MBL @422 (100.0%) on 23-sep-2011 [ Promotion of transportation:lirr transportationincity attraction:nyc ]
SEAL @248 (93.8%) on 12-may-2011 [ 1234 ] using lirr
MBL @1116 (100.0%) on 12-sep-2018 [ Promotion of transportation:lirr transportationincity attraction:nyc ] using concept:transportation:lirr
CPL @1109 (51.3%) on 12-jun-2018 [ "Station , take _" "trains operated by _" "commodities carried by _" "public transportation , including _" "pocket size travel map with _" "transportation is available by _" "transit projects like _" "you 're coming by _" "train Take _" "Park station of _" "transportation such as _" "_ operates trains" "reduced fares on _" "_ takes commuters" "_ runs trains" "_ also stops at" "_ trains stop at" "commuters riding _" "we boarded _" "commute via _" "daily commuter on _" "Train Take _" "_ built a spur" "Station waiting for _" "travel map with _" "commuters ride _" "passengers riding _" "_ trains depart from" "Street station of _" "_ 's Penn Station" "_ is a commuter train" "round-trip ticket on _" "size travel map with _" "_ trains operate on" "It is easily accessible by _" "Avenue stop on _" "transportation hubs , including _" "Penn Station , take _" "_ stopped regularly at" ] using lirr