CPL @1105 (73.7%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "crushed seeds to _" "coins falling into _" "contents poured into _" "cream poured into _" "Place egg in _" "I am sitting here drinking _" "Wrap paper around _" "Transfer to small _" "I sipped at _" "book , grab _" "_ ¾ full" "He drinks from _" "Put sugar in _" "Pour liquid into _" "_ chopped ripe olives" "_ chopped macadamia nuts" "_ has a wide mouth" "_ is the new testament" "sample is poured into _" "small spoon in _" "small bit into _" "scoop batter into _" "plastic serving _" "waitress put _" "powder mixture in _" "peppercorns in _" "dropper full in _" "cocoa powder into _" "I love sipping _" "tartar into _" "Heat water in _" "cup , plastic _" "dry measuring _" "cubes into _" "she drinks from _" "oil in small _" "mustard in small _" "plastic mixing _" "_ freshly grated parmesan cheese" "_ D/D full" "_ combine the red wine vinegar" "coconut water into _" "corn mixture into _" "coffee , setting _" "cupcake papers in _" "_ stuffing into" "bowl , plastic _" "blended ingredients into _" "_ reduced sauce" "strainer into _" "_ is inverted over" "golden color in _" "half consumed _" "dried yeast in _" "white wine out of _" "_ dissolve the cornstarch" "_ combine the buttermilk" "_ contains hot water" "_ combine the mustard" "_ add the brown sugar" "_ containing a little water" "Pour vodka into _" "Strain mixture into _" "Press bottom of _" "cool , put in _" "champagne out of _" "cups , plastic _" "cup , measuring _" "strainer , into _" "yeast in large _" "vanilla yogurt in _" "hot liquids into _" "hot liquid is poured into _" "_ comes out clean" "_ combine all ingredients" "lime wedge in _" "little paint into _" "liquid hits _" "place into large _" "teaspoon per _" "table , sipping _" "self stirring _" "dish washing detergent in _" "crushed cookies in _" "chitchat over _" "chocolate batter into _" "cup , open _" "water stays inside _" "fine sieve into _" "he drinks from _" "_ is top-rack dishwasher safe" "foil , put in _" "it 's poured into _" "several ice cubes in _" "skin side up in _" "spring onions into _" "separate bowl with _" "sausage pieces in _" "seeds D/D _" "jaggery with _" "kitchen , prepared _" "miso into _" "Fill half of _" "_ simmering stock" "_ softened ice cream" "He drank from _" "creamer into _" "dressing left in _" "cold water in small _" "coffee poured into _" "Soak bread in _" "Squeeze lemon juice into _" "spoon , plastic _" "lid doubles as _" "man drinks from _" "her drink from _" "less caffeine in _" "lime rind in _" "sauce in separate _" "D-D teaspoons to _" "Place mix in _" "yogurt mixture in _" "Pour cold water into _" "Break eggs into _" "liquid remains in _" "long pull at _" "lemon grass to _" "bowl Using _" "cup flour with _" "dried herb in _" "ground black pepper in _" "ginger juice in _" "good chat over _" "bits left in _" "bicarb in _" "plastic lid of _" "kitchen table , sipping _" "mulberry tree with _" "little sauce in _" "_ reserved batter" "grated ginger to _" "herb mixture in _" "Place vinegar in _" "Place contents of _" "custom printed ceramic _" "egg mixture into _" "_ finely chopped celery" "_ has some crazing" "drops fell into _" "dried herb into _" "fine strain into _" "deck sipping _" "waitress set _" "wine remaining in _" "_ is either half empty" "_ malted milk powder" "bowl , with _" "bubble solution in _" "hot tap water into _" "hot stock into _" "garden sipping _" "Crack egg into _" "I was practically licking _" "Place ice cubes in _" "tulip shaped _" "saucer under _" "tomato puree into _" "small microwave safe _" "syrup inside _" "strainer placed over _" "small sip from _" "spatula , measuring _" "spoon stirring _" "Pour contents of _" "tea , pour _" "_ marked stone" "_ reserved dressing" "_ pour the mix" "garlic paste in _" "place eggs in _" "long drink from _" "lipstick stains on _" "little olive oil in _" "_ combine the flour" "_ filling Machine" "fresh coffee into _" "he was sipping _" "yellow food coloring in _" "wine in new _" "tea is poured into _" "teacup silhouette in _" "counter , fill _" "cranberry mixture in _" "cup vs. _" "coffee powder into _" "He drink _" "Place milk in _" "She sips from _" "hotel balcony with _" "time chatting over _" "silver lidded _" "_ sliced peaches" "_ holds oz" "_ grated Swiss cheese" "egg whites with _" "dough down into _" "doilies under _" "egg yolks into _" "you downed _" "half drank _" "fat left in _" "ice cube out of _" "ground coriander to _" "ripe banana in _" "plastic feeding _" "plastic disposable _" "scalloped rim of _" "_ is always half empty" "spoon up in _" "tempest in _" "sofa , sipping _" "Cool , remove from _" "Joe reached for _" "leaf serving _" "much you put in _" "mustard powder in _" "sticks , measuring _" "spill travel _" "_ chopped ham" "_ chopped cooked chicken" "_ grated pineapple" "_ freshly boiled water" "_ has a rounded bottom" "_ warming tray" "wet ingredients to _" "plate , large _" "ready , heat _" "custard cups in _" "_ measuring pitcher" "_ is finished brewing" "_ cooked wild rice" "thyme leaves to _" "chocolate mixture to _" "cocoa into _" "broth served in _" "clam juice into _" "sugar mixed in _" "gallon sized _" "dressing ingredients in _" "hand , then turn _" "old wine in new _" "Pour into large _" "MAKING D) In _" "ice cubes floating in _" "coffee in large _" "last drops from _" "few ice cubes in _" "batter into _" "_ chopped white chocolate" "_ containing a candle" "_ crushed raspberries" "liquid inside of _" "next time you grab _" "_ combine the milk" "_ crumbled Roquefort" "_ freshly grated Parmesan" "_ chopped fresh cilantro" "dried herb to _" "bowls , measuring _" "_ chopped fresh coriander" "wine inside _" "_ beat the egg" "_ beadmaking techniques" "_ combine the oil" "_ combine the soy sauce" "_ chopped coconut" "removable weighing _" "parsley In _" "_ is filled about" "_ is three-quarters full" "_ is half-full" "strawberry mixture into _" "day , drink _" "cheese mixture to _" "_ chopped peanuts" "_ chopped parsley" "guest bringing _" "granola into _" "green liquid in _" "_ chopped basil" "_ cooked brown rice" "_ chopped dried apricots" "paper towel inside _" "pita bread on _" "powder is put in _" "cinnamon sticks to _" "coffee grounds out of _" "cup , large _" "purée with _" "browned bits into _" "amber color in _" "ice water out of _" "spoon dipped into _" "tea right in _" "Pour milk in _" "yellow liquid from _" "bottom interior of _" "bottle , plastic _" "couch , sipping _" "butter softened _" "candy thermometer in _" "huge , steaming _" "_ sliced ripe olives" "_ shaped wicker basket" "_ shaped socket" "paper liners in _" "hot broth into _" "girl drinking from _" "glassware , such as _" "great accompaniment with _" "heart shaped measuring _" "friends than over _" "foil lined _" "Pour into small _" "white wine into _" "vinegar mixed in _" "raw potato to _" "serving into _" "coffee right into _" "coconut flakes in _" "_ coarsely chopped walnuts" "_ mashed strawberries" "_ reserved crumb mixture" "teaspoon salt in _" "sieve set over _" "strainer onto _" "yolks into _" "you gulp down _" "oil around in _" "liquids , use _" "paper towel , in _" "bowl , using _" "bread beside _" "_ pulverized sugar" "cinnamon stick into _" "cumin seeds in _" "cream , accompanied by _" "coffee is poured into _" "leaves fell into _" "it simmer in _" "cup water in _" "cookie crumbs into _" "dry yeast in _" "_ grated Romano cheese" "_ chopped shrimp" "_ chopped cherries" "_ containing the milk" "_ add the oil" "Put sugar into _" "Fill remainder of _" "liquid in small _" "little cold water in _" "morning , drank _" "Pour contents into _" "Place flour in _" "_ sweetened flaked coconut" "_ stir together the sugar" "bulgar wheat in _" "cup , disposable _" "_ is both dishwasher" "sliced almonds in _" "traveler filled _" "Shrimp served in _" "wine contained in _" "sifted flour into _" "steel feeding _" "sugar mixture in _" "porch sipping _" "pan , cover _" "_ does not have a lid" "_ crushed Oreos" "ready , pour into _" "urine is collected in _" "_ crushed Oreo cookies" "_ grated sharp cheese" "Pour drippings into _" "you gently shake _" "water , cover _" "_ holding liquid" "_ is not half full" "priming powder in _" "orange juice concentrate in _" "giant , steaming _" "few swigs from _" "warm kitchen with _" "swigs from _" "teaspoonfuls into _" "cup , use _" "cubes floating in _" "black pepper powder to _" "couple drops in _" "blood drip into _" "beans in to _" "cat drinks from _" "broth into _" "beverage inside _" "bottle , drink _" "coffee , set _" "cooking spray in _" "cutlery , disposable _" "chiles into _" "cocoa mix to _" "yourself sipping _" "bouillon into _" "_ reserved mushroom" "_ washing soda" "_ sifted confectioner" "ground cumin in _" "guest is presented with _" "microwave , cover _" "chicken bouillon in _" "sun drinking _" "_ chopped suet" "fire , sipping _" "fresh coriander in _" "graham cracker crumbs in _" "plastic lining of _" "lid on to _" "_ chopped walnuts" "_ chopped fresh parsley" "_ chopped almonds" "hot , pour into _" "equivalent of one-half _" "layering until _" "little juice in _" "dark liquid in _" "crushed cookies into _" "chopped onion in _" "cardboard sleeve around _" "softened butter into _" "teaspoons v lla extract _" "soy milk into _" "living room , carrying _" "morning I drink _" "little flour in _" "hot water is poured into _" "large handled _" "like heaven in _" "glasses , drinking _" "Melt cheese in _" "Sift flour into _" "beat eggs in _" "_ shredded Parmesan cheese" "_ shredded Cheddar cheese" "_ lightly beat eggs" "_ reserved cheese" "_ remaining sauce" "_ reserved cooking liquid" "_ just boiled water" "little butter in _" "mixing bowl , measuring _" "metal mixing _" "roasting pan into _" "salad dressing into _" "place in plastic _" "_ packed light brown sugar" "_ soften yeast" "black coffee into _" "fork beside _" "rim meets _" "pepper in small _" "_ combine the soy" ] using cup
SEAL @113 (100.0%) on 03-jun-2010 [ 1234567 ] using cup
CPL @1108 (93.8%) on 07-jun-2018 [ "arg1 winning the World arg2" "arg1 to win the World arg2" "arg1 in the DDDD World arg2" "arg1 and won the World arg2" ] using (history, cup)
CPL @1095 (99.9%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 won a World arg2" "arg1 won the World arg2" "arg1 win the World arg2" "arg1 could win the World arg2" "arg1 playing in the World arg2" "arg1 to win the World arg2" "arg1 in the DDDD World arg2" "arg1 wins the World arg2" "arg1 reach the World arg2" "arg1 last won the World arg2" ] using (sweden, cup)
CPL @1095 (100.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 to victory in the World arg2" "arg1 first World arg2" "arg1 play in the World arg2" "arg1 to win the DDDD World arg2" "arg1 into the DDDD World arg2" "arg1 winning the DDDD World arg2" "arg1 win World arg2" "arg1 had won the World arg2" "arg1 made it to the World arg2" "arg1 lost the DDDD World arg2" "arg1 to advance to the World arg2" "arg1 making the World arg2" "arg1 winning the World arg2" "arg1 last won the World arg2" "arg1 back to the World arg2" "arg1 were playing in the World arg2" "arg1 wins the World arg2" "arg1 when they won the World arg2" "arg1 have won the World arg2" "arg1 could win the World arg2" "arg1 can win the World arg2" "arg1 will win the World arg2" "arg1 to their first World arg2" "arg1 won the DDDD World arg2" "arg1 playing in the World arg2" "arg1 to win the World arg2" "arg1 to win a World arg2" "arg1 won the World arg2" "arg1 will win a World arg2" "arg1 win the World arg2" "arg1 made the World arg2" "arg1 and win the World arg2" "arg1 in the DDDD World arg2" "arg1 and won the World arg2" "arg1 watching the World arg2" "arg1 advanced to the World arg2" "arg1 victory in the World arg2" "arg1 played in the World arg2" "arg1 win the DDDD World arg2" "arg1 reached the World arg2" ] using (australia, cup)
CPL @1095 (99.9%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 in the DDDD World arg2" "arg1 play in the World arg2" "arg1 to win the World arg2" "arg1 won the World arg2" "arg1 and won the World arg2" "arg1 to reach the World arg2" "arg1 will win the World arg2" "arg1 playing in the World arg2" "arg1 have won the World arg2" "arg1 to win the DDDD World arg2" ] using (china, cup)
CPL @1103 (99.6%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 will win the world arg2" "arg1 winning the world arg2" "arg1 last won the world arg2" "arg1 won the world arg2" "arg1 will win the World arg2" "arg1 win the world arg2" "arg1 play in the World arg2" "arg1 win the World arg2" ] using (germany, cup)
CPL @1095 (100.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 to victory in the World arg2" "arg1 lost the World arg2" "arg1 play in the World arg2" "arg1 winning the DDDD World arg2" "arg1 had won the World arg2" "arg1 win the World arg2" "arg1 winning the World arg2" "arg1 had just won the World arg2" "arg1 playing in the World arg2" "arg1 have won the World arg2" "arg1 will win the World arg2" "arg1 win World arg2" "arg1 can win the World arg2" "arg1 wins the World arg2" "arg1 to make the World arg2" "arg1 and win the World arg2" "arg1 in the DDDD World arg2" "arg1 won the DDDD World arg2" "arg1 last won the World arg2" "arg1 won the World arg2" "arg1 won the first World arg2" "arg1 would win the World arg2" "arg1 to win the World arg2" "arg1 will win the DDDD World arg2" "arg1 win a World arg2" "arg1 win the DDDD World arg2" ] using (india, cup)
CPL @1095 (100.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 have won the World arg2" "arg1 can win the World arg2" "arg1 in the DDDD World arg2" "arg1 could win the World arg2" "arg1 winning the World arg2" "arg1 to their first World arg2" "arg1 winning a World arg2" "arg1 will win the World arg2" "arg1 would win the World arg2" "arg1 to win the World arg2" "arg1 went to the World arg2" "arg1 win the World arg2" "arg1 are going to the World arg2" "arg1 won the World arg2" "arg1 and win the World arg2" "arg1 play in the World arg2" "arg1 win World arg2" ] using (scotland, cup)
CPL @1096 (100.0%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 winning the World arg2" "arg1 game in the World arg2" "arg1 in the DDDD World arg2" "arg1 won the World arg2" "arg1 reached the World arg2" "arg1 made the World arg2" "arg1 to win a World arg2" "arg1 to win the World arg2" "arg1 wins the World arg2" "arg1 will win the World arg2" "arg1 play in the World arg2" "arg1 would win the World arg2" "arg1 games in the World arg2" "arg1 won a World arg2" "arg1 will win a World arg2" ] using (us, cup)
CPL @1095 (99.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 playing in the World arg2" "arg1 will win a World arg2" "arg1 could win the World arg2" "arg1 won the World arg2" "arg1 wins the World arg2" "arg1 win the World arg2" "arg1 in the DDDD World arg2" "arg1 will win the World arg2" "arg1 had just won the World arg2" ] using (america, cup)
CPL @1095 (100.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 win a World arg2" "arg1 will win the world arg2" "arg1 to another World arg2" "arg1 made the World arg2" "arg1 and win the World arg2" "arg1 to victory in the World arg2" "arg1 won their first World arg2" "arg1 have not won a World arg2" "arg1 back to the World arg2" "arg1 victory in the World arg2" "arg1 games of the World arg2" "arg1 to win the DDDD World arg2" "arg1 could win the World arg2" "arg1 won the DDDD World arg2" "arg1 can win the World arg2" "arg1 have won the World arg2" "arg1 lost the World arg2" "arg1 have not won the World arg2" "arg1 just won the World arg2" "arg1 had won the World arg2" "arg1 team that won the World arg2" "arg1 in the DDDD World arg2" "arg1 won the World arg2" "arg1 play in the World arg2" "arg1 won a World arg2" "arg1 make the World arg2" "arg1 winning the DDDD World arg2" "arg1 playing in the World arg2" "arg1 losing the World arg2" "arg1 to winning the World arg2" "arg1 game in the World arg2" "arg1 finally won the World arg2" "arg1 will win the DDDD World arg2" "arg1 reach the World arg2" "arg1 will win the World arg2" "arg1 played in the World arg2" "arg1 winning a World arg2" "arg1 winning the world arg2" "arg1 win World arg2" "arg1 had just won the World arg2" "arg1 last won the World arg2" "arg1 get to the World arg2" "arg1 to win the World arg2" "arg1 winning the World arg2" "arg1 were in the World arg2" "arg1 would win the World arg2" "arg1 into the DDDD World arg2" "arg1 went to the World arg2" "arg1 are in the World arg2" "arg1 win the World arg2" "arg1 to their first World arg2" "arg1 were playing in the World arg2" "arg1 wins the World arg2" "arg1 to reach the World arg2" "arg1 made it to the World arg2" "arg1 win the DDDD World arg2" ] using (england, cup)
CPL @1096 (99.2%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 in the DDDD World arg2" "arg1 have won the World arg2" "arg1 win the World arg2" "arg1 going to the World arg2" "arg1 when they won the World arg2" "arg1 watching the World arg2" "arg1 winning the World arg2" ] using (people, cup)
CPL @1096 (99.6%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 that won the World arg2" "arg1 win a World arg2" "arg1 won the World arg2" "arg1 to win the World arg2" "arg1 would win the World arg2" "arg1 win the DDDD World arg2" "arg1 won the DDDD World arg2" "arg1 win the World arg2" ] using (men, cup)
CPL @1108 (98.4%) on 07-jun-2018 [ "arg1 in the DDDD World arg2" "arg1 games of the World arg2" "arg1 games in the DDDD World arg2" "arg1 go to the World arg2" "arg1 games in the World arg2" "arg1 trips to the World arg2" ] using (six, cup)
CPL @1095 (100.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 have won the World arg2" "arg1 just won the World arg2" "arg1 play in the World arg2" "arg1 had won the World arg2" "arg1 won the State arg2" "arg1 went to the World arg2" "arg1 to another World arg2" "arg1 to reach the World arg2" "arg1 to their first World arg2" "arg1 going to the World arg2" "arg1 last won the World arg2" "arg1 made it to the World arg2" "arg1 had just won the World arg2" "arg1 advanced to the World arg2" "arg1 making the World arg2" "arg1 USA in the World arg2" "arg1 to get to the World arg2" "arg1 that wins the World arg2" "arg1 ever to win the World arg2" "arg1 winning the DDDD World arg2" "arg1 can win the World arg2" "arg1 playing in the World arg2" "arg1 to make the World arg2" "arg1 won a World arg2" "arg1 in the DDDD World arg2" "arg1 advance to the World arg2" "arg1 lost the World arg2" "arg1 wins the World arg2" "arg1 into the DDDD World arg2" "arg1 and won the World arg2" "arg1 to victory in the World arg2" "arg1 reached the World arg2" "arg1 and win the World arg2" "arg1 made the World arg2" "arg1 could win the World arg2" "arg1 would win the World arg2" "arg1 make it to the World arg2" "arg1 lose the World arg2" "arg1 to win the DDDD World arg2" "arg1 that won the European arg2" "arg1 win a World arg2" "arg1 will win a World arg2" "arg1 won the World arg2" "arg1 won the first World arg2" "arg1 that won the World arg2" "arg1 to win a World arg2" "arg1 to win the World arg2" "arg1 win the DDDD World arg2" "arg1 reach the World arg2" "arg1 will win the World arg2" "arg1 that went to the World arg2" "arg1 won the DDDD World arg2" "arg1 victory in the World arg2" "arg1 win the World arg2" "arg1 played in the World arg2" "arg1 go to the World arg2" "arg1 winning the World arg2" ] using (team, cup)
CPL @1099 (87.5%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg1 when they won the World arg2" "arg1 in the DDDD World arg2" "arg1 watching the World arg2" ] using (crowd, cup)
CPL @1096 (93.8%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 won the World arg2" "arg1 win the world arg2" "arg1 won the world arg2" "arg1 winning the world arg2" ] using (pakistan, cup)
CPL @1095 (100.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 just won the World arg2" "arg1 in the DDDD World arg2" "arg1 winning the DDDD World arg2" "arg1 had won the World arg2" "arg1 wins the World arg2" "arg1 win a World arg2" "arg1 won the DDDD World arg2" "arg1 to win the DDDD World arg2" "arg1 winning the World arg2" "arg1 have won the World arg2" "arg1 when they won the World arg2" "arg1 to win the World Series arg2" "arg1 will win the World arg2" "arg1 to winning the World arg2" "arg1 win the DDDD World arg2" "arg1 to win the World arg2" "arg1 won the World arg2" "arg1 won the first World arg2" "arg1 win the World arg2" "arg1 reached the World arg2" "arg1 last won the World arg2" ] using (sri_lanka, cup)
CPL @1103 (99.6%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 will win the world arg2" "arg1 winning the world arg2" "arg1 last won the world arg2" "arg1 won the world arg2" "arg1 will win the World arg2" "arg1 win the world arg2" "arg1 play in the World arg2" "arg1 win the World arg2" ] using (germany, cup)
CPL @1095 (99.6%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 with some salt and arg1" "arg2 and sprinkle with salt and arg1" "arg2 with the salt and arg1" "arg2 with salt and arg1" "arg2 vinegar and salt and arg1" "arg2 and season with salt and arg1" "arg2 with fresh cracked arg1" "arg2 with the cayenne arg1" ] using (pepper, cup)
CPL @1107 (99.6%) on 24-may-2018 [ "arg2 of semisweet arg1" "arg2 of melted dark arg1" "arg2 of melted bittersweet arg1" "arg2 of semi sweet arg1" "arg2 of chopped white arg1" "arg2 or two of dark arg1" "arg2 semisweet arg1" "arg2 chopped bittersweet arg1" ] using (chocolate, cup)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of homemade lemon arg1" "arg2 of delicious vanilla ice arg1" "arg2 with a dollop of whipped arg1" "arg2 of the whipped arg1" ] using (cream, cup)
CPL @1095 (100.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 buttercream on arg1" "arg2 morsels over arg1" "arg2 ganache on arg1" "arg2 cheese mixture over arg1" "arg2 icing on arg1" "arg2 chips evenly over arg1" "arg2 chips over arg1" "arg2 with whipped cream on arg1" "arg2 cheese mixture on arg1" "arg2 ganache over arg1" "arg2 with a cherry on arg1" "arg2 of coconut over arg1" ] using (top, cup)
CPL @1104 (99.2%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and add to dry arg1" "arg2 into the bowl of dry arg1" "arg2 and prepared fresh arg1" "arg2 into the dry arg1" "arg2 and add the wet arg1" "arg2 over the dry arg1" "arg2 mix wet arg1" ] using (ingredients, cup)
CPL @1094 (96.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 have not won arg2" "arg1 ever won arg2" "arg1 last won arg2" "arg1 have a chance at arg2" "arg1 ever win arg2" ] using (leafs, cup)
CPL @1096 (100.0%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 games of the World arg2" "arg1 and won the World arg2" "arg1 play in the World arg2" "arg1 advance to the World arg2" "arg1 games in the World arg2" "arg1 in the DDDD World arg2" "arg1 to win the World arg2" "arg1 won the World arg2" "arg1 go to the World arg2" "arg1 game in the World arg2" "arg1 games in the DDDD World arg2" ] using (group, cup)
CPL @1108 (99.6%) on 07-jun-2018 [ "arg1 to winning the World arg2" "arg1 to make the World arg2" "arg1 to win a World arg2" "arg1 to win the World arg2" "arg1 they won the World arg2" "arg1 winning the World arg2" "arg1 to go to the World arg2" "arg1 to get to the World arg2" ] using (years, cup)
CPL @1108 (93.8%) on 07-jun-2018 [ "arg1 won the State arg2" "arg1 to win the World arg2" "arg1 won the World arg2" "arg1 that won the World arg2" ] using (club, cup)
CPL @1096 (96.9%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 into the DDDD World arg2" "arg1 to get to the World arg2" "arg1 to go to the World arg2" "arg1 to make the World arg2" "arg1 in the DDDD World arg2" ] using (money, cup)
CPL @1096 (96.9%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 win the World arg2" "arg1 to win the World arg2" "arg1 get to the World arg2" "arg1 win a World arg2" "arg1 play in the World arg2" ] using (one_day, cup)
CPL @1096 (96.9%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and won the World arg2" "arg1 in the DDDD World arg2" "arg1 playing in the World arg2" "arg1 going to the World arg2" "arg1 first World arg2" ] using (career, cup)
CPL @1096 (99.6%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 that won the World arg2" "arg1 win the World arg2" "arg1 in the DDDD World arg2" "arg1 won the World arg2" "arg1 playing in the World arg2" "arg1 won their first World arg2" "arg1 to win their first World arg2" "arg1 win World arg2" ] using (women, cup)
CPL @1097 (96.9%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg1 winning a World arg2" "arg1 they won the World arg2" "arg1 playing in the World arg2" "arg1 to win the World arg2" "arg1 to reach the World arg2" ] using (course, cup)
CPL @1095 (100.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 wins the World arg2" "arg1 play in the World arg2" "arg1 to win the World arg2" "arg1 won the World arg2" "arg1 winning the World arg2" "arg1 made it to the World arg2" "arg1 played in the World arg2" "arg1 to go to the World arg2" "arg1 reach the World arg2" "arg1 in the DDDD World arg2" "arg1 to their first World arg2" "arg1 would win the World arg2" "arg1 will win the World arg2" "arg1 win the World arg2" "arg1 have won the World arg2" ] using (japan, cup)
CPL @1108 (93.8%) on 07-jun-2018 [ "arg1 in the DDDD World arg2" "arg1 games of the DDDD World arg2" "arg1 have won the World arg2" "arg1 games in the World arg2" ] using (seven, cup)
CPL @1108 (100.0%) on 07-jun-2018 [ "arg1 winning the World arg2" "arg1 to make the World arg2" "arg1 to get to the World arg2" "arg1 in the DDDD World arg2" "arg1 into the DDDD World arg2" "arg1 to win the DDDD World arg2" "arg1 back to the World arg2" "arg1 they won the World arg2" "arg1 to win the World arg2" "arg1 to win a World arg2" "arg1 to winning the World arg2" "arg1 and win the World arg2" "arg1 to advance to the World arg2" ] using (way, cup)
CPL @1103 (96.9%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 ever to win the World arg2" "arg1 won the World arg2" "arg1 could win the World arg2" "arg1 in the DDDD World arg2" "arg1 will win the World arg2" ] using (american, cup)
CPL @1096 (99.6%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 that won the World arg2" "arg1 win a World arg2" "arg1 won the World arg2" "arg1 to win the World arg2" "arg1 would win the World arg2" "arg1 win the DDDD World arg2" "arg1 won the DDDD World arg2" "arg1 win the World arg2" ] using (men, cup)
CPL @1108 (100.0%) on 07-jun-2018 [ "arg1 winning the World arg2" "arg1 to make the World arg2" "arg1 to get to the World arg2" "arg1 in the DDDD World arg2" "arg1 into the DDDD World arg2" "arg1 to win the DDDD World arg2" "arg1 back to the World arg2" "arg1 they won the World arg2" "arg1 to win the World arg2" "arg1 to win a World arg2" "arg1 to winning the World arg2" "arg1 and win the World arg2" "arg1 to advance to the World arg2" ] using (way, cup)
CPL @1096 (99.6%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 wins the World arg2" "arg1 to win the World arg2" "arg1 play in the World arg2" "arg1 win a World arg2" "arg1 win the World arg2" "arg1 in the DDDD World arg2" "arg1 winning the World arg2" "arg1 get to the World arg2" ] using (day, cup)
CPL @1095 (99.9%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 winning the World arg2" "arg1 win a World arg2" "arg1 will win the World arg2" "arg1 win the World arg2" "arg1 to get to the World arg2" "arg1 make it to the World arg2" "arg1 playing in the World arg2" "arg1 to win the World arg2" "arg1 in the DDDD World arg2" "arg1 winning the DDDD World arg2" ] using (wales, cup)
CPL @1095 (100.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 win a World arg2" "arg1 will win the world arg2" "arg1 to another World arg2" "arg1 made the World arg2" "arg1 and win the World arg2" "arg1 to victory in the World arg2" "arg1 won their first World arg2" "arg1 have not won a World arg2" "arg1 back to the World arg2" "arg1 victory in the World arg2" "arg1 games of the World arg2" "arg1 to win the DDDD World arg2" "arg1 could win the World arg2" "arg1 won the DDDD World arg2" "arg1 can win the World arg2" "arg1 have won the World arg2" "arg1 lost the World arg2" "arg1 have not won the World arg2" "arg1 just won the World arg2" "arg1 had won the World arg2" "arg1 team that won the World arg2" "arg1 in the DDDD World arg2" "arg1 won the World arg2" "arg1 play in the World arg2" "arg1 won a World arg2" "arg1 make the World arg2" "arg1 winning the DDDD World arg2" "arg1 playing in the World arg2" "arg1 losing the World arg2" "arg1 to winning the World arg2" "arg1 game in the World arg2" "arg1 finally won the World arg2" "arg1 will win the DDDD World arg2" "arg1 reach the World arg2" "arg1 will win the World arg2" "arg1 played in the World arg2" "arg1 winning a World arg2" "arg1 winning the world arg2" "arg1 win World arg2" "arg1 had just won the World arg2" "arg1 last won the World arg2" "arg1 get to the World arg2" "arg1 to win the World arg2" "arg1 winning the World arg2" "arg1 were in the World arg2" "arg1 would win the World arg2" "arg1 into the DDDD World arg2" "arg1 went to the World arg2" "arg1 are in the World arg2" "arg1 win the World arg2" "arg1 to their first World arg2" "arg1 were playing in the World arg2" "arg1 wins the World arg2" "arg1 to reach the World arg2" "arg1 made it to the World arg2" "arg1 win the DDDD World arg2" ] using (england, cup)
CPL @1095 (100.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 winning the World arg2" "arg1 made it to the World arg2" "arg1 advanced to the World arg2" "arg1 can win the World arg2" "arg1 had won the World arg2" "arg1 to win the DDDD World arg2" "arg1 to win the World arg2" "arg1 reached the World arg2" "arg1 were playing in the World arg2" "arg1 in the DDDD World arg2" "arg1 win the world arg2" "arg1 won the World arg2" "arg1 win the World arg2" "arg1 to their first World arg2" ] using (ireland, cup)
CPL @1108 (93.8%) on 07-jun-2018 [ "arg1 to win the World arg2" "arg1 to another World arg2" "arg1 to victory in the World arg2" "arg1 to winning the World arg2" ] using (road, cup)
CPL @1095 (100.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 won their first World arg2" "arg1 won the DDDD World arg2" "arg1 had just won the World arg2" "arg1 game in the World arg2" "arg1 won the world arg2" "arg1 winning a World arg2" "arg1 won the World arg2" "arg1 win the World arg2" "arg1 will win the World arg2" "arg1 could win the World arg2" "arg1 just won the World arg2" "arg1 had won the World arg2" "arg1 finally won the World arg2" "arg1 to win their first World arg2" "arg1 winning the World arg2" "arg1 that won the European arg2" "arg1 to win a World arg2" "arg1 to win the World arg2" "arg1 win the DDDD World arg2" "arg1 play in the World arg2" "arg1 when they won the World arg2" "arg1 would win the World arg2" "arg1 in the DDDD World arg2" "arg1 wins the World arg2" "arg1 winning the DDDD World arg2" "arg1 can win the World arg2" "arg1 win World arg2" "arg1 have won the World arg2" ] using (spain, cup)
CPL @1095 (100.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 have won the World arg2" "arg1 just won the World arg2" "arg1 play in the World arg2" "arg1 had won the World arg2" "arg1 won the State arg2" "arg1 went to the World arg2" "arg1 to another World arg2" "arg1 to reach the World arg2" "arg1 to their first World arg2" "arg1 going to the World arg2" "arg1 last won the World arg2" "arg1 made it to the World arg2" "arg1 had just won the World arg2" "arg1 advanced to the World arg2" "arg1 making the World arg2" "arg1 USA in the World arg2" "arg1 to get to the World arg2" "arg1 that wins the World arg2" "arg1 ever to win the World arg2" "arg1 winning the DDDD World arg2" "arg1 can win the World arg2" "arg1 playing in the World arg2" "arg1 to make the World arg2" "arg1 won a World arg2" "arg1 in the DDDD World arg2" "arg1 advance to the World arg2" "arg1 lost the World arg2" "arg1 wins the World arg2" "arg1 into the DDDD World arg2" "arg1 and won the World arg2" "arg1 to victory in the World arg2" "arg1 reached the World arg2" "arg1 and win the World arg2" "arg1 made the World arg2" "arg1 could win the World arg2" "arg1 would win the World arg2" "arg1 make it to the World arg2" "arg1 lose the World arg2" "arg1 to win the DDDD World arg2" "arg1 that won the European arg2" "arg1 win a World arg2" "arg1 will win a World arg2" "arg1 won the World arg2" "arg1 won the first World arg2" "arg1 that won the World arg2" "arg1 to win a World arg2" "arg1 to win the World arg2" "arg1 win the DDDD World arg2" "arg1 reach the World arg2" "arg1 will win the World arg2" "arg1 that went to the World arg2" "arg1 won the DDDD World arg2" "arg1 victory in the World arg2" "arg1 win the World arg2" "arg1 played in the World arg2" "arg1 go to the World arg2" "arg1 winning the World arg2" ] using (team, cup)
CPL @1108 (87.5%) on 07-jun-2018 [ "arg1 going to the World arg2" "arg1 to win their first World arg2" "arg1 in the DDDD World arg2" ] using (winner, cup)
CPL @1095 (99.6%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 to get to the World arg2" "arg1 to reach the World arg2" "arg1 to advance to the World arg2" "arg1 to win a World arg2" "arg1 to win the World arg2" "arg1 to win the DDDD World arg2" "arg1 to go to the World arg2" "arg1 to make the World arg2" ] using (order, cup)
CPL @1096 (99.6%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 that won the World arg2" "arg1 win the World arg2" "arg1 in the DDDD World arg2" "arg1 won the World arg2" "arg1 playing in the World arg2" "arg1 won their first World arg2" "arg1 to win their first World arg2" "arg1 win World arg2" ] using (women, cup)
CPL @1108 (99.2%) on 07-jun-2018 [ "arg1 in the DDDD World arg2" "arg1 to win the World arg2" "arg1 that won the World arg2" "arg1 to reach the World arg2" "arg1 to win their first World arg2" "arg1 to get to the World arg2" "arg1 to make the World arg2" ] using (talent, cup)
CPL @1096 (93.8%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 went to the World arg2" "arg1 of the ATP Masters arg2" "arg1 to win the World arg2" "arg1 they won the World arg2" ] using (end, cup)
CPL @1108 (87.5%) on 07-jun-2018 [ "arg1 in the DDDD World arg2" "arg1 to their first World arg2" "arg1 advance to the World arg2" ] using (champions, cup)
CPL @1096 (99.8%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 have won the World arg2" "arg1 playing in the World arg2" "arg1 advance to the World arg2" "arg1 had won the World arg2" "arg1 in the DDDD World arg2" "arg1 play in the World arg2" "arg1 advanced to the World arg2" "arg1 went to the World arg2" "arg1 that won the World arg2" ] using (nations, cup)
CPL @1095 (96.9%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 to advance to the World arg2" "arg1 to make the World arg2" "arg1 in the DDDD World arg2" "arg1 to win the DDDD World arg2" "arg1 to win the World arg2" ] using (favorites, cup)