CMC @1107 (99.9%) on 24-may-2018 [ PREFIX=un 4.16398 SUFFIX=ity 4.11499 SUFFIX=rsity 4.01965 SUFFIX=sity 3.86826 PREFIX=unive 3.85854 PREFIX=univ 3.85494 PREFIX=uni 3.58249 POS=NNS -1.96694 WORDS -10.58998 CHARS -11.03478 ] using loyola_university_new_orleans
CPL @1115 (93.9%) on 26-aug-2018 [ "_ is accredited regionally by" "Religious Studies at _" "degrees from _" "graduate degree from _" "environmental studies from _" "Loan Network service by _" "Nursing degree from _" "Studies at _" "Administration degree at _" "political science from _" "Journalism from _" "pastoral studies from _" "B.A. degree from _" "Loans *The appearance of _" "adjunct professor at _" "Studies from _" "Professions at _" "student at _" "Plus Loans *The appearance of _" "universities like _" "Criminal Justice degree from _" "faculty at _" "Environmental Studies at _" "psychology at _" "student newspaper of _" "summa cum laude from _" "legal ethics at _" "law degrees from _" "She graduated from _" "law course at _" "campus minister at _" "graduate school at _" "undergraduate studies at _" "I graduated from _" "degree at _" "She studied acting at _" "administration degree from _" "magna cum laude from _" "religious studies from _" "second-year law student at _" "Experience program at _" "Kristin graduated from _" "political science professor at _" "cum laude , from _" "Juris Doctor from _" "history professor at _" "juris doctorate at _" "environmental law at _" "music therapy at _" "science professor at _" "Music Education degree from _" "music composition from _" "undergraduate degree is from _" "graduate student at _" "English department at _" "law school at _" "Business Administration degree at _" "Dana graduated from _" "Graduate students attending _" "federal school code search by _" "communications degree from _" "graphic design program at _" "history major at _" "Request Information from _" "Bachelors from _" "FAFSA federal school code search by _" "environmental studies at _" "researchers at _" "JD from _" "he graduated from _" "Pastoral Studies at _" "computer science at _" "Classical Studies at _" "studies at _" "J.D. from _" "Vocal Studies at _" "post-graduate programs at _" "law professor at _" "degree from _" "code search by _" "Doctor from _" "studies professor at _" "law degree from _" "Gamma chapter at _" "political science at _" "He graduated from _" "Network service by _" "Beta chapter at _" "summa cum laude , from _" "associate dean at _" "economics at _" "academic endeavors at _" "*The appearance of _" "Education degree from _" "prof at _" "Religious Education degree from _" "Free info about _" "educational administration from _" "business administration degree from _" "graduate of _" "Stafford Loans by _" "law student at _" "psychology from _" "science from _" "longtime professor at _" "Student Loan Network service by _" "senior development officer at _" "vertebrate animals at _" "economics professor at _" "business administration from _" "laude , from _" "science at _" "campus of _" "Music degree from _" "laude from _" "you graduating from _" "law clinic at _" "third year law student at _" "school code search by _" "religious education from _" "cum laude from _" "economics from _" "creative writing at _" "Justice degree from _" "undergraduate degree from _" "year law student at _" "Jazz Studies from _" "college apartments around _" "law at _" "adjunct faculties of _" "professor at _" "piano performance from _" "Student Rentals near _" "Science degree from _" "freshman attending _" ] using loyola_university_new_orleans
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~X0~concept:mutualproxyfor,concept:superpartof,concept:atlocation" "Y~X0~concept:mutualproxyfor,concept:mutualproxyfor,concept:atlocation" "Y~X0~concept:proxyof,concept:citysportsteams,concept:proxyof" "Y~X0~concept:mutualproxyfor,concept:relatedto,concept:atlocation" "Y~X0~concept:proxyof" ] using (loyola_university_new_orleans, new_orleans)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey