OE @832 (94.3%) on 18-apr-2014 [ ] using fletcher_school
CPL @1107 (97.9%) on 24-may-2018 [ "graduate student at _" "Diplomatic Studies at _" "media fellow at _" "environmental policy at _" "law degrees from _" "last semester at _" "modern Chinese history at _" "faculty at _" "Ph.D. student at _" "Asian studies at _" "Arts candidate at _" "international economics from _" "masters candidate at _" "economics from _" "American universities such as _" "He previously taught at _" "international political economy at _" "Arts degrees from _" "Master’s degrees from _" "master’s degree program at _" "management degree program at _" "master?s degree at _" "Studies Program at _" "teaching fellow at _" "public policy from _" "international law professor at _" "International Security Studies at _" "Master’s student at _" "graduate degree from _" "graduate work at _" "Doctoral Candidate at _" "international economics at _" "master’s at _" "he also studied at _" "international relations from _" "Arts degree from _" "Studies at _" "Ph.D. at _" "Studies from _" "Middle Eastern Studies at _" "Ph.D at _" "She is currently attending _" "professor at _" "Master’s degree at _" "He subsequently studied at _" "international affairs from _" "Asian studies from _" "Fellows program at _" "doctorate from _" "degree at _" "Doctoral degrees from _" "He graduated from _" "foundation relations at _" "doctorate student at _" "Doctoral degree from _" "Development Studies from _" "honors graduate of _" "diplomatic history at _" "degrees from _" "environmental studies at _" "diplomat-in-residence at _" "M. A. from _" "Chinese history at _" "dance studies at _" "PhD degrees from _" "Ph.D. thesis at _" "universities such as _" "international relations at _" "academic dean at _" "master 's from _" "lecturer at _" "Ph.D. degrees from _" "additional graduate work at _" "law professor at _" "graduate school at _" "international affairs at _" "first-year student at _" "Ph.D. dissertation at _" "Latin American Studies at _" "security studies from _" "international studies from _" "European Studies at _" "three-time graduate of _" "student at _" "students currently enrolled at _" "sociology from _" "Asian Studies Program at _" "political science from _" "universities , including _" "doctoral student at _" "development economics at _" "Southeast Asia Studies at _" "American Studies at _" "arts degree from _" "M.A. at _" "M.A. degrees from _" "MA degrees from _" "degree from _" "environmental policy from _" "She graduated from _" "security studies at _" "studies at _" "summer institute at _" "international political economy from _" "Hellenic Studies at _" "Asia studies at _" "Ph.D. from _" "MA degree from _" "development economics from _" "economics at _" "M.A from _" "Graduate students at _" "PhD candidate at _" "LL.M. program at _" "student currently enrolled at _" "European studies at _" "graduate of _" "adjunct professor at _" "political economy at _" "public health at _" "Eastern Studies at _" "PhD student at _" "post-graduate work at _" "political science at _" "Korean history at _" "Masters degree from _" "year student at _" "PhD from _" "international security studies at _" "he was studying at _" "science from _" "law at _" "graduate degrees from _" "Asia Studies at _" "Conflict Studies at _" "Masters degrees from _" "Master?s degree from _" "M.A. degree from _" "Doctorate degrees from _" "science at _" ] using fletcher_school
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey