CMC @1107 (100.0%) on 24-may-2018 [ POS=IN 3.66383 SUFFIX=llege 2.32736 SUFFIX=lege 2.29539 SUFFIX=ege 2.28750 PREFIX=colle 2.22149 PREFIX=coll 1.97304 SUFFIX=ge 1.32375 LASTSUFFIX=nd -0.48588 WORDS -2.93706 CHARS -10.60208 ] using loyola_college_in_maryland
CPL @1096 (97.8%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "code search by _" "school code search by _" "institution , visit _" "student at _" "honors from _" "FAFSA federal school code search by _" "federal school code search by _" ] using loyola_college_in_maryland
OE @806 (100.0%) on 23-jan-2014 [ ] using loyola_college
SEAL @695 (60.2%) on 08-feb-2013 [ 1 ] using loyola_college_in_maryland
CPL @1100 (97.4%) on 30-jan-2018 [ "Science degree from _" "Murphy graduated from _" "educational administration from _" "business administration , from _" "MBA degree from _" "psychology professor at _" "Doyle graduated from _" "Education degree at _" "Recent graduate from _" "Phi Beta Kappa graduate of _" "economics from _" "creative writing at _" "Humane Letters degree from _" "Alison graduated from _" "Administration degree at _" "choral activities at _" "campus minister at _" "Speech-Language Pathology at _" "engineering science from _" "biological sciences from _" "Omega chapter at _" "He currently teaches writing at _" "Business Administration degrees from _" "Communication Arts at _" "Randy graduated from _" "studies at _" "magna cum laude from _" "legal ethics at _" "She teaches writing at _" "graduate degree from _" "Writer-in-Residence at _" "Studies from _" "political scientist at _" "bachelor degree from _" "care administration from _" "psychology department at _" "psychology at _" "administration major at _" "psychology from _" "Marketing degree from _" "electrical engineering from _" "collegiate lacrosse at _" "business economics from _" "music faculty of _" "music theory from _" "B.A. magna cum laude from _" "M.S. degrees from _" "Morse graduated from _" "Kappa graduate of _" "Liberal Studies from _" "Arts degree from _" "business administration major at _" "cum laude graduate of _" "he was educated at _" "degree at _" "first black graduate of _" "faculty at _" "foreign language department at _" "health care administration from _" "counselor education at _" "M.B.A from _" "laude graduate of _" "_ is the only private institution" "law degree from _" "campus apartments in _" "Jazz Studies at _" "M.S. degree at _" "laws degree from _" "school counseling from _" "counseling psychology at _" "graduate work at _" "mathematics major at _" "military graduate from _" "career advisor at _" "student years at _" " is not affiliated with _" "he graduated from _" "degrees from _" "science professor at _" "LL.M. program at _" "MSEE from _" "successful college career at _" "student radio station at _" "researchers at _" "business administration from _" "Communication program at _" "Bachelor degree Creative Writing _" "MBA courses at _" "Art History at _" "art historian at _" "campus of _" "Communications program at _" "Student newspaper of _" "Education degrees from _" "Maryland , graduated from _" "honors from _" "She is currently attending _" "Economics degree from _" "M.B.A. degree from _" "science degree from _" "former professor at _" "psychology department of _" "post-graduate work at _" "political science at _" "pre-med student at _" "magna cum laude , from _" "doctoral student at _" "student at _" "degree from _" "MBA degrees from _" "Ellis graduated from _" "actuarial science at _" "adjunct professor at _" "counseling psychology from _" "Commerce degree from _" "basketball career at _" "clinical psychology from _" "He graduated from _" "laude from _" "sophomore student at _" "senior marketing major at _" "Carter graduated from _" "graduate degrees from _" "Economics student at _" "English degree from _" "M.S. degree from _" "undergraduate degree from _" "undergraduate degree at _" "various universities including _" "writing instructor at _" "universities , including _" "black graduate of _" "creative writing from _" "economics department at _" "college apartments around _" "Arts cum laude from _" "biology major at _" "political science professor at _" "philosophy professor at _" "economics professor at _" "elementary education from _" "computer science at _" "student newspaper of _" "summa cum laude from _" "Education degree from _" "assistant coaching job at _" "history professor at _" "academic dean at _" "High School he attended _" "Business degree from _" "honorary degree from _" "fine arts from _" "summa cum laude , from _" "undergraduate education from _" "mass communications from _" "honorary degrees from _" "computer science graduate of _" "campus housing at _" "Journalism students at _" "Bachelors degree from _" "Mathematics department at _" "B.A. degree from _" "B.S. degree from _" "Engineering Science degree from _" "lecturer at _" "Communication Arts from _" "Communications graduate from _" "school administration from _" "laude , from _" "campus ministry at _" "adjunct faculty member at _" "Business Administration degree from _" "Stein graduated from _" "Letters degree from _" "English program at _" "administration degree from _" "professor at _" "healthcare management from _" "Cum Laude graduate of _" "Finance degree from _" "humane letters from _" "film studies at _" "M.B.A. degrees from _" "English department at _" "career counselor at _" "theology at _" "science at _" "arts degree from _" "Doctoral degrees from _" "M.B.A. program at _" "undergraduate studies at _" "He teaches at _" "graduate school at _" "cum laude , from _" "political science from _" "She graduated from _" "commencement address at _" "Administration degrees from _" "Laude graduate of _" "BBA degree from _" "media studies at _" "collegiate level at _" "communication arts from _" "adjunct instructor at _" "Ph.D. program at _" "Computer Science department at _" "Administration degree from _" "Studies at _" "Pathology at _" "School he attended _" "sociology professor at _" "liberal studies at _" "Beta Kappa graduate of _" "A.B. degree from _" "graduate of _" "degree Creative Writing _" "I graduated from _" "M.B.A. from _" "undergraduate work at _" "sociology from _" "students currently enrolled at _" "literature course at _" "college soccer at _" "English literature from _" "she also taught at _" "universities such as _" "Masters degree from _" "graduate business program at _" "degree cum laude from _" "computer science degree at _" "Kennedy graduated from _" "Business Administration degree at _" "Graduate students attending _" "engineering from _" "physics professor at _" "psychology major at _" "college relations at _" "computer engineering from _" "economics at _" "Baker graduated from _" "cum laude from _" "commerce graduate from _" "law at _" "talk you gave at _" "undergraduate degree is from _" "Championships , hosted by _" "MBA candidates at _" "business administration degree from _" "photography professor at _" "Teaching program at _" "science from _" ] using loyola_college
SEAL @189 (100.0%) on 15-jan-2011 [ 1234567891011 ] using loyola_college
CMC @731 (100.0%) on 05-may-2013 [ SUFFIX=llege 4.77143 SUFFIX=lege 4.32051 SUFFIX=ege 4.22050 PREFIX=colle 4.18771 PREFIX=coll 3.84042 LASTSUFFIX=lege 2.59161 LASTSUFFIX=llege 2.55110 FULL_POS=NN_NN -1.21518 FULL_WORDSHAPE=a_a -1.76094 WORDS -2.51777 ] using loyola_college
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Literature at arg2" "arg1 and Writing from arg2" "arg1 Literature from arg2" "arg1 Literature in DDDD from arg2" ] using (english, loyola_college)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey