CPL @1114 (93.0%) on 18-aug-2018 [ "former capital of _" "republics of _" "_ is a landlocked country" "chief justice of _" "region of southern _" "provinces such as _" "state language of _" "cities of _" "theatres across _" "former governor of _" "historical centre of _" "town in northern _" "provincial governments of _" "vacanices in _" "parts of southern _" "province of _" "_ 's finance minister" "Theme holidays in _" "chief minister of _" "film is banned in _" "institutes across _" "such countries as _" "_ 's universities" "city of _" "States such as _" "development company in _" "farm in central _" "legislative assembly of _" "southern provinces of _" "vibrant city of _" "states like _" "_ 's public schools" "Government of _" "Gallery Holiday rentals _" "parts of northern _" "registered IT jobs in _" "Western Districts of _" "Provinces of _" "new Driver/Crew jobs in _" "_ 's tribal areas" "legal education in _" "farm in southern _" "holy city of _" "provinces except _" "old city of _" "Property localities of _" "Missing family in _" "Governments of _" "_ 's Minister" "refugee camp in _" "shores of _" "regulatory authorities in _" "_ 's capital" "_ 's prisons" "Advertising colleges in _" "NGOs working in _" "_ 's Finance Minister" "substantive laws of _" "_ have laws" "_ 's national bird" "West region of _" "home state of _" "neighboring state of _" "northern state of _" "home province of _" "Several states , including _" "district in central _" "Farmers of _" "Mandate of _" "life in rural _" "_ 's top court" "_ 's political establishment" "_ was the first state" "entire province of _" "capital city of _" "_ 's ruling coalition" "eastern state of _" "border city of _" "eastern provinces of _" "goods imported from _" "provincial government of _" "northern states of _" "_ 's governor" "Provinces in _" "centres across _" "entire State of _" "provincial capital of _" "other provinces of _" "non-exclusive jurisdiction of _" "vendor in _" "Indian states of _" "historic town of _" "capital of British _" "toys made in _" "_ Get the complete listing" "federal state of _" "various cities across _" "_ 's electronics industry" "_ providing various music courses" "employers across _" "other major cities in _" "universities across _" "applicable laws of _" "other cities throughout _" "_ 's High Court" "citizen born in _" "eastern province of _" "Industrial Property localities of _" "recent terrorist attacks in _" "recent research in _" "state government of _" "border states of _" "communities across _" "town in southern _" "major political parties in _" "town of _" "various music colleges in _" "permanent residents of _" "residential schools in _" "region of northern _" "people of northern _" "provincial governments in _" "government of _" "Food Services colleges in _" "permanent resident of _" "Indian state of _" "capital of ancient _" "communal violence in _" "economic relations with _" "top universities in _" "institutions across _" "national anthem of _" "_ 's capital city" "shops across _" "district of central _" "financial capital of _" "house in southern _" "medical college of _" "Several states such as _" "festivals across _" "governor of _" "successive governments in _" "states except _" "_ 's major cities" "_ 's commercial capital" "forests of northern _" "_ recently passed a law" "northern province of _" "_ 's rivers" "Commercial Property localities of _" "national hero of _" "western states of _" "_ 's cities" "communities in southern _" "Library Science courses in _" "metropolitan areas of _" "other career institutes in _" "cities like _" "northeastern state of _" "national poet of _" "conducive Commercial Property localities of _" "_ 's gross domestic product" "lieutenant governor of _" "cities across _" "people of southern _" "towns across _" "state capital of _" "_ became a state" "citizens of _" "capital of _" "Indian city of _" "_ is the only state" "_ Get an online CV" "Hospitals of _" "_ is the only province" "parliamentary elections in _" "Legislative Assembly of _" "Design colleges in _" "federal government of _" ] using punjab
MBL @1116 (96.0%) on 12-sep-2018 [ Promotion of city:lahore citylocatedinstate geopoliticalorganization:punjab ] using concept:city:lahore
CPL @1105 (66.6%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "Indian states such as _" "conducive Residential Property localities of _" "solar power project in _" "important tourist attraction of _" "land localities of _" "provinces such as _" "states bordering _" "mines in northern _" "heart of Southern _" "ground in central _" "provinces , except _" "Indian states , including _" "entire state of _" "State like _" "small state of _" "former governor of _" "family in central _" "_ is a northern state" "northeastern province of _" "province other than _" "state bird of _" "several states such as _" "fall in northern _" "theatre personalities of _" "second state after _" "_ was the last state" "several States , including _" "province of _" "Many states such as _" "Indian region of _" "crops in southern _" "dance form of _" "neighboring province of _" "new province of _" "progressive state like _" "provinces including _" "present governor of _" "Theme holidays in _" "chief minister of _" "Sabha member from _" "small towns in southern _" "state Government of _" "_ 's universities" "Western Indian state of _" "computer colleges in _" "Malwa region of _" "States such as _" "economy of colonial _" "_ is also the first state" "present-day Indian state of _" "farm in central _" "first-class debut for _" "Congress government in _" "Indian states like _" "states other than _" "business in Other _" "states like _" "_ is an exciting destination" "provincial bird of _" "western state of _" "premier of _" "Western Districts of _" "many states , including _" "landlocked state of _" "_ had become a state" "many states including _" "legal education in _" "other state besides _" "other states into _" "own province of _" "province except _" "_ is the first state" "provinces except _" "_ is the first province" "Property localities of _" "efforts in rural _" "young governor of _" "state map of _" "central province of _" "northwestern Indian state of _" "British province of _" "other states such as _" "Welfare Roles jobs in _" "North Indian state of _" "northern states such as _" "plains of central _" "enchanting state of _" "Provinces such as _" "State of _" "home state of _" "neighboring state of _" "northern state of _" "home province of _" "travel agent in _" "fields of Southern _" "care in rural _" "States except _" "Several states , including _" "v state of _" "various parts of southern _" "colorful state of _" "state governments such as _" "_ 's provincial capital" "India representing _" "_ 's top court" "_ was the first state" "nearby states of _" "entire province of _" "provinces outside of _" "states , including _" "neighbouring province of _" "colony of _" "university of central _" "Sabha constituency in _" "state governments like _" "provinces , such as _" "small states like _" "other states than _" "_ is the fourth state" "eastern state of _" "present states of _" "beautiful province of _" "provincial government of _" "modern Indian state of _" "northern states of _" "entire State of _" "great state of _" "provinces like _" "provincial capital of _" "senator from _" "neighboring states of _" "Indian states of _" "many states like _" "Former governor of _" "former chief minister of _" "_ Get the complete listing" "states , behind _" "federal state of _" "other provinces including _" "western province of _" "_ providing various music courses" "former lieutenant governor of _" "economy of Southern _" "women of southern _" "whole state of _" "neighbouring states like _" "rural health in _" "BJP government in _" "state other than _" "provinces of _" "various states including _" "_ was the only province" "corporate farming in _" "eastern province of _" "Southern districts of _" "Industrial Property localities of _" "state government of _" "Ed colleges in _" "I am from central _" "_ was the first State" "_ has become the first state" "nearby state of _" "popular folk dance of _" "communal carnage in _" "_ is a rich state" "available Government jobs in _" "state legislature of _" "_ is the only State" "various music colleges in _" "Sabha seats in _" "Agricultural land localities of _" "rich states like _" "states , such as _" "state is bordered by _" "crucial state of _" "present province of _" "provinces other than _" "present day province of _" "_ is not the only state" "sugarcane growers in _" "several provinces , including _" "_ was the first province" "other states , such as _" "several states including _" "states , like _" "Democratic senator from _" "Indian state of _" "Residential Property localities of _" "whole province of _" "congregations in rural _" "city is located at _" "_ is a state rich" "_ leads all other states" "province like _" "liberal governor of _" "other provinces such as _" "provinces , like _" "neighbouring provinces of _" "north Indian state of _" "own state of _" "other state except _" "Several states such as _" "western Indian state of _" "governor of _" "conducive Industrial Property localities of _" "Animal Welfare Roles jobs in _" "Legislative Assemblies of _" "non-metropolitan areas of _" "native state of _" "_ being the first state" "Commercial Property localities of _" "BJP) government in _" "_ 's north-east" "people of central _" "lieutenant-governor of _" "_ 's public universities" "Provincial government of _" "Roles jobs in _" "indian state of _" "_ was a border state" "states such as _" "great province of _" "few states , including _" "health care in rural _" "Library Science courses in _" "magnificent state of _" "northern states like _" "other states like _" "_ became a province" "conducive Agricultural land localities of _" "native province of _" "network in southern _" "traditions of rural _" "northeastern state of _" "cities of southern _" "conducive Commercial Property localities of _" "border states like _" "English governor of _" "Other states like _" "beautiful state of _" "provinces , including _" "_ was the only State" "northern Indian state of _" "Northern states like _" "Assembly of _" "B. Ed colleges in _" "_ became a state" "_ 's provincial government" "Congress member from _" "_ was the only state" "loss in southern _" "population in rural _" "Northern Indian state of _" "_ is the first State" "_ is the only state" "President rule in _" "senate seat from _" "Indian province of _" "services in Southern _" "home states of _" "_ is an agricultural state" "_ is the only province" "small state like _" "provincial Government of _" "day province of _" "numbers in southern _" "green state of _" "progressive states like _" "Legislative Assembly of _" ] using punjab
MBL @1102 (100.0%) on 22-feb-2018 [ Promotion of stateorprovince:punjab statelocatedingeopoliticallocation geopoliticallocation:india ]
MBL @1116 (100.0%) on 12-sep-2018 [ Promotion of geopoliticalorganization:punjab statehascapital city:chandigarh ] using concept:geopoliticalorganization:punjab
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 being the capital of arg2" "arg1 and other cities of arg2" "arg1 is the capital of arg2" "arg1 or any other city in arg2" ] using (chandigarh, punjab)
Sempasre @1070 (75.0%) on 05-aug-2017 [ "Regular bus facility is available to Chandigarh , Delhi and most major stations of Himachal Pradesh and Punjab at Shimla and Solan bus stations ." ] using (shimla, punjab)
CPL @1104 (87.5%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and the language spoken is arg1" "arg2 generally speak arg1" "arg2 mostly speak arg1" ] using (punjabi, punjab)