CPL @1103 (75.8%) on 08-mar-2018 [ "’ affiliate in _" "leagues like _" "San Francisco Seals of _" "He ranked fourth in _" "He later played in _" "minor league baseball team of _" "_ 's Rookie" "league baseball team of _" "He ranked eighth in _" "professional baseball team of _" "_ is a minor league" "Oilers of _" "_ 's original franchises" "Grizzlies of _" "Francisco Seals of _" "_ 's original teams" "professional football player in _" "_ 's offensive player" "_ 's San Diego" "_ 's transactions page" "He ranks second in _" "road record in _" "father played in _" "_ 's Phoenix" "baseball club of _" "_ is a tough league" "leagues , including _" "third-worst record in _" "He ranked second in _" "official statistician for _" "_ 's Vancouver Canucks" "club rejoined _" "franchise joined _" "Tulsa Oilers of _" "leagues , such as _" "_ 's Central Division" "_ 's Seattle" "rank sixth in _" "ranks seventh in _" "_ 's MVP award" ] using pacific_coast_league
CMC @1103 (100.0%) on 08-mar-2018 [ SUFFIX=eague 2.47483 SUFFIX=ague 2.47399 PREFIX=leagu 2.46988 PREFIX=leag 2.46988 SUFFIX=gue 2.39729 SUFFIX=ue 2.09283 PREFIX=lea 2.08470 WORDS -0.75699 WORDSHAPE=aaaaa -1.04907 CHARS -18.92917 ] using pacific_coast_league
SEAL @760 (82.2%) on 13-aug-2013 [ 123 ] using pacific_coast_league
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
Sempasre @1037 (75.0%) on 20-jan-2017 [ "The now-demolished former home of the Los Angeles Angels of the Pacific Coast League , at that time the Cubs ' top farm team , was also called Wrigley Field ." ] using (los_angeles_angels, pacific_coast_league)