MBL @1102 (99.2%) on 22-feb-2018 [ Promotion of stateorprovince:ia statelocatedingeopoliticallocation geopoliticallocation:usa ]
CPL @1105 (65.6%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "credit companies in _" "individual dental insurance plans in _" "_ Get Free Price" "_ Find Nationwide Death Certificates Fast" "Install HDTV in _" "_ has made an early verbal commitment" "sales services near _" "_ reports a CD" "home state of _" "consumer specific consumer resources for _" "_ Find a Tux Shop" "_ [DD routes" "_ tuxedo rentals" "only VoIP service provider in _" "Search Browse horse classifieds in _" "Estate service in _" "ltc attorney in _" "payday loan rates in _" "Romney win in _" "_ is a private company" "sale in southeast _" "restaurant information for _" "sale in southwest _" "states , including _" "_ br/ Pay Range" "bordering states of _" "_ guarantees consistently fast" "_ selling handgun accessories" "_ singles data" "_ Find salon jobs" "popular internet services in _" "_ also offering car rentals" "_ Get Listings" "removal experts throughout _" "WildBlue Satellite Internet service in _" "_ Get Rental Car Deals" "_ Get a Map" 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the caps" "low cost dentist in _" "_ is simply too costly" "cemetery in central _" "_ Starting a Business Afrikaans" "car transport services in _" "hair therapy services near _" "HughesNet Satellite Internet service in _" "Disclaimers are predicated on applicable _" "Works Enjoying high speed satellite internet in _" "wildlife removal experts throughout _" "criminal requests , from _" "_ See more facts" "_ has numerous choices" "cell phones plans in _" "she loses in _" "auto insurance quote in _" "river in central _" "_ is a CRJ" "therapy services near _" "soup restaurant information for _" "social security number was issued in _" "_ provides affordable locksmith" "Edwards wins _" "entire state of _" "mesothelioma specialists in _" "Romney wins in _" "walleye fishing trips in _" "former governor of _" "vietnamese restaurant information for _" "European restaurant information for _" "_ Get coupons" "_ are trained apartment movers" "modular house in _" "flower deliver _" "_ please click here Find Libraries" "repair contractor in _" "cheaper ISPs in _" "U.S. states of _" "_ singles statistics" "optic internet service provider in _" "Cable internet service in _" "auto sales available in _" "_ see Optometrists" "seafood restaurant information for _" "_ Find trusted home care services" "_ has rental vans" "federal criminal requests , from _" "_ provides flower delivery service" "_ is a full-service wildlife control company" "_ is the dealership" "incoming business calls _" "TYPE restaurant information for _" "_ live blues" "tent sale is always happening here in _" "dog , vacationing away from _" "Japanese restaurant information for _" "area unemployment statistics for _" "_ See all Healthcare Jobs" "CobraHealthPlans of _" "cost dentist in _" "Tractor Dealers in _" "license eligible in _" "sale in northwest _" "Browse horse classifieds in _" "locations in southwest _" "_ offers storage space" "_ surrounding area" "_ is just too costly" "sale is always happening here in _" "opportunites have been submitted for _" "counties in northeastern _" "car shipping services in _" "trip to rural _" "_ DDDDD send email" "job opportunites have been submitted for _" "ltc insurance agent in _" "_ Posted Hey" "great hotels rates in _" "Ticketsreview.com is offering _" "Satellite Internet service in _" "province of _" "_ collected exclusively by" "_ bring warm smiles" "_ DDDDD Get Directions" "Obama returns to _" "Pakistani restaurant information for _" "_ change city" "_ Posted Thanks" "_ is an outdoor exercise weight loss program" "_ Find More Hair Salons" "sign language classes in _" "_ currently recruiting for" "_ please apply today" "Satellite Internet Works Enjoying high speed satellite internet in _" "_ Below are residential properties" "Irish restaurant information for _" "_ is an exciting destination" "attractions in southeast _" "family psychologist in _" "Real Estate service in _" "_ Get Nationwide Death Certificates Fast" "_ create custom wedding" "_ +D,DDD No comment" "_ 's DDD area code" "governor of _" "asbestos research in _" "_ are trained professionals ready" "SS# issued in _" "_ See homes" "couples therapist _" "top internet services in _" "TV Andover _" "Enjoying high speed satellite internet in _" "such states as _" "_ remove Job Description" "_ ~D mi" "internet deal in _" "_ using AOL Local Yellow Pages" "digital TV package in _" "Visitors from outside _" ] using ia
CPL @1094 (96.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and any other cities in arg2" "arg1 at Eye Surgery arg2" "arg1 to somewhere in arg2" "arg1 Travel positions throughout arg2" "arg1 at My Dentist arg2" ] using (ia, usa)
SEAL @448 (75.0%) on 04-nov-2011 [ 12 ] using (ia, usa)
CPL @1094 (96.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and any other cities in arg2" "arg1 at Eye Surgery arg2" "arg1 to somewhere in arg2" "arg1 Travel positions throughout arg2" "arg1 at My Dentist arg2" ] using (ia, usa)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
SEAL @547 (50.0%) on 04-apr-2012 [ 1 ] using (waterloo, ia)
Sempasre @1054 (75.0%) on 30-apr-2017 [ "East High School in Waterloo , IA is a public high school consisting of approximately 1300 students in grades 9-12 ." ] using (waterloo, ia)