SEAL @185 (96.9%) on 06-jan-2011 [ 12345 ] using taliban
CPL @1096 (68.7%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "troops ousted _" "terrorists associated with _" "attacks launched by _" "Islamic groups including _" "government forces fighting _" "Muslim groups such as _" "_ is not a monolithic organization" "_ launched a rocket attack" "current conflict with _" "attacks were claimed by _" "month , suspected _" "ground offensive against _" "militant groups , like _" "more attacks by _" "own operations against _" "extremists such as _" "forces are battling _" "cross-border attacks by _" "deadly attacks by _" "_ attacked a police post" "recent operations against _" "_ declared a ceasefire" "_ receives arms" "alleged member of _" "air strike aimed at _" "_ using human shields" "bomb maker for _" "insurgent group linked to _" "alleged affiliation with _" "extremist groups , including _" "hide-out of _" "Extremist groups like _" "_ 's central leadership" "US-led forces toppled _" "insurgent groups including _" "extremist movements like _" "Islamists of _" "US-led military campaign against _" "U.S.-led assault on _" "lethal support to _" "militia like _" "militants like _" "violent campaign by _" "_ has reportedly claimed responsibility" "_ have used civilians" "terrorist organization like _" "Iranian aid to _" "American-born member of _" "Militants loyal to _" "Iran is backing _" "Iran helping _" "_ is an Islamic movement" "_ linked group" "killing was claimed by _" "fighters affiliated with _" "hard-core elements of _" "foreign fighters of _" "_ 's moderate wing" "_ has no air force" "_ fled Kabul" "arms smuggling for _" "campaign ousted _" "complete disarming of _" "political factions , including _" "radical groups including _" "provocations by _" "ceasefire if _" "ideological ties with _" "_ are freedom fighters" "_ wrested control" "religious extremists like _" "bin Laden , destroy _" "immediate military action against _" "guerrillas known as _" "terrorists , such as _" "weapons destined for _" "video issued by _" "Afghanistan ruling _" "Iran has been helping _" "Islamic fundamentalism of _" "US talks with _" "US-led invasion ousted _" "Afghan forces toppled _" "resistance groups such as _" "terror campaign by _" "statement blaming _" "forces affiliated with _" "offensive targeting _" "tunnel dug by _" "military blow to _" "_ seized control" "proxy war through _" "recent war with _" "terrorists known as _" "drone strikes against suspected _" "militants affiliated with _" "terror groups like _" "terrorists are linked to _" "terrorist organizations including _" "forces ousted _" "further attacks by _" "government forces against _" "Iran is funding _" "_ 's military capability" "U.S.-led attack on _" "_ had been routed in" "fighters allied to _" "extremist organizations like _" "_ has been waging an insurgency" "_ had suspended talks" "current offensive against _" "extremists including _" "extreme groups like _" "_ 's senior military commander" "_ was using civilians" "bombings blamed on _" "_ 's war aim" "_ attacked the World Trade Center" "suicide bombings by _" "guerrilla war waged by _" "insurgency waged by _" "Afghanistan fell to _" "Iranian arms to _" "Afghan war against _" "fanatics such as _" "_ is an extremist group" "terror groups , including _" "top leader of _" "shoulder-fired missiles to _" "it is arming _" "_ operatives responsible" "_ 's foreign fighters" "U.S. ousted _" "_ 's safe havens" "Iran is arming _" "_ fired rockets" "terrorist attacks by _" "soldier held captive by _" "attacks perpetrated by _" "attacks have been attributed to _" "bombings perpetrated by _" "radical groups , such as _" "powerful recruiting tool for _" "_ fired several rockets" "_ have been waging an insurgency" "terrorist organisations such as _" "terrorist activities of _" "_ abandoned Kabul" "_ claims responsibility" "Pakistani military operations against _" "_ 's core leadership" "U.S. conflict with _" "_ inspired groups" "arms sanctions against _" "jihadist groups such as _" "_ harbored al Qaeda" "_ had vowed revenge" "_ does not want peace" "hostages kidnapped by _" "_ 's rockets" "elusive leader of _" "Sunni groups like _" "Laden , destroy _" "border raid by _" "terrorist networks , including _" "violence blamed on _" "elements sympathetic to _" "Saturday , suspected _" "Islamist movements like _" "Iranian arms shipments to _" "U.S. overthrew _" "_ 's operations chief" "Militants linked to _" "Radical groups such as _" "forces hunting _" "_ claimed Saturday" "_ has not claimed responsibility" "Interior Ministry blamed _" "military operation against _" "ongoing attacks by _" "cease-fire with _" "Iran has been supporting _" "_ 's religious fundamentalism" "Buddha statues destroyed by _" "Iranian involvement with _" "weapons shipments to _" "CIA funding of _" "U.S. attacks against _" "political headquarters of _" "retaliatory attack by _" "landmine planted by _" "militants associated with _" "reconciliation talks with _" "truce talks with _" "statues were destroyed by _" "terror imposed by _" "terrorist organization called _" "terrorists tied to _" "ideological ties to _" "separatist groups such as _" "suspected member of _" "cease-fire against _" "_ were using civilians" "_ wants the release" "_ are waging an insurgency" "_ 's violent campaign" "_ 's top operational commander" "_ 's shura" "ongoing operations against _" "group allied to _" "ceasefire with _" "United States toppled _" "ISI created _" "Islamist organizations like _" "American retaliation against _" "_ 's media savvy" "U.S. blamed _" "military blames _" "U.S.-led forces drove _" "U.S.-led coalition ousted _" "_ 's military control" "_ 's military activities" "major military operation against _" "human shields by _" "spring offensive against _" "terrorist groups , including _" "resistance led by _" "terrorists loyal to _" "terror groups including _" "illegal aid to _" "forces have been battling _" "such terrorists as _" "counterinsurgency campaign against _" "decisive military victory over _" "militant Islamic groups like _" "militants allied to _" "military assault against _" "rearming of _" "rocket attack from _" "militants belonging to _" "major backer of _" "moderate faction of _" "_ have regrouped in" "_ 's guerrilla campaign" "_ has vowed revenge" "province , suspected _" "armed members of _" "armed factions of _" "former senior commander of _" "ground war against _" "terrorist threats from _" "_ previously claimed responsibility" "troops have been battling _" "_ is regrouping in" "drone attacks against _" "rockets being fired by _" "_ 's elusive leader" "_ 's media arm" "joint government with _" "resistance movements such as _" "possible victory by _" "_ regrouping in" "_ initiated the attacks" "_ is not a terrorist group" "US-led attack on _" "bomb attacks blamed on _" "retaliatory strikes by _" "reconciliation efforts with _" "power-sharing arrangement with _" "_ use human shields" "_ also claimed responsibility" "_ did not attack the United States" "Iranian support of _" "coalition forces toppled _" "terrorist organization of _" "ceasefire deal with _" "cross-border infiltration by _" "strikes came after _" "_ is vowing revenge" "militants linked with _" "operation , aimed at _" "military battle against _" "bombings attributed to _" "deal has been reached with _" "terror attacks by _" "terrorist organization such as _" "guerrillas of _" "_ launched hundreds" "_ 's spiritual leader" "Islamists such as _" "Iran was arming _" "Islamist movements such as _" "militia called _" "officials blamed on _" "non-state actors like _" "fundamentalist groups , including _" "extremists linked to _" "attacks claimed by _" "_ later claimed responsibility" "attack claimed by _" "truce with _" "_ fighting U.S." "fighters belonging to _" "ceasefire agreement with _" "cross-border infiltration of _" "fierce fighting with _" "insurgent groups like _" "_ 's missile attacks" "_ 's terrorist activities" "NATO forces against _" "resistance groups , including _" "army offensives against _" "_ 's military infrastructure" "Operation against _" "Iranian support to _" "US war with _" "_ 's top leader" "_ sent a suicide bomber" "drone war against _" "armed groups like _" "arms bound for _" "insurgency launched by _" "bloody attacks by _" "attack was claimed by _" "political accommodation with _" "cross-border raids by _" "current war with _" "group allied with _" "_ linked fighters" "_ is an armed group" "_ 's extremist ideology" "Islamist movements , including _" "_ 's military commander" "_ 's political bureau" "terrorist groups including _" "terrorist organizations , including _" "_ won an election" "bomb attacks by _" "militant groups , such as _" "militias , such as _" "_ 's rocket launchers" "rebels known as _" "Terrorist organizations such as _" "_ 's indiscriminate killing" "Islamist groups including _" "Islamic fundamentalists of _" "continued attacks by _" "_ captured Herat" "_ executed dozens" "fugitive members of _" "fighters allied with _" "U.S.-led ouster of _" "truce agreement with _" "Islamic extremists , including _" "ISI support for _" "_ is an Iranian proxy" "insurgency led by _" "ideological links with _" "final push against _" "fundamentalist group called _" "spring offensive by _" "_ is waging an insurgency" "terrorists like _" "attack , claimed by _" "_ took Kabul" "terrorist groups , such as _" "training camp run by _" "militant organizations such as _" "moderate factions of _" "prisoner exchange with _" "military threat posed by _" "rocket attack by _" "senior commander of _" "disarming of _" "mortar shell fired by _" "one-eyed leader of _" "NATO forces fighting _" "Afghanistan run by _" "Islamic movements such as _" "_ threatens attacks" "_ is demanding the release" "_ launched rockets" "bombs placed by _" "child recruitment by _" "States toppled _" "areas now controlled by _" "_ is using civilians" "factions such as _" "drone strikes targeting _" "mili" ] using taliban
CPL @1100 (99.6%) on 31-jan-2018 [ "arg1 in February arg2" "arg1 regime in November arg2" "arg1 regime in late arg2" "arg1 in January arg2" "arg1 in April arg2" "arg1 in December arg2" "arg1 in September arg2" "arg1 in January of arg2" ] using (taliban, n2001)
CPL @1109 (96.9%) on 12-jun-2018 [ "arg1 in January arg2" "arg1 in December arg2" "arg1 in September arg2" "arg1 in February arg2" "arg1 in June arg2" ] using (taliban, n2008)
CPL @1096 (98.4%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 House and the American arg1" "arg2 House accused arg1" "arg2 House that arg1" "arg2 House says arg1" "arg2 House spokesman said that arg1" "arg2 House blames arg1" ] using (taliban, white)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 House and the American arg2" "arg1 House accused arg2" "arg1 House spokesman said that arg2" ] using (white, taliban)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 House and the American arg2" "arg1 House accused arg2" "arg1 House spokesman said that arg2" ] using (white, taliban)
CPL @1096 (98.4%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 House and the American arg1" "arg2 House accused arg1" "arg2 House that arg1" "arg2 House says arg1" "arg2 House spokesman said that arg1" "arg2 House blames arg1" ] using (taliban, white)
CPL @1104 (87.5%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 House and the American arg2" "arg1 House accused arg2" "arg1 House spokesman said that arg2" ] using (white, taliban)
CPL @1104 (87.5%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 House and the American arg2" "arg1 House accused arg2" "arg1 House spokesman said that arg2" ] using (white, taliban)
CPL @1095 (98.4%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 embargo on arg2" "arg1 shipment destined for arg2" "arg1 sales to arg2" "arg1 and ammunition from arg2" "arg1 embargo against arg2" "arg1 and ammunitions to arg2" ] using (arms, taliban)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 in possession of nuclear arg1" "arg2 get their hands on nuclear arg1" "arg2 from obtaining nuclear arg1" "arg2 have nuclear arg1" "arg2 to have nuclear arg1" "arg2 had nuclear arg1" "arg2 will possess nuclear arg1" "arg2 may have nuclear arg1" "arg2 developing nuclear arg1" "arg2 getting nuclear arg1" "arg2 from acquiring nuclear arg1" "arg2 acquire nuclear arg1" ] using (weapons, taliban)
CPL @1096 (98.4%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 House and the American arg1" "arg2 House accused arg1" "arg2 House that arg1" "arg2 House says arg1" "arg2 House spokesman said that arg1" "arg2 House blames arg1" ] using (taliban, white)
CPL @1096 (98.4%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 House and the American arg1" "arg2 House accused arg1" "arg2 House that arg1" "arg2 House says arg1" "arg2 House spokesman said that arg1" "arg2 House blames arg1" ] using (taliban, white)
CPL @1096 (98.4%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 House and the American arg1" "arg2 House accused arg1" "arg2 House that arg1" "arg2 House says arg1" "arg2 House spokesman said that arg1" "arg2 House blames arg1" ] using (taliban, white)
CPL @1096 (98.4%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 House and the American arg1" "arg2 House accused arg1" "arg2 House that arg1" "arg2 House says arg1" "arg2 House spokesman said that arg1" "arg2 House blames arg1" ] using (taliban, white)
CPL @1096 (98.4%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 House and the American arg1" "arg2 House accused arg1" "arg2 House that arg1" "arg2 House says arg1" "arg2 House spokesman said that arg1" "arg2 House blames arg1" ] using (taliban, white)
CPL @1096 (98.4%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 House and the American arg1" "arg2 House accused arg1" "arg2 House that arg1" "arg2 House says arg1" "arg2 House spokesman said that arg1" "arg2 House blames arg1" ] using (taliban, white)
CPL @1096 (98.4%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 House and the American arg1" "arg2 House accused arg1" "arg2 House that arg1" "arg2 House says arg1" "arg2 House spokesman said that arg1" "arg2 House blames arg1" ] using (taliban, white)
CPL @1096 (98.4%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 House and the American arg1" "arg2 House accused arg1" "arg2 House that arg1" "arg2 House says arg1" "arg2 House spokesman said that arg1" "arg2 House blames arg1" ] using (taliban, white)
CPL @1096 (98.4%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 House and the American arg1" "arg2 House accused arg1" "arg2 House that arg1" "arg2 House says arg1" "arg2 House spokesman said that arg1" "arg2 House blames arg1" ] using (taliban, white)
CPL @1096 (98.4%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 House and the American arg1" "arg2 House accused arg1" "arg2 House that arg1" "arg2 House says arg1" "arg2 House spokesman said that arg1" "arg2 House blames arg1" ] using (taliban, white)
CPL @1096 (98.4%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 House and the American arg1" "arg2 House accused arg1" "arg2 House that arg1" "arg2 House says arg1" "arg2 House spokesman said that arg1" "arg2 House blames arg1" ] using (taliban, white)
CPL @1096 (98.4%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 House and the American arg1" "arg2 House accused arg1" "arg2 House that arg1" "arg2 House says arg1" "arg2 House spokesman said that arg1" "arg2 House blames arg1" ] using (taliban, white)
CPL @1096 (98.4%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 House and the American arg1" "arg2 House accused arg1" "arg2 House that arg1" "arg2 House says arg1" "arg2 House spokesman said that arg1" "arg2 House blames arg1" ] using (taliban, white)
CPL @1096 (98.4%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 House and the American arg1" "arg2 House accused arg1" "arg2 House that arg1" "arg2 House says arg1" "arg2 House spokesman said that arg1" "arg2 House blames arg1" ] using (taliban, white)
CPL @1096 (98.4%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 House and the American arg1" "arg2 House accused arg1" "arg2 House that arg1" "arg2 House says arg1" "arg2 House spokesman said that arg1" "arg2 House blames arg1" ] using (taliban, white)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 House and the American arg2" "arg1 House accused arg2" "arg1 House spokesman said that arg2" ] using (white, taliban)
CPL @1104 (87.5%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 House and the American arg2" "arg1 House accused arg2" "arg1 House spokesman said that arg2" ] using (white, taliban)