CPL @1105 (62.4%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "Orders placed before _" "events run from _" "entertainment beginning at _" "sessions run from _" "polls closed at _" "party begins at _" "concert starts at _" "weekends starting at _" "workshop is from _" "free parking after _" "accident happened shortly before _" "office is open until _" "_ Closed Sundays" "accident happened around _" "check-out until _" "show begins at _" "auction starting at _" "accident happened at about _" "Dinner is served from _" "weekday from _" "evening starts at _" "dinner at about _" "meeting at about _" "Festivities start at _" "game is set for _" "evenings from _" "tournament starting at _" "dinner starting at _" "afternoon starting at _" "show starts at _" "party starts at _" "orders placed after _" "gallery hours are _" "open weekends from _" "afternoon beginning at _" "movie starts at _" "meeting ended at _" "lunch at about _" "we arrived there around _" "phone hours are _" "party starting at _" "restaurant closes at _" "entertainment starts at _" "reception starts at _" "games start at _" "show started at _" "room opens at _" "accident occurred shortly before _" "last admission at _" "evenings starting at _" "they closed at _" "night at around _" "town at around _" "discussion begins at _" "dinner is served from _" "entertainment begins at _" "event runs from _" "silent auction starts at _" "yesterday at about _" "show begins promptly at _" "store at about _" "car at about _" "Auction starts at _" "check-in is from _" "day at around _" "crash occurred just after _" "music starting at _" "Meetings start at _" "weeknights from _" "Last night at about _" "Doors open at _" "Friday afternoons from _" "Reception from _" "fire started at about _" "Office hours are _" "Last night about _" "Classes run from _" "Thursdays from _" "Guests arriving after _" "Last updated at _" "Friday night around _" "Arrival time is _" "chat begins at _" "bar is open from _" "event begins at _" "kicks off at _" "night until about _" "accident occurred about _" "last night at around _" "classes are scheduled from _" "gates open at _" "store is open until _" "Class starts at _" "Show time is _" "Sale ends at _" "performance begins at _" "meetings begin at _" "meeting closed at _" "_ am with" "night starting at _" "order placed after _" "breakfast served from _" "workshops are from _" "classes starting at _" "events beginning at _" "match begins at _" "live beginning at _" "matches start at _" "month beginning at _" "parking lot at about _" "performances beginning at _" "early morning until about _" "desk closes at _" "bar opens at _" "auction closes at _" "performances start at _" "night starts at _" "class is from _" "_ Closed major holidays" "_ Closed weekends" "auction starts at _" "practice starting at _" "scripture service at _" "office opens at _" "Registration opens at _" "today beginning at _" "day at about _" "doubleheader beginning at _" "cash bar opens at _" "ceremony beginning at _" "place at around _" "Saturdays , from _" "We arrived around _" "Concerts are at _" "action starts at _" "orders received before _" "it is open from _" "open house from _" "orders received after _" "she slept from _" "shawna at _" "music starts at _" "Activities begin at _" "Wednesdays from _" "class ends at _" "contest starts at _" "_ throw a bone Send" "concert beginning at _" "dinner starts at _" "doors open at _" "activities begin at _" "event beginning at _" "kitchen closes at _" "open Saturdays from _" "order received before _" "conference call at _" "box office opens at _" "Regular hours are _" "Check-in time is between _" "Show starts at _" "racing starts at _" "road at about _" "_ am on" "meeting is set for _" "dinner until about _" "contest begins at _" "Wednesday nights at _" "Sundays starting at _" "meeting is tonight at _" "_ Closed Mondays" "times are from _" "tip-off is set for _" "ceremonies begin at _" "doors opening at _" "sale begins at _" "card beginning at _" "apartment at about _" "activities beginning at _" "alarm was set for _" "park opens at _" "Sunday afternoons from _" "pregame show at _" "presentation begins at _" "programs begin at _" "Tuesdays from _" "class runs from _" "games begin at _" "home at about _" "registration opens at _" "Monday nights from _" "it was already past _" "it gets dark at _" "Hours are _" "_ Closed Saturday" "month @ _" "meeting time is _" "office at about _" "auction beginning at _" "nap around _" "bar open until _" "afternoons from _" "Competition closes at _" "crash occurred about _" "_ pacific time" "clock says _" "call today beginning at _" "Monday evenings at _" "dancing starts at _" "morning til _" "dining room opens at _" "concerts start at _" "films begin at _" "seating begins at _" "broadcast begins at _" "effect until _" "It happened around _" "meeting beginning at _" "program is scheduled from _" "workshops run from _" "_ am session" "first pitch is set for _" "meeting starts at _" "noon to _" "films start at _" "fair opens at _" "festivities start at _" "program airs at _" "reception starting at _" "store closes at _" "food served until _" "week starting at _" "evening starting at _" "gate opens at _" "night , at around _" "we arrived at around _" "night at about _" "Meetings run from _" "registration begins at _" "Concerts start at _" "Tuesdays at _" "Thursday nights from _" "Lunch is served from _" "happy hour from _" "pre-concert talk at _" "buffet starts at _" "clock reads _" "day starting at _" "service beginning at _" "pitch is set for _" "club is open from _" "open bar from _" "_ Closed Thanksgiving" "_ Closed on" "hour begins at _" "concert started at _" "concert begins at _" "station closes at _" "Wednesday nights from _" "arrivals after _" "meeting was adjourned at _" "evening beginning at _" "_ Meeting starts" "_ Respectfully submitted by" "concert starting at _" "card begins at _" "silent auction beginning at _" "Registration begins at _" "last night around _" "services begin at _" "you sleep at _" "dinner is served until _" "evening performances begin at _" "available beginning at _" "dinner beginning at _" "ceremony starts at _" "order is received before _" "nights starting at _" "Registration is from _" "front desk closes at _" "Show hours are _" "hours end at _" "order is placed before _" "program starts at _" "_ AM Pacific" "dance lesson at _" "open house begins at _" "morning until about _" "Gallery hours are _" "fights begin at _" "Orders placed after _" "we are open until _" "home at around _" "you are arriving after _" "_ Add A Comment CheatersKrypt.com" "Fridays from _" "event starts at _" "sales end at _" "_ am at" "we left around _" "pre-concert lecture at _" "sessions begin at _" "silent auction begins at _" "flights departing after _" "evening begins at _" "you arrive between _" "airs weekdays at _" "Opening hours are _" "_ Closed Monday" "Sundays from _" "orders placed before _" "accident happened about _" "workshop beginning at _" "classes run from _" "Payments made after _" "Work hours are _" "parking after _" "non-public session at _" "live music starting at _" "fun starts at _" "meeting began at _" "lecture begins at _" "worship begins at _" "event started at _" "wake service at _" "office closes at _" "prices are as of _" "_ FIled Under" "Council meets at _" "music begins at _" "fire started about _" "auction begins at _" "Tipoff is slated for _" "We got there around _" "Sunday evenings from _" "bar starting at _" "evenings start at _" "evenings , beginning at _" "hours are from _" "open dancing until _" "school day from _" "bed at about _" "start time is _" "game starts at _" "screening begins at _" "shooting happened around _" "park is open until _" "Saturdays from _" "ungodly hour of _" "they stay open until _" "meetings start at _" "Sundays , from _" "concerts begin at _" "doors are open from _" "dance starts at _" "power as of _" "kickoff is at _" "We leave at _" "lounge is open until _" "cruise departs at _" "bus leaves at _" "lot at about _" "shows begin at _" "meeting begins at _" "Dinner begins at _" "games beginning at _" "_ am CST" "tips off at _" "shooting occurred about _" "performances begin at _" "_ Closed Sunday" "incident occurred about _" "hotel at about _" "kickoff set for _" "it is dark by _" "last tour begins at _" "R DD.DD.DD at _" "festivities begin at _" "_ am In" "session runs from _" "regular session at _" "park closed at _" "game begins at _" "dinner begins at _" "We left around _" "events start at _" "banquet begins at _" "crash happened about _" "conference call today beginning at _" "Wednesdays , from _" "available starting at _" "available weekdays from _" "talks begin at _" "Concert starts at _" "Sunday night at about _" "Kickoff is set for _" "Polls are open from _" "rebroadcast at _" "program begins at _" "ceremony begins at _" "check-out time of _" "specials until _" "polls close at _" "races start at _" "month , starting at _" "Performances start at _" "Sessions run from _" "puck drops at _" "Visitation is from _" "weekdays after _" "we got there about _" "weekdays from _" "service begins at _" "kickoff is set for _" "mall closes at _" "celebration begins at _" "Dinner served from _" "Monday evenings from _" "Rehearsals are held from _" "office hours are _" ] using pm
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1094 (99.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 him for more arg1" "arg2 us with further arg1" "arg2 us for more arg1" "arg2 me using the contact arg1" "arg2 here to ask for more arg1" "arg2 us your contact arg1" "arg2 me for ordering arg1" "arg2 us for any further arg1" "arg2 us for further arg1" "arg2 them for more arg1" ] using (details, pm)
CPL @1094 (99.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 him for more arg1" "arg2 us your contact arg1" "arg2 us for further arg1" "arg2 us if you require more arg1" "arg2 her for more arg1" "arg2 us for more arg1" "arg2 me for ordering arg1" "arg2 us for any more arg1" "arg2 us if you need more arg1" "arg2 them for more arg1" ] using (info, pm)
CPL @1103 (93.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 us directly via arg2" "arg1 my office by arg2" "arg1 the seller by arg2" "arg1 our webmaster via arg2" ] using (contact, pm)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 at Golden Funeral arg1" "arg2 at Stump Funeral arg1" "arg2 at Kilpatrick Funeral arg1" "arg2 at Miller Funeral arg1" "arg2 at Richardson Funeral arg1" "arg2 at the Meiselwitz Funeral arg1" "arg2 at Cox Funeral arg1" "arg2 at Mulhearn Funeral arg1" "arg2 at Powell Funeral arg1" "arg2 at the funeral arg1" "arg2 at the Funeral arg1" ] using (home, pm)
CPL @1103 (93.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 us directly via arg2" "arg1 my office by arg2" "arg1 the seller by arg2" "arg1 our webmaster via arg2" ] using (contact, pm)
CPL @1094 (99.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 him for more arg1" "arg2 us your contact arg1" "arg2 us for further arg1" "arg2 us if you require more arg1" "arg2 her for more arg1" "arg2 us for more arg1" "arg2 me for ordering arg1" "arg2 us for any more arg1" "arg2 us if you need more arg1" "arg2 them for more arg1" ] using (info, pm)
CPL @1103 (93.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 us directly via arg2" "arg1 my office by arg2" "arg1 the seller by arg2" "arg1 our webmaster via arg2" ] using (contact, pm)
CPL @1094 (99.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 him for more arg1" "arg2 us your contact arg1" "arg2 us for further arg1" "arg2 us if you require more arg1" "arg2 her for more arg1" "arg2 us for more arg1" "arg2 me for ordering arg1" "arg2 us for any more arg1" "arg2 us if you need more arg1" "arg2 them for more arg1" ] using (info, pm)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 or concerns please arg2" "arg1 about this policy please arg2" "arg1 or comments please arg2" "arg1 or problems please arg2" ] using (questions, pm)
CPL @1094 (99.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 him for more arg1" "arg2 us with further arg1" "arg2 us for more arg1" "arg2 me using the contact arg1" "arg2 here to ask for more arg1" "arg2 us your contact arg1" "arg2 me for ordering arg1" "arg2 us for any further arg1" "arg2 us for further arg1" "arg2 them for more arg1" ] using (details, pm)
CPL @1103 (93.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 us directly via arg2" "arg1 my office by arg2" "arg1 the seller by arg2" "arg1 our webmaster via arg2" ] using (contact, pm)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 or concerns please arg2" "arg1 about this policy please arg2" "arg1 or comments please arg2" "arg1 or problems please arg2" ] using (questions, pm)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 at Golden Funeral arg1" "arg2 at Stump Funeral arg1" "arg2 at Kilpatrick Funeral arg1" "arg2 at Miller Funeral arg1" "arg2 at Richardson Funeral arg1" "arg2 at the Meiselwitz Funeral arg1" "arg2 at Cox Funeral arg1" "arg2 at Mulhearn Funeral arg1" "arg2 at Powell Funeral arg1" "arg2 at the funeral arg1" "arg2 at the Funeral arg1" ] using (home, pm)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 at Golden Funeral arg1" "arg2 at Stump Funeral arg1" "arg2 at Kilpatrick Funeral arg1" "arg2 at Miller Funeral arg1" "arg2 at Richardson Funeral arg1" "arg2 at the Meiselwitz Funeral arg1" "arg2 at Cox Funeral arg1" "arg2 at Mulhearn Funeral arg1" "arg2 at Powell Funeral arg1" "arg2 at the funeral arg1" "arg2 at the Funeral arg1" ] using (home, pm)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 at Golden Funeral arg1" "arg2 at Stump Funeral arg1" "arg2 at Kilpatrick Funeral arg1" "arg2 at Miller Funeral arg1" "arg2 at Richardson Funeral arg1" "arg2 at the Meiselwitz Funeral arg1" "arg2 at Cox Funeral arg1" "arg2 at Mulhearn Funeral arg1" "arg2 at Powell Funeral arg1" "arg2 at the funeral arg1" "arg2 at the Funeral arg1" ] using (home, pm)