CPL @1095 (95.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "available tickets at _" "_ parking call Empire Tickets" "home games at _" "game live at _" "many local attractions , including _" "Bowl , played at _" "_ is a beautiful stadium" "Stadium , formerly known as _" "football game at _" "chart is specifically intended for _" "season opener at _" "seating chart is specifically intended for _" "DD,DDD-strong crowd at _" "opener at _" "_ is a great venue" "_ seats over" "stadium was named _" ] using ericsson_stadium
MBL @1116 (96.9%) on 12-sep-2018 [ Promotion of attraction:ericsson_stadium stadiumlocatedincity city:charlotte ] using concept:attraction:ericsson_stadium
CMC @1055 (100.0%) on 03-may-2017 [ PREFIX=stad 2.48700 SUFFIX=um 2.03335 LASTSUFFIX=um 2.00831 PREFIX=stadi 1.91985 SUFFIX=adium 1.79906 LASTPREFIX=stadi 1.52655 LASTPREFIX=stad 1.52434 FULL_POS=NN_NN -1.52288 CHARS -1.56851 WORDS -2.85619 ] using ericsson_stadium
SEAL @189 (75.0%) on 15-jan-2011 [ 12 ] using ericsson_stadium
MBL @1103 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ Promotion of attraction:ericsson_stadium stadiumlocatedincity city:charlotte ]
SEAL @112 (75.0%) on 03-jun-2010 [ 12 ] using (ericsson_stadium, charlotte)
CPL @1108 (87.5%) on 07-jun-2018 [ "arg2 Convention Center and arg1" "arg2 hotels near arg1" "arg2 Coliseum and arg1" ] using (ericsson_stadium, charlotte)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
SEAL @112 (75.0%) on 03-jun-2010 [ 12 ] using (ericsson_stadium, charlotte)
CPL @1108 (87.5%) on 07-jun-2018 [ "arg2 Convention Center and arg1" "arg2 hotels near arg1" "arg2 Coliseum and arg1" ] using (ericsson_stadium, charlotte)