potato_ball (sportsequipment)
literal strings: potato ball
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- visualizableobject(92.3%)
- CPL @1098 (92.3%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "potato , sweet _" "dough filled with _" "_ stuffed with" "_ topped with" ] using potato_ball
- sportsequipment(90.3%)
- LE @1073 (58.8%) on 18-aug-2017
- CMC @1116 (76.4%) on 05-sep-2018 [ LAST_WORD=ball 1.12858 SUFFIX=all 1.09613 PREFIX=ba 1.08487 LASTPREFIX=ba 1.01083 PREFIX=bal 0.79861 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a 0.78031 SUFFIX=ll 0.77894 FULL_POS=NN_NN -0.66948 CHARS -0.97617 WORDS -2.41749 ] using potato_ball