CPL @1097 (78.0%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "he was traded to _" "_ have n't won a championship" "_ ' home stadium" "opening game between _" "team name was changed to _" "Series win over _" "strong outing against _" "Davis signed with _" "_ ' draft pick" "_ won the series" "ninth inning against _" "favorite baseball team is _" "favorite baseball team was _" "exhibition loss to _" "contest vs. _" "professional baseball player with _" "He was drafted by _" "free agent with _" "He was signed by _" "favorite team is _" "Sox beat _" "three-game set against _" "Red Sox beat _" "first baseman for _" "three-game series to _" "He now plays for _" "baseball game between _" ] using hanshin_tigers