CPL @1103 (53.6%) on 08-mar-2018 [ "new league called _" "team joined _" "exciting teams in _" "television package with _" "expansion team of _" "_ 's All-Rookie Team" "developmental league of _" "leagues , including _" "development league for _" "league called _" "_ 's Rookie" "other leagues , including _" "Birmingham join _" ] using major_indoor_soccer_league
SEAL @698 (61.4%) on 14-feb-2013 [ 1 ] using major_indoor_soccer_league
CMC @1107 (95.4%) on 24-may-2018 [ WORDSHAPE=Aaaaaa 0.88452 PREFIX=leagu 0.71988 PREFIX=leag 0.71988 SUFFIX=eague 0.68004 SUFFIX=ague 0.67979 POS=NN 0.67653 SUFFIX=gue 0.64623 WORDSHAPE=Aaaaa -0.26201 WORDS -1.62808 CHARS -5.55036 ] using major_indoor_soccer_league