is another sport" "_ is also an Olympic sport" "_ became a popular sport" "_ is a grappling" "blue belt in _" "ancient martial art of _" "brown belt in _" "I had been training in _" "Governing body for _" "_ is a great martial art" "belt ranks in _" "_ became an official event" "fifth degree black belt in _" "_ is a contact sport" "Japanese martial arts like _" "He has been practicing _" "_ is not a major sport" "_ has been an Olympic sport" "main sport is _" "international sport of _" "_ are the top Martial Arts Styles" "sport form of _" "sport like _" "Chicago Sportsvite makes playing _" "sport known as _" "_ became a sport" "U.S. Olympic Team Trials for _" "Olympic Team Trials for _" "_ is now an international sport" "martial art called _" "_ is an ancient martial art" "combat known as _" "_ is a dynamic sport" "_ has become a popular sport" "_ is not only a martial art" "competitive sports , such as _" "belt rankings in _" "_ became an olympic sport" "I also train in _" "Arts like _" "belt level in _" "sport is no longer _" "_ is a fantastic sport" "_ is a full contact sport" "he retired from competitive _" "_ is a martial art form" "_ is a fun sport" "Sensei studied _" "sport called _" "Japanese arts like _" "combat sport of _" "martial art of _" "interests include competitive _" "sport , similar to _" "_ is a martial art" "_ is an awesome sport" "_ is the perfect sport" "_ is an exciting sport" "other sports like _" "orange belt in _" "martial arts , such as _" ] using judo
SEAL @144 (100.0%) on 04-sep-2010 [ 1 ] using judo
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1099 (75.1%) on 22-jan-2018 [ "sports , including _" "_ is a complicated sport" "I love competitive _" "_ is an olympic sport" "_ was not a sport" "_ are popular sports" "traditional sports such as _" "physical training such as _" "_ is a contact sport" "contact sports like _" "_ is not a sport" "leisure activities , from _" "_ is a rough sport" "sport of competitive _" "_ is a great sport" "_ has been an Olympic sport" "competitive sports like _" "great sport of _" "traditional sports like _" "various sports , including _" "part in competitive _" "_ is an individual activity" "hobbies like _" "pastimes include _" "fundamental skills of _" "various sports including _" "Sports such as _" "Japanese sport of _" "various sports activities such as _" "sports including _" "Olympic disciplines of _" "_ became an official Olympic sport" "_ is an individual sport" "He retired from competitive _" "_ became an Olympic sport" "various sports such as _" "other sports , like _" "excellent day of _" "combat sports such as _" "background in competitive _" "indoor sports such as _" "physical activity like _" "world of competitive _" "contact sport like _" "sports range from _" "exciting sport of _" "_ became a medal sport" "many sports including _" "several sports , including _" "beloved sport of _" "intramural sports such as _" "sport such as _" "other sports including _" "modern sport of _" "other arts like _" "new sport of _" "greats of modern _" "Olympic sport of _" "_ is a safe sport" "return to competitive _" "he lettered in _" "U.S. Olympic Team Trials for _" "sports such as _" "rules of competitive _" "personal interests include _" "other sports like _" "recreation activities , including _" "other sports , such as _" "sports activities such as _" "_ is an Olympic sport" "sports , such as _" "competitive sports such as _" "_ is very popular sport" "he also practiced _" "indoor sports , including _" "individual sports like _" "scientific way of _" "participation in intercollegiate _" "ancient sport of _" "sports , ranging from _" "introduction to competitive _" "sports like _" "_ is not just a sport" "_ is a competitive sport" "team sports including _" "I was taking _" "contact sports such as _" "_ became an olympic sport" "pursuits such as _" "several sports including _" "other arts , such as _" "sport of _" "such sports as _" "Other sports include _" "days of classical _" "_ was a demonstration sport" "real sports like _" "hobbies , such as _" "_ has been an Olympic event" "It was great _" "wonderful sport of _" ] using judo
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 competition outside of arg2" "arg1 are popular sports in arg2" "arg1 dojo in arg2" "arg1 in DDDD while stationed in arg2" ] using (judo, japan)
SEAL @592 (50.0%) on 12-jun-2012 [ 1 ] using (judo, japan)
Human feedback from estevam @465 on 08-dec-2011 [ "judo sportschoolincountry usa", Action=(+sportschoolincountry) (from NELL.08m.465.SSFeedback.csv) ] using (judo, usa)
OE @830 (100.0%) on 13-apr-2014 [ ] using (judo, u_s_)
Human feedback from estevam @465 on 08-dec-2011 [ "judo sportschoolincountry u_s_", Action=(+sportschoolincountry) (from NELL.08m.465.SSFeedback.csv) ] using (judo, u_s_)
Human feedback from estevam @465 on 08-dec-2011 [ "judo sportschoolincountry uk", Action=(+sportschoolincountry) (from NELL.08m.465.SSFeedback.csv) ] using (judo, uk)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1105 (87.5%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg1 is not as popular in arg2" "arg1 tournaments in North arg2" "arg1 tournament in North arg2" ] using (judo, america)
CPL @1105 (87.5%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg1 is not as popular in arg2" "arg1 tournaments in North arg2" "arg1 tournament in North arg2" ] using (judo, america)
CPL @1105 (87.5%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg1 is not as popular in arg2" "arg1 tournaments in North arg2" "arg1 tournament in North arg2" ] using (judo, america)
CPL @1105 (87.5%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg1 is not as popular in arg2" "arg1 tournaments in North arg2" "arg1 tournament in North arg2" ] using (judo, america)
CPL @1105 (87.5%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg1 is not as popular in arg2" "arg1 tournaments in North arg2" "arg1 tournament in North arg2" ] using (judo, america)
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 competition outside of arg2" "arg1 are popular sports in arg2" "arg1 dojo in arg2" "arg1 in DDDD while stationed in arg2" ] using (judo, japan)
SEAL @592 (50.0%) on 12-jun-2012 [ 1 ] using (judo, japan)
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 competition outside of arg2" "arg1 are popular sports in arg2" "arg1 dojo in arg2" "arg1 in DDDD while stationed in arg2" ] using (judo, japan)
SEAL @592 (50.0%) on 12-jun-2012 [ 1 ] using (judo, japan)
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 competition outside of arg2" "arg1 are popular sports in arg2" "arg1 dojo in arg2" "arg1 in DDDD while stationed in arg2" ] using (judo, japan)
SEAL @592 (50.0%) on 12-jun-2012 [ 1 ] using (judo, japan)
CPL @1105 (87.5%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg1 is not as popular in arg2" "arg1 tournaments in North arg2" "arg1 tournament in North arg2" ] using (judo, america)
CPL @1105 (87.5%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg1 is not as popular in arg2" "arg1 tournaments in North arg2" "arg1 tournament in North arg2" ] using (judo, america)
CPL @1105 (87.5%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg1 is not as popular in arg2" "arg1 tournaments in North arg2" "arg1 tournament in North arg2" ] using (judo, america)
CPL @1105 (87.5%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg1 is not as popular in arg2" "arg1 tournaments in North arg2" "arg1 tournament in North arg2" ] using (judo, america)
CPL @1105 (87.5%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg1 is not as popular in arg2" "arg1 tournaments in North arg2" "arg1 tournament in North arg2" ] using (judo, america)
OE @830 (100.0%) on 13-apr-2014 [ ] using (judo, u_s_)
Human feedback from estevam @465 on 08-dec-2011 [ "judo sportschoolincountry u_s_", Action=(+sportschoolincountry) (from NELL.08m.465.SSFeedback.csv) ] using (judo, u_s_)
CPL @1105 (87.5%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg1 is not as popular in arg2" "arg1 tournaments in North arg2" "arg1 tournament in North arg2" ] using (judo, america)
CPL @1105 (87.5%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg1 is not as popular in arg2" "arg1 tournaments in North arg2" "arg1 tournament in North arg2" ] using (judo, america)
Human feedback from estevam @465 on 08-dec-2011 [ "judo sportschoolincountry uk", Action=(+sportschoolincountry) (from NELL.08m.465.SSFeedback.csv) ] using (judo, uk)
CPL @1105 (87.5%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg1 is not as popular in arg2" "arg1 tournaments in North arg2" "arg1 tournament in North arg2" ] using (judo, america)
CPL @1105 (87.5%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg1 is not as popular in arg2" "arg1 tournaments in North arg2" "arg1 tournament in North arg2" ] using (judo, america)
CPL @1105 (87.5%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg1 is not as popular in arg2" "arg1 tournaments in North arg2" "arg1 tournament in North arg2" ] using (judo, america)
Human feedback from estevam @465 on 08-dec-2011 [ "judo sportschoolincountry uk", Action=(+sportschoolincountry) (from NELL.08m.465.SSFeedback.csv) ] using (judo, uk)
CPL @1105 (87.5%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg1 is not as popular in arg2" "arg1 tournaments in North arg2" "arg1 tournament in North arg2" ] using (judo, america)