MBL @1116 (99.9%) on 12-sep-2018 [ Promotion of island:diamond_head mountaininstate stateorprovince:oahu ] using concept:island:diamond_head
CPL @1104 (64.7%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "heart of east _" "aquifer in western _" "New guy from _" "views of central _" "civil union in _" "communities in Central _" "_ 's Hidden Treasure" "Shore area of _" "aloha from _" "wells in central _" "Jeep rentals in _" "nursery in central _" "southwest coast of _" "fields of central _" "_ 's State Parks" "_ based entertainer" "_ 's breathtaking beauty" "pineapple plantation in _" "main islands include _" "mysterious island of _" "Discount hotels in _" "plains of central _" "_ 's North Coast" "_ 's state parks" "senate seat from _" "_ 's Web Solution" "_ 's northeast coast" "water in central _" "_ 's North Shore" "Bank foreclosures in _" "magical island of _" "Hawaiian island of _" "Shore areas of _" "NE coast of _" "lei from _" "island of _" "_ 's South Shore" "North Shore area of _" "big island of _" "breeder in central _" "club located in central _" "tourist mecca of _" "trees in northern _" "_ condo rentals" "research in southeastern _" "island maps of _" "_ 's low-income children" "governor of _" "Obama was born in _" "_ 's Eastern Shore" "shipwrecks of _" "sites in central _" "south coast of _" "luaus in _" "trail in central _" ] using oahu
CPL @1095 (99.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Crater on the island of arg2" "arg1 crater on arg2" "arg1 Cliffs on arg2" "arg1 on the Hawaiian island of arg2" "arg1 and considered one of arg2" "arg1 volcano on the island of arg2" "arg1 Crater in arg2" "arg1 Crater on arg2" "arg1 volcano on arg2" ] using (diamond_head, oahu)
SEAL @560 (50.0%) on 03-may-2012 [ 1 ] using (diamond_head, oahu)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey