mount_holyoke_college (trainstation)
literal strings: mount-holyoke-college , Mount Holyoke college , mount_holyoke_college , mount holyoke college , MOUNT HOLYOKE COLLEGE , Mount Holyoke College
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trainstation (100.0%)CMC @739 (100.0%) on 06-jun-2013 [ SUFFIX=llege 6.79003 SUFFIX=lege 6.78679 SUFFIX=ege 6.62385 PREFIX=colle 6.30269 PREFIX=coll 4.93130 PREFIX=col 4.91612 SUFFIX=ge 3.07978 LASTPREFIX=co -3.73755 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a -4.50654 WORDS -6.70229 ] using mount_holyoke_college SEAL @551 (50.0%) on 10-apr-2012 [ 1 ] using mount_holyoke_college
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey inverseofpersongraduatedfromuniversity susan CPL @1107 (50.0%) on 24-may-2018 [ "arg1 graduated from arg2" ] using (susan, mount_holyoke_college)
schoolattendedbyperson amy CPL @1098 (50.0%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 holds a BA from arg2" ] using (amy, mount_holyoke_college)
schoolgraduatedperson amy CPL @1098 (50.0%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 holds a BA from arg2" ] using (amy, mount_holyoke_college)
teamalsoknownas state_university CPL @1095 (75.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and her medical degree from arg1" "arg2 and Wayne arg1" ] using (state_university, mount_holyoke_college) CPL @1095 (75.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and her medical degree from arg1" "arg2 and Wayne arg1" ] using (mount_holyoke_college, state_university)
universityoperatesinlanguage english CPL @1094 (98.4%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Composition from arg2" "arg1 and German Literature at arg2" "arg1 and Theatre Arts from arg2" "arg1 Language and Literature at arg2" "arg1 Literature and History from arg2" "arg1 Literature from arg2" ] using (english, mount_holyoke_college)
latin CPL @1104 (87.5%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 American Studies Program at arg2" "arg1 and Greek from arg2" "arg1 American and Caribbean Studies at arg2" ] using (latin, mount_holyoke_college)
russian CPL @1095 (96.9%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and Eurasian studies at arg2" "arg1 Literature and Culture from arg2" "arg1 language and literature at arg2" "arg1 language and literature from arg2" "arg1 and Eurasian Studies at arg2" ] using (russian, mount_holyoke_college)
spanish CPL @1095 (75.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Literature from arg2" "arg1 language and culture at arg2" ] using (spanish, mount_holyoke_college)
inverseofpersongraduatedfromuniversity kim CPL @1098 (50.0%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 is a graduate of arg2" ] using (kim, mount_holyoke_college)
nancy001 CPL @1108 (50.0%) on 07-jun-2018 [ "arg1 is a graduate of arg2" ] using (nancy, mount_holyoke_college)
joan CPL @1116 (50.0%) on 06-sep-2018 [ "arg1 is a graduate of arg2" ] using (joan, mount_holyoke_college)
sarah CPL @1096 (75.0%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 is a graduate of arg2" "arg1 graduated with honors from arg2" ] using (sarah, mount_holyoke_college)
schoolattendedbyperson beth CPL @1097 (50.0%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg1 holds a BA from arg2" ] using (beth, mount_holyoke_college)
sarah CPL @1097 (50.0%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg1 graduated with honors from arg2" ] using (sarah, mount_holyoke_college)
schoolgraduatedperson nancy001 CPL @1099 (50.0%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg1 is a graduate of arg2" ] using (nancy, mount_holyoke_college)
joan CPL @1100 (50.0%) on 31-jan-2018 [ "arg1 is a graduate of arg2" ] using (joan, mount_holyoke_college)
sarah CPL @1094 (75.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 is a graduate of arg2" "arg1 graduated with honors from arg2" ] using (sarah, mount_holyoke_college)